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I have configured Pipewire as follows in order to change sample rate depending on what is being played:
in /etc/pipewire.conf
default.clock.rate = 48000
default.clock.allowed-rates = [ 48000 44100 96000 192000 ]
Whatever I play (44.1khz, 48khz, 96khz) the output is at 48khz.
in pw-top:
R 51 1024 48000 98.5us 22.6us 0.00 0.00 0 S24LE 2 48000 alsa_output.usb-FIIO_FiiO_USB_DAC-E10-01.analog-stereo
R 32 0 0 37.5us 25.8us 0.00 0.00 0 S16LE 2 44100 + 32
I 77 0 44100 35.2us 31.1us 0.00 0.00 0 F32P 2 44100 + mpv
What I am doing wrong?
Thank you in advance.
Last edited by geekmiki (2023-09-19 17:07:38)
comment out default.clock.rate and restart.
You set a fixed global sample rate.
edit: explains the difference.
Last edited by ua4000 (2023-09-19 16:07:39)
Thank you!
Commenting out the global sample rate fixed it.
EDIT: Actually, no or partially.
After rebooting, if the first file I play is at 44.1khz, it will switch. If I play a 48khz file thereafter pipewire will be "stuck" at 48khz, independently of what I play (44.1, 48, 96).
Restarting pipewire with:
systemctl --user restart pipewire
solves the issue until next reboot
Last edited by geekmiki (2023-09-19 16:37:24)
While testing you stopped the playback, right ?
Rate switching will only take place, if the music stream is terminated.
Ok, now I found the issue!
I was running cava in a terminal window and its process is locking the sample rate.
Thanks for your help.