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#1 2023-11-07 06:29:51

Registered: 2023-11-04
Posts: 253

[SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

I had installed gnome before and it had some problems and kept giving me warnings. I had to uninstall it, and I guess people didn't like it. But I couldn't uninstall it completely.
A lot of applications were still there. I realized that there were 3 ssh programs. There are still suggestions that come up when you type gnome and press tab.
Then I deleted gnome and gnome-extra with pacman -Runs. But the fonts went with it, and now I have cinnamon, DM is fine. Login Manager is cinnamon, fine.
But how do I install a fully stable cinnamon, cinnamon-control-center cinnamon-desktop etc.?

Edit: I updated with pacman -Syu. It created a new sudo file /etc/sudoers.pacnew. And inside of sudoers.d is empty. Also sudo itself was deleted. It was reinstalled.
The picture of the terminal is gone, it appears as a thin empty line in the taskbar at the bottom. In the menu, the names of the programs are written with names from the terminal cursor instead of letters.

Edit2: Sadly, many things are broken and important plugins, settings and applications have been removed. I've fixed it for the most part now, but a lot of problems came up in the background.

Last edited by jojo06 (2023-11-08 21:58:07)


#2 2023-11-07 10:13:13

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,119

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

There's no group so you install it by installing all the relevant packages. If you want fonts you install fonts: -- you probably want to have a font that has a complete set of glyphs


#3 2023-11-07 10:34:00

Registered: 2023-11-04
Posts: 253

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

V1del wrote:

There's no group so you install it by installing all the relevant packages. If you want fonts you install fonts: -- you probably want to have a font that has a complete set of glyphs

No, it said grub --reinstalling, so it's there. I fixed the fonts in the settings. When I deleted gnome, the files got messed up, corrupted. Because the fonts are not according to settings but according to gnome-fonts. What the hell is this gnome? After all the hard work we did to configure the graphics card, etc., it's gone. Why can't cinnamon replace it? I'd say xfce might better but it clashes with nvidia. There are very nice themes in the settings of cinnamon, but it doesn't adapt even if I choose it. I think essentials, main-base packages have been deleted. kernel-headers one of them ?
Just to make sure i installed grub again:

guns@roses ~ :( $ sudo grub-install
[sudo] password for guns: 
Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory.
guns@roses ~ :( $ pacman -Ss kernel-headers
extra/kernel-headers-musl 4.19.88-2
    Linux kernel headers sanitized for use with musl libc

Edit: Some Xorg files are not uploaded. When I type sudo pacman -S xorg many files are shown as uploadable. vulkan-dev is not installed. And also python, some lib packages, lxde/lxqt and linux-tools. Including bootconfig.
Does it make sense to install the entire core repository? Is everything needed except for the extras? The problem is that when I install some of the necessary files (xorg for example), there are also files that come in and cause problems.

Last edited by jojo06 (2023-11-07 10:45:15)


#4 2023-11-07 14:09:36

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,119

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

Not much of what you're talking about makes any sense to be frank, nothing about XFCE inherently breaks with nvidia. I wasn't talking about GRUB and GRUB is irrelevant for this, as are the kernel headers. Maybe post your /var/log/pacman.log ... Generally speaking having installed the gnome-meta or group packages and subsequently removing it will remove many "essential" tools, that you'll have to install yourself as the parts that you want, e.g. you need to install nemo if you want to use nemo.

Which instructions did you follow to setup this system initially?

Last edited by V1del (2023-11-07 14:11:14)


#5 2023-11-07 15:04:19

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,651

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

OP doesn't speak English, @jojo06 you *have* to use (no idea about the quality of reverso, but if your posts were created by it, it's garbage)
Post #3 is just a bunch of random words.

And "group" and "grub" are not the same thing at all, V1del was talking about a "paket grubu" but "grub" is a "önyükleme yükleyicisi" (I hope)


#6 2023-11-07 20:42:47

Registered: 2023-11-04
Posts: 253

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

@seth I already use the translation, I installed it as an add-on to Firefox. DeepL was broken, so I was using reverso. Now I use deepL. Maybe the add-on is worse, I don't know. The problem is that some words are hard to translate when describing them. Or maybe it doesn't translate properly because it doesn't have a clear equivalent even in Turkish. Even now im editing the translated output, to make it less wrong and accurate(its translate 'i say' to 'you say' for exp.)

When i say Xfce breaks nvidia, it's like this: I read this in a forum. Chatgpt says the same thing, it's not very compatible.

I did the installation from

Oh! That's my mistake, I've heard GRUB many times, but I didn't know group for the first time. I thought it was GRUB. Also I'd better look up what it means in Turkish and English.

Output doesn't fit, I don't see the scroolback increment in the terminal settings, save output doesn't work. How do I curl it?


@seth ceviriyi zaten kullaniyorum, eklenti olarak Firefox'a kurdum. DeepL bozuktu, o yuzden reverso kullaniyordum. Suan deepL kullaniyorum. Belki de eklentisi daha kotudur bilmiyorum. Sorun su ki, bazi kelimeleri anlatirken cevirmek zor. Yada Turkce olarak bile net karsiligi olmadigi icin dogru duzgun ceviremiyo olabilir. Xfce nvidia'yi bozuyor derken, soyle: bunu bir forumda okumustum. Chatgpt de ayni seyi soyluyor, pek uyumlu calismiyormus. Kurulumu burdan yaptim. Oh! Bu benim hatam, bir cok kez GRUB duydum, ama group'u ilk defa duydugum icin bilemedim. GRUB'dan bahsediliyor sandim. Ayrica Turkce ve Ingilizce bunlarin anlamina baksam iyi olucak. Output sigmiyor, terminal ayarlarinda scroolback artirmayi goremiyorum. Output'u kaydet calismiyor. Nasil curl atarim buna ?

**Edit: @ewaller did not recommend reinstalling. I guess because it's better to learn by fixing bugs. Or is there some other reason ? I found a video on the internet: Should I reinstall based on this video ? The link where I did disk formatted installation was not so detailed and long. Or does this video also show a separate installation for the server? But I'm still missing a few commands.

Last edited by jojo06 (2023-11-08 00:23:09)


#7 2023-11-08 11:24:40

Registered: 2023-11-04
Posts: 253

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

Up to date, still not resolved


#8 2023-11-08 11:46:51

Registered: 2021-04-12
Posts: 652

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

@jojo06 If you really want to run Arch Linux, you will have to install it by following the official guide: … rk%C3%A7e)
Then you will also qualify for official support (like on these forums)

@seth has been really patient and forthcoming enough to even be willing to bend the rules for you, but to be blunt, your behaviour borders on help vampirism.

Also please keep in mind:

Quoted from "" (emphasis added):

Arch Linux is a versatile, and simple distribution designed to fit the needs of the competent Linux® user

RI - Rest your Eyes and Self

"We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion" - Maynard James Keenan


#9 2023-11-08 14:34:34

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,651

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

More importantly, … es#Bumping
seth doesn't do this 24/7 and did not have the time to look at it again yet

Also the only actionable question is at the tail of some chatter.

cat /var/log/pacman.log | curl -F 'file=@-'

When i say Xfce breaks nvidia, it's like this: I read this in a forum. Chatgpt says the same thing, it's not very compatible.

Without reference and with your understanding of the english language, it's not even clear what you actually read, but I'll teach you a very important english word that you're gonna hear a lot, at least from me:
The internet is full of nonsense and shitgpt is an authorative bullshit generator and that notion is flat-out nonsense. Between xfce and nvidia are the kernel and X11, both way more relevant in terms of compatibility.


#10 2023-11-08 21:57:52

Registered: 2023-11-04
Posts: 253

Re: [SOLVED]Configuring Desktop to Cinnamon

I understand, I apologize. I made mistakes without realizing it, I'm being as careful as I can, I'll pay more attention.

The installation in the wiki was not very detailed, there are commands missing (that we need to know).

To avoid bumping, I searched and found a video with a detailed installation as mentioned on the wiki page. I posted it as an edit.

Although it looks difficult, Arch is both simple and beautiful and seems to be the only distro that can be used. Let me try to install it again from the yewtube video I posted


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