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#1 2023-09-22 20:26:43

Registered: 2023-09-22
Posts: 3

Powertop reports weird results


I'm trying to optimize my power consumption on a freshed arch install on hp 830 G5 laptop.
Unfortunately, I cannot trust powertop... it reports these results :

The battery reports a discharge rate of 132 W
The energy consumed was 0.00 J
The estimated remaining time is 0 hours, 13 minutes

Summary: 1271,6 wakeups/second,  0,0 GPU ops/seconds, 0,0 VFS ops/sec and 39,3% CPU use

Power est.              Usage       Events/s    Category       Description
   109 W      0,0 pkts/s                Device         Network interface: enp0s31f6 (e1000e)
  15.2 W     25,2%                      Device         Display backlight
  8.49 W     11,9 ms/s     633,9        Process        [PID 356] [irq/138-iwlwifi]
  6.00 W    100,0%                      Device         Radio device: btusb
  4.63 W      5,0 ms/s     345,8        Timer          tick_sched_timer
  710 mW      0,9 ms/s      53,0        kWork          iwl_pcie_rx_allocator_work
  400 mW    207,7 ms/s      29,9        Process        [PID 3061] /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird
  245 mW    226,2 µs/s      18,3        Process        [PID 17] [rcu_preempt]
  219 mW    475,2 µs/s      16,4        Interrupt      [134] i915
  219 mW      0,0 µs/s      16,4        kWork          handle_update
  207 mW    161,3 µs/s      15,4        kWork          engine_retire
  181 mW     40,3 ms/s      13,5        Interrupt      [3] net_rx(softirq)
  155 mW    402,1 µs/s      11,6        Interrupt      [0] HI_SOFTIRQ


so for it, ethernet card consumes 109W... whereas card is disabled :

remi@hp-zoo ~ :( $ ip link show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: wlp1s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 3c:6a:a7:8d:f4:05 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: enp0s31f6: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether f4:39:09:82:19:aa brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

I did powertop calibration. Here are the prior logs when starting powertop :

[sudo] Mot de passe de remi : 
modprobe cpufreq_stats failed
Loaded 750 prior measurements
RAPL device for cpu 0
RAPL Using PowerCap Sysfs : Domain Mask d
RAPL device for cpu 0
RAPL Using PowerCap Sysfs : Domain Mask d
Devfreq not enabled
glob returned GLOB_ABORTED
Leaving PowerTOP

And here is a report about battery

  native-path:          BAT0
  vendor:               Hewlett-Packard
  model:                Primary
  serial:               26309 2018/06/12
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              ven. 22 sept. 2023 22:22:42 (13 seconds ago)
  has history:          yes
  has statistics:       yes
    present:             yes
    rechargeable:        yes
    state:               discharging
    warning-level:       none
    energy:              28,4939 Wh
    energy-empty:        0 Wh
    energy-full:         40,0092 Wh
    energy-full-design:  40,0092 Wh
    energy-rate:         6,91986 W
    voltage:             11,52 V
    charge-cycles:       N/A
    time to empty:       4,1 hours
    percentage:          71%
    capacity:            100%
    technology:          lithium-ion
    icon-name:          'battery-full-symbolic'
  History (rate):
    1695414162	6,920	discharging
    1695414132	7,182	discharging
    1695414109	10,210	discharging
    1695414106	11,081	discharging
    1695414076	5,539	discharging

I've read some user  had overestimated power consumption... But for my case it's so huge. Calibration does not solve anything.
So I'm stuck with powertop.

How can I solve this issue?


#2 2023-09-22 21:23:10

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,302

Re: Powertop reports weird results

The card isn't "disabled", there's just no carrier.
Google has this for e1000e in the gazillios, "modprobe -r e1000e" and monitor the impact of that.


#3 2023-09-22 21:29:24

Registered: 2023-09-22
Posts: 3

Re: Powertop reports weird results

Now it's display backlight that consumes more than 100W. What rubbish!

he battery reports a discharge rate of 129 W
The energy consumed was 2.58 kJ
The estimated remaining time is 0 hours, 10 minutes

Summary: 729,6 wakeups/second,  0,0 GPU ops/seconds, 0,0 VFS ops/sec and 14,7% CPU use

Power est.              Usage       Events/s    Category       Description
   115 W     25,2%                      Device         Display backlight
  12.6 W    100,0%                      Device         Radio device: btusb
  3.47 W      1,0 ms/s     205,8        Interrupt      [17] idma64.1
  3.40 W      3,7 ms/s     201,8        Timer          tick_sched_timer
  1.02 W      4,5 ms/s      60,2        Process        [PID 333] [irq/137-ALP0018]
  829 mW     11,2 ms/s      49,1        Process        [PID 3630] java -jar /opt/muon/muon.jar
  529 mW     16,7 ms/s      31,3        Interrupt      [14] INT344B:00
  353 mW    269,2 µs/s      20,9        kWork          engine_retire
  329 mW      0,8 ms/s      19,5        Interrupt      [0] HI_SOFTIRQ
  245 mW      1,0 ms/s      14,5        Process        [PID 3600] java -jar /opt/muon/muon.jar
  200 mW    678,1 µs/s      11,9        Interrupt      [134] i915
  173 mW     63,0 µs/s      10,3        Timer          intel_uncore_fw_release_timer
  171 mW      0,9 ms/s      10,1        Process        [PID 3611] java -jar /opt/muon/muon.jar
  139 mW    113,2 µs/s       8,2        kWork          intel_atomic_cleanup_work
  136 mW      1,8 ms/s       8,1        kWork          intel_atomic_commit_work
  136 mW      6,3 ms/s       8,0        Process        [PID 644] xfwm4 --display :0.0 --sm-client-id 2dbdb0cad-8e21-43ce-aa78-be24f9e9c497
  113 mW    279,4 µs/s       6,7        kWork          __intel_wakeref_put_work


#4 2023-09-22 21:37:09

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,302

Re: Powertop reports weird results

Did you re-calibrate?


#5 2023-09-22 21:53:58

Registered: 2023-09-22
Posts: 3

Re: Powertop reports weird results

Yes, with following result :

Score:   13,8  (18216586,8)
Guess:  128,9
Actual: 142,0
Leaving PowerTOP


#6 2023-09-27 06:18:00

Registered: 2023-05-22
Posts: 29

Re: Powertop reports weird results

I was just having a similar issue where backlight was reporting 10W even at 5% backlight level. ran rm -r /var/cache/powertop in elevated permissions, rebooted the computer, and re-ran powertop --calibrate and it seems to, for now, not be giving me strange result. I'd recommend not touching the computer at ALL until powertop shows its usage tui after running calibrate, just leave it alone completely.


#7 2023-09-27 12:32:35

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,221

Re: Powertop reports weird results

I spent half of my career I spent in modeling. So often I cringed inside, when software had to be given to laymen. That rarely ends well. sad

PowerTOP doesn’t measure energy consumption. Power is estimated from a model. As with all maths put in an auto mode and given out to the general public, some trouble arise.

While rarely an issue with solutions honestly developed by professional researchers in a project dedicated to the given subject, with models added to other software as an extra feature it’s often the case they suck. PowetTOP tries to squeeze out much values from little data, suggesting the model may be weak and fragile. No idea, how much research and validation was put into this either. Take the results with a grain of salt.⁽¹⁾

This is not a magical black box; this is maths. Using a calculator must not replace understanding of the underlying model. PowerTOP misses a plain documentation for methods it uses and doesn’t discuss their quirks and shortcomings. The user has an excuse for not knowing it. But still some basic precautions have to be observed. Take these into account.

GIGO applies. If a model is built from inadequate or poor data, the result will not be better. Ensure possibly noiseless environment during calibration. The computer should be running for some time already and there should be no programs, which could wake up and cause even slight change in activity.

⁽¹⁾ Do not take this against the authors. They do a great job with the primary part of the program and I believe they have best intentions regarding this feature. It’s just a general problem with the approach, which the user must take into account.

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


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