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App: arch-chroot (pacman -S arch-install-scripts)
Issue: exiting arch-chroot via the typed command 'exit', exits the arch-chroot and the script
Expectation: That it would exit just the arch-chroot command and not exit the script. Regular chroot does as expected (exits chroot and not the script), arch-chroot, does not.
Some code to illustrate. Note that you must have another working system properly mounted on /mnt to chroot (or arch-chroot) into:
do_chroot () {
echo "Entering chroot."
#chroot /mnt /bin/bash
arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
echo "Exiting chroot."
do_dummy () {
echo "Dummy command executed."
choices=("Chroot" "Dummy" "Quit")
select choice in "${choices[@]}"
case $choice in
"Chroot") do_chroot ;;
"Dummy") do_dummy ;;
"Quit") break ;;
'') echo "Invalid option!" ;;
Exiting arch-chroot doesn't just break you from the select case, but it exits you entirely from the script.
I was talking about this on the Fedora forum, and a member confirmed. He's a lot more experienced than I am in these matters and came up with some reasons what could be happening: … ost1876323
I'm not able to post a bug as the system won't let me in: … s/-/issues
If anyone can confirm or report this bug, that would be great.