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#1 2023-10-23 03:26:37

Registered: 2023-10-23
Posts: 2

Installing grub in UEFI mode always pooches my other linux

So this is my second time installing Arch and the second time with the same result.

/dev/nvme0n1p1  UEFI
/dev/nvme0n1p2  Microsoft Reserved
/dev/nvme0n1p3  Windows 11
/dev/nvme0n1p4  Swap
/dev/nvme0n1p5  Linux Mint 20.1
/dev/nvme0n1p6  Linux
/dev/nvme0n1p7 ** where I install Arch **

Linux Mint was installed UEFI and had no problem adding a grub option for windows.
When installing Arch I installed grub:

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck

Edited /etc/default/grub.cfg and uncommented "GRUB_DISSABLE_OS_PROBER=false"

But when os_prober was called when I ran:

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

it found no other operating systems.

So I mounted my Mint partition at /mnt and ran it again at which point it found Mint

I thought I would just run grub-mkconfig to get everything right in mint and figure out why Arch did not work as I expected later on.

So I got out of chroot and restarted, logged into mint, ran grub-mkconfig, everything, including Arch, was found as expected, I rebooted....

and found myself staring at the grub-menu Arch created not the one mint created.... and I do not understand why.

If both grub installations are UEFI and done correctly then, even if one overwrites the other, they should point to the same place right... and update that with the new grub boot menu.

or are my drugs just really really strong.


#2 2023-10-23 05:03:43

Registered: 2023-10-23
Posts: 2

Re: Installing grub in UEFI mode always pooches my other linux

I just ran

user@user-xtc:/boot$ sudo efibootmgr -v 
[sudo] password for user:              
BootCurrent: 0001
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0001,0002,0000
Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager	HD(1,GPT,7fd21e36-6f53-4538-94fd-30a6fb6f372b,0x800,0x82000)/File(\EFI\MICROSOFT\BOOT\BOOTMGFW.EFI)WINDOWS.........x...B.C.D.O.B.J.E.C.T.=.{.9.d.e.a.8.6.2.c.-.5.c.d.d.-.4.e.7.0.-.a.c.c.1.-.f.3.2.b.3.4.4.d.}...6................
Boot0001* grub_uefi	HD(1,GPT,7fd21e36-6f53-4538-94fd-30a6fb6f372b,0x800,0x82000)/File(\EFI\GRUB_UEFI\GRUBX64.EFI)
Boot0002* ubuntu	HD(1,GPT,7fd21e36-6f53-4538-94fd-30a6fb6f372b,0x800,0x82000)/File(\EFI\UBUNTU\SHIMX64.EFI)

So that part of it makes sense to me..


sudo efibootmgr -b 0001 -A

made Boot0001 inactive and fixed my problem; handy little tool I wish I had know about forever ago.

Now I just have to figure out why the OS Prober was unable to find the other operating systems without intervention.

Last edited by ikunat33 (2023-10-23 05:13:52)


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