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#26 2023-09-23 21:38:00

From: berlin
Registered: 2007-06-29
Posts: 330

Re: [Solved] Login no longer possible after shadow update

Dear loqs & seth,

thank you very much for your help and patience. The problem was not with the /etc/pam.d/* files and eCryptfs but rather with the /etc/shells.pacnew provided by the new filesystem package. I merged them and overlooked the zsh entries which are not included in the new file. Since I use zsh as a shell, this led to disaster.

Thanks again & I owe you a beer. I'll set the post to solved.
Cheers hcjl


#27 2023-09-23 21:47:04

Forum Moderator
From: Hannover
Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 2,153

Re: [Solved] Login no longer possible after shadow update

Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force


#28 2023-09-23 21:52:51

From: berlin
Registered: 2007-06-29
Posts: 330

Re: [Solved] Login no longer possible after shadow update

@schard: But at least you have not wasted the time of others ;-)


#29 2023-09-24 07:36:27

From: France
Registered: 2023-03-08
Posts: 8

Re: [Solved] Login no longer possible after shadow update

hcjl wrote:

@schard: But at least you have not wasted the time of others ;-)

Well you certainly didn't waste mine since I had just the same issue with a comparable setup (fscrypt instead of ecryptfs) and started by downgrading pam and shadow before luckily stumbling on your thread and realized I too merged by mistake /etc/shells without including zsh as allowed login shells.

If anything you've just saved me hours of troubleshooting and made my day wink

Cheers mate!


#30 2023-09-24 07:51:52

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,028

Re: [Solved] Login no longer possible after shadow update

lol I was about to say that maybe three years from now some random dude…

We also all learned that pam_shells fails pam completely silently on invalid shells (which seems a bug? it tells you when something's off w/ the etc/shells file, just not that your shell isn't in there and I don't see what sensitive data would get exposed by that) and can set a mental note for "inexplicable PAM failures"
And we learned that the smart way to merge /etc/shells is always "mine".
And we've learned that working around decade old bugs is maybe a bad idea.
All in all, there was much to learn from this thread smile


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