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#1 2023-10-23 04:02:56

From: France
Registered: 2018-06-11
Posts: 9

[Solved] Dual-boot of two Arch Linux with systemd-boot


For some reasons, I have two Arch Linux on my computer, actually dual-booting with GRUB.

I wanted to give systemd-boot a try since it seems a lot more lighter than GRUB. But to do so, I need to have the initramfs of both installations on the same EFI partition (I use a simple FAT32 /boot that include /boot/EFI on it).

And I thought that Arch seems to hardcode /boot/vmlinuz-linux as the name of the main file. You can change the "initramfs-linux.img" file path in mkinitcpio configuration, but the vmlinuz file seems to be created on post-install of the linux package without any control on where to put it.

I was wrong, the configuration in the preset file work correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience (that'll teach me to do this sort of thing at 5 a.m.).


Last edited by Breizh (2023-10-23 15:49:28)


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