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I was about to configure my system to have ssh-agent start on boot. According to the wiki
a handy ssh-agent.service is included in openssh since the version 9.4p1-3, which can be enabled as a user unit
. But it doesn't exist on my system:
$ systemctl status ssh-agent.service
Unit ssh-agent.service could not be found.
And my OpenSSH version is
$ pacman -Q openssh
openssh 9.5p1-1
Now, I can easily create such a unit myself, but first I would like to know if this hints at a problem with my OpenSSH installation. Do you have such a unit on your system?
Last edited by GTP (2023-11-15 16:14:50)
It's a user service.
systemctl --user status ssh-agent.service
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
Thank you, the unit is indeed there.