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Looking to add this package to AUR. Any suggestions for changes or better ways of doing things? Thanks in advance!
# Maintainer: James Bowling <kf5u AT pm DOT me>
pkgdesc="For amateur radio communication using very weak signals. Forked from WSJT-X. JTDX Improved by DG2YCB"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'aarch64')
prepare() {
sed -i 's|$ENV{HOME}|$ENV{DESTDIR}/opt/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}|' $_pkgname/CMakeLists.txt
build() {
cd "$srcdir"
cmake -B build -S "$_pkgname" \
-Wno-dev \
cmake --build build
package() {
DESTDIR=${pkgdir} cmake --install build
EDIT: suggestions and modifications added
Last edited by youseenothing (2023-10-19 23:11:48)
boost-libs and gcc-libs as makedeps is very odd. They're generally either needed at runtime or not at all.
Does this build in a clean chroot? You're using unzip in the build function, but I don't think that would be installed?
The unzip should be in the prepare function.
You should quote any variables that you don't control, as they could contain a space. You have instances of $srcdir and $pkgdir unquoted.
Why are you executing ../jtdx?
Not wrong, but the install commands can be drastically simplified. You can specify multiple files at once, or even just *.wav, then give the target directory with -t.
Why are you skipping man pages and docs? And if you do skip them, do you still need texinfo/asciidoc/asciidoctor at build time?
boost-libs and gcc-libs as makedeps is very odd. They're generally either needed at runtime or not at all.
Does this build in a clean chroot? You're using unzip in the build function, but I don't think that would be installed?
The unzip should be in the prepare function.
You should quote any variables that you don't control, as they could contain a space. You have instances of $srcdir and $pkgdir unquoted.
Why are you executing ../jtdx?
Not wrong, but the install commands can be drastically simplified. You can specify multiple files at once, or even just *.wav, then give the target directory with -t.
Why are you skipping man pages and docs? And if you do skip them, do you still need texinfo/asciidoc/asciidoctor at build time?
Thanks for the reply. I will move the unzip function to prepare. Thanks for the suggestions for quoting, I will make that change as well. I was unaware of the proper use of install in PKGBUILDs. ../jtdx is part of the cmake command, pointing to the dir where cmake files are. Will make these changes and update for review.
Last edited by youseenothing (2023-10-19 17:21:27)
boost-libs and gcc-libs as makedeps is very odd. They're generally either needed at runtime or not at all.
Does this build in a clean chroot? You're using unzip in the build function, but I don't think that would be installed?
The unzip should be in the prepare function.
You should quote any variables that you don't control, as they could contain a space. You have instances of $srcdir and $pkgdir unquoted.
Why are you executing ../jtdx?
Not wrong, but the install commands can be drastically simplified. You can specify multiple files at once, or even just *.wav, then give the target directory with -t.
Why are you skipping man pages and docs? And if you do skip them, do you still need texinfo/asciidoc/asciidoctor at build time?
Above changes have been made, build works in clean chroot. Thanks again for the suggestions!
I think you can skip the manual install by having cmake place the sound files there using:
prepare() {
sed -i 's|$ENV{HOME}|$ENV{DESTDIR}/opt|' $_pkgname/CMakeLists.txt
This also removes use of bsdtar as makepkg will automatically extract the zip archive listed in the source array. If you follow CMake_package_guidelines you can skip creating the directory build and use of $srcdir.
The package still built for me with git removed from makedepends. What is using it?
I think you can skip the manual install by having cmake place the sound files there using:
prepare() { sed -i 's|$ENV{HOME}|$ENV{DESTDIR}/opt|' $_pkgname/CMakeLists.txt }
This also removes use of bsdtar as makepkg will automatically extract the zip archive listed in the source array. If you follow CMake_package_guidelines you can skip creating the directory build and use of $srcdir.
The package still built for me with git removed from makedepends. What is using it?
Thank you for that tidbit of info. I appreciate it. The git dep was an oversight. I will get that removed. Thanks!
sed -i 's|$ENV{HOME}|$ENV{DESTDIR}/opt|' $_pkgname/CMakeLists.txt
Should be
sed -i 's|$ENV{HOME}|$ENV{DESTDIR}/opt/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}|' $_pkgname/CMakeLists.txt
Which includes the project name in the path although you might want to look at GNUInstallDirs.html for other options than /opt.
Thanks loqs! I appreciate the help and guidance.