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#1 2023-08-28 20:41:24

Registered: 2020-10-28
Posts: 3

8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

This device seems to pair successfully, but actually connecting to it errors out:

5.9ms 02:08pm 08/28 w00t@archlinux:~ 
$ bluetoothctl scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller 00:C0:CA:B5:58:98 Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 8BitDo Pro 2
^C5.616s 02:08pm 08/28 w00t@archlinux:~ 
$ bluetoothctl pair E4:17:D8:E7:34:46
Attempting to pair with E4:17:D8:E7:34:46
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 Bonded: yes
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 Modalias: usb:v045Ep02E0d0903
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
3.456s 02:08pm 08/28 w00t@archlinux:~ 
$ bluetoothctl trust E4:17:D8:E7:34:46
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 Trusted: yes
Changing E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 trust succeeded
6.9ms 02:08pm 08/28 w00t@archlinux:~ 
$ bluetoothctl connect E4:17:D8:E7:34:46
Attempting to connect to E4:17:D8:E7:34:46
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:E7:34:46 ServicesResolved: yes
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable br-connection-profile-unavailable

When pairing with KDE's settings, the wizard says The setup of 8BitDo Pro 2 has failed, but the device shows as available in the device list thereafter. Attempting to connect to it seems to throw it into a connect/disconnect loop that spams my notifications with seemingly no other helpful messages. This is what's looping in journalctl -xefu bluetooth.service:

Aug 28 14:28:54 archlinux bluetoothd[8797]: profiles/input/server.c:connect_event_cb() Refusing input device connect: No such file or directory (2)
Aug 28 14:28:54 archlinux bluetoothd[8797]: profiles/input/server.c:confirm_event_cb() Refusing connection from E4:17:D8:E7:34:46: unknown device
Aug 28 14:36:58 archlinux bluetoothd[8797]: src/service.c:service_probe() input-hid profile probe failed for E4:17:D8:E7:34:46
Aug 28 14:38:34 archlinux bluetoothd[8797]: src/device.c:search_cb() E4:17:D8:E7:34:46: error updating services: Host is down (112)
Aug 28 14:38:48 archlinux bluetoothd[8797]: profiles/input/server.c:connect_event_cb() Refusing input device connect: No such file or directory (2)
Aug 28 14:38:48 archlinux bluetoothd[8797]: profiles/input/server.c:confirm_event_cb() Refusing connection from E4:17:D8:E7:34:46: unknown device

I really have no idea what the problem is here.
These are my installed Bluetooth packages:

$ pacman -Ss bluetooth | grep -i install
extra/bluedevil 1:5.27.7-1 (plasma) [installed]
extra/blueman 2.3.5-2 [installed]
extra/bluez 5.69-1 [installed]
extra/bluez-hid2hci 5.69-1 [installed]
extra/bluez-libs 5.69-1 [installed]
extra/bluez-utils 5.69-1 [installed]
extra/hidapi 0.14.0-1 [installed]
extra/libldac [installed]
extra/pipewire-pulse 1:0.3.78-1 [installed]
extra/sbc 2.0-1 [installed]

A Bluetooth headset I have on hand pairs and plays just fine on the same machine, so the issue seems isolated to this gamepad. Any ideas for further troubleshooting or a fix?


#2 2023-09-01 21:41:25

Registered: 2023-09-01
Posts: 1

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

Edit: After some time I figured what the real problem was. For some reason, whenever it's the first time I pair my controller it doesn't do it correctly and prompts the error message. However, either after rebooting or simply restarting the bluetooth service (sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service), the controller works perfectly.

Last edited by Clairvoyant (2024-10-19 05:19:20)


#3 2023-09-02 18:31:39

Registered: 2023-09-02
Posts: 1

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

Hi, I used to have the same problem with my PS5 controller.
After I installed qpwgraph, the problem was solved, you can try it.

qpwgraph — Qt-based Graph/Patchbay for PipeWire


#4 2023-09-03 02:08:41

Registered: 2020-10-28
Posts: 3

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

I appreciate the suggestions Clairvoyant, CY SONG, but they didn't seem to do the trick. I had already installed all of the Pipewire packages, never had Pulseaudio, and adding/opening qpwgraph had no effect. I also wonder if it's somewhat of a red herring, since a gamepad is not an audio/video device and shouldn't have anything to do with Pipewire. Bluetooth mice and keyboards don't, after all, and are much more similar to a gamepad.

Any other ideas?


#5 2023-09-03 10:08:37

Registered: 2018-04-29
Posts: 863

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable


#6 2023-09-04 08:00:01

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2023-07-10
Posts: 24

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

@MrDrMcCoy I've got the very same problem as you.

See bottom of post for workaround

Neither of my (genuine) DualShock 4 controllers work on either my laptop or desktop after an update some time last week.
I had to Timeshift my desktop back to 28th Aug and everything works fine again.

I'm running KDE Plasma on Arch (with pipewire - never had pulse installed) and get all the same errors you originally posted - for ref here are mine:

Installed packages:

 $ pacman -Ss bluetooth | grep -i install
extra/bluedevil 1:5.27.7-1 (plasma) [installed]
extra/bluez 5.69-1 [installed]
extra/bluez-libs 5.69-1 [installed]
extra/bluez-utils 5.69-1 [installed]
extra/hidapi 0.14.0-2 [installed]
extra/libldac [installed]
extra/pipewire-pulse 1:0.3.79-1 [installed]
extra/sbc 2.0-1 [installed]


 $ journalctl -et bluetoothd
Sep 04 08:43:58 archlaptop bluetoothd[722]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info
Sep 04 08:44:10 archlaptop bluetoothd[722]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info
Sep 04 08:44:16 archlaptop bluetoothd[722]: profiles/input/device.c:control_connect_cb() connect to A4:53:85:5C:E7:11: Host is down (112)
Sep 04 08:44:47 archlaptop bluetoothd[722]: src/service.c:service_probe() input-hid profile probe failed for A4:53:85:5C:E7:11

Bluetooth attempting to connect to one of my DualShock 4 pads (same thing happens for both):

 $ bluetoothctl connect A4:53:85:5C:E7:11
Attempting to connect to A4:53:85:5C:E7:11
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 ServicesResolved: yes
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable br-connection-profile-unavailable
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Connected: no

Interestingly my 8Bitdo SFC30 pad connects every time. That's quite a simple controller with no analog sticks or anything, may be why (?)

Everything else I own seems to work bar the DualShock controllers.

I've tried the fixes suggested in this thread (thanks to everyone taking the time to help btw).

When I get chance I could compare the working computer which was Timeshifted back to the 28th with the latest install, but I'm not 100% sure what I should be looking for.

EDIT: Workaround
Downgrading the bluez packages using my package cache has restored functionality for me.
Both pads are now connecting successfully on every attempt on my laptop & desktop updated to the latest version of Arch.

Downgraded from 5.69-1 to 5.68-1

sudo pacman -U file:///var/cache/pacman/pkg/bluez-5.68-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst 
sudo pacman -U file:///var/cache/pacman/pkg/bluez-utils-5.68-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
sudo pacman -U file:///var/cache/pacman/pkg/bluez-libs-5.68-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst 

The 5.69 release also seems to have been pulled from GitHub (as of 5th Sept writing this edit) as the releases only go up to 5.68 currently:

Also noted by someone in the issues:

Last edited by Xeauron (2023-09-05 11:46:50)


#7 2023-09-06 21:37:55

Registered: 2020-10-28
Posts: 3

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

Xeauron wrote:

@MrDrMcCoy I've got the very same problem as you.

Downgrading the bluez packages using my package cache has restored functionality for me.

Downgraded from 5.69-1 to 5.68-1

@Xeauron I sadly don't have those package versions cached, and they don't seem to be available on the mirrors anymore either. If you still have them, would you be willing to upload them somewhere that I can get to? Manymuch thanks!


#8 2023-09-10 11:38:50

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2023-07-10
Posts: 24

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

MrDrMcCoy wrote:
Xeauron wrote:

@MrDrMcCoy I've got the very same problem as you.

Downgrading the bluez packages using my package cache has restored functionality for me.

Downgraded from 5.69-1 to 5.68-1

@Xeauron I sadly don't have those package versions cached, and they don't seem to be available on the mirrors anymore either. If you still have them, would you be willing to upload them somewhere that I can get to? Manymuch thanks!

Sure, sorry for the delay! … kXAQm3uk70

I've put both the zst and sig files in the archive - hopefully just dropping them in your /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ folder should allow you to issue the commands needed.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Like I said, I've had no problems since downgrading my packages.

I've also temporarily set those packages to be excluded when I update my system in my /etc/pacman.conf file.

 /etc/pacman.conf (around line 24)
# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
IgnorePkg   = bluez bluez-libs bluez-utils

It looks like one of the Bluez devs has acknowledged the issue (see the link I previously posted: and they have a commit that fixes the issue in the latest (5.69) driver - though I don't think they've done a full blown release of it, so it probably hasn't hit the Arch repo yet.

Last edited by Xeauron (2023-09-10 11:50:34)


#9 2023-09-13 03:25:49

Registered: 2014-04-02
Posts: 5

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

MrDrMcCoy wrote:
Xeauron wrote:

@MrDrMcCoy I've got the very same problem as you.

Downgrading the bluez packages using my package cache has restored functionality for me.

Downgraded from 5.69-1 to 5.68-1

@Xeauron I sadly don't have those package versions cached, and they don't seem to be available on the mirrors anymore either. If you still have them, would you be willing to upload them somewhere that I can get to? Manymuch thanks!

I just wanted to point out that you could also use the awesome downgrade tool to go back in these cases, just run it as:

 # downgrade bluez bluez-libs bluez-utils 

It will also prompt you to add these packages to the IgnorePkg list automatically.

Btw, thanks @Xeauron and @MrDrMcCoy , your posts saved me a lot of time debugging.


#10 2023-09-13 17:44:16

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2023-07-10
Posts: 24

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

nhermosilla14 wrote:

I just wanted to point out that you could also use the awesome downgrade tool to go back in these cases, just run it as:

 # downgrade bluez bluez-libs bluez-utils 

It will also prompt you to add these packages to the IgnorePkg list automatically.

Btw, thanks @Xeauron and @MrDrMcCoy , your posts saved me a lot of time debugging.

No problem, glad to have helped.

And thanks for the downgrade tip. smile


#11 2023-09-16 11:55:43

Registered: 2020-03-12
Posts: 1

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

thanks it works for me also. with a 8bit do gamepad

all the previous package can be found Arch Archive


#12 2023-10-13 17:27:13

Registered: 2023-10-13
Posts: 2

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

I'm not on arch (on Fedora) but just wanted to say thank you! I was having the same issue pairing my PS5 Dualsense controller, and downgrading bluez to 5.68-1 fixed it for me. Google sent me round in circles for days until I stumbled upon this. Based on the github issue link you posted, looks like 5.70 has the fix in it, so hopefully that resolves it longer term.


#13 2023-10-14 07:43:19

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2023-07-10
Posts: 24

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

eskay993 wrote:

I'm not on arch (on Fedora) but just wanted to say thank you! I was having the same issue pairing my PS5 Dualsense controller, and downgrading bluez to 5.68-1 fixed it for me. Google sent me round in circles for days until I stumbled upon this. Based on the github issue link you posted, looks like 5.70 has the fix in it, so hopefully that resolves it longer term.

HI eskay993 smile good to hear you got it fixed.

Be aware, there still appears to be issues with 5.70 (for me at least) - the "br-connection-profile-unavailable" still happens when I connect my pad, so I'm still holding the packages back for now.

There appear to be other issues with DualSense controllers as well (I don't use those yet - I'm still on DualShock 4):

There is another open issue where other people are still having the same problem as 5.69 with DS4 and DS5 pads, though I didn't save the link - I'll post it here if I find it again though.

EDIT: yeah I can't find the damn link now (typical!)
but here's my Bluetooth log when attempting to connect with 5.70:

Attempting to pair with A4:53:85:5C:E7:11
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Bonded: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Bonded: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Paired: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Trusted: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Trusted: yes
Changing A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 trust succeeded
Attempting to connect to A4:53:85:5C:E7:11
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable br-connection-profile-unavailable

I'll have another look on the GitHub page, and if if the issue is nowhere to be found I'll open one myself and post the link here when I get chance.

Last edited by Xeauron (2023-10-14 08:11:43)


#14 2023-10-14 17:32:44

Registered: 2023-10-13
Posts: 2

Re: 8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth error: br-connection-profile-unavailable

Xeauron wrote:

HI eskay993 smile good to hear you got it fixed.

Be aware, there still appears to be issues with 5.70 (for me at least) - the "br-connection-profile-unavailable" still happens when I connect my pad, so I'm still holding the packages back for now.

There appear to be other issues with DualSense controllers as well (I don't use those yet - I'm still on DualShock 4):

There is another open issue where other people are still having the same problem as 5.69 with DS4 and DS5 pads, though I didn't save the link - I'll post it here if I find it again though.

EDIT: yeah I can't find the damn link now (typical!)
but here's my Bluetooth log when attempting to connect with 5.70:

Attempting to pair with A4:53:85:5C:E7:11
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Bonded: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Bonded: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Paired: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Trusted: yes
[CHG] Device A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 Trusted: yes
Changing A4:53:85:5C:E7:11 trust succeeded
Attempting to connect to A4:53:85:5C:E7:11
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable br-connection-profile-unavailable

I'll have another look on the GitHub page, and if if the issue is nowhere to be found I'll open one myself and post the link here when I get chance.

Thanks for the additional info! Thankfully I haven't experienced that issue on my DS5. I'm not on 5.70 yet with Fedora However, after pairing using 5.68-1, I went back up to 5.69-2 (by mistake.. forgot to hold back bluez from a system upgrade smile) and it's still working fine. It was just the paring that was the issue it seems. So far so good.

I'll keep an eye out on their github for any developments.


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