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#1 2023-11-28 18:05:49

Registered: 2014-03-16
Posts: 88

Attempting to update a bug report

Looks like the Arch bugs website has been updated, but I am completely unable to log-in or link my account to a github account.

When I get to the "Authenticate to link your account with github" I just getting a "Invalid username or password.".

Since I cannot report a bug - I guess this post is saying there may be a bug with the gitlab sign-in.


#2 2023-11-28 18:12:57

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 12,383

Re: Attempting to update a bug report

Do you already have an account?


#3 2023-11-28 18:19:07

Registered: 2014-03-16
Posts: 88

Re: Attempting to update a bug report

Scimmia wrote:

Do you already have an account?



#4 2023-11-28 18:43:11

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 12,383

Re: Attempting to update a bug report

specifically an Arch gitlab account? The old flyspray setup was completely different. You either registered in the short time it was open, or sent a email to get it set up?


#5 2023-11-28 18:59:05

Registered: 2014-03-16
Posts: 88

Re: Attempting to update a bug report

Scimmia wrote:

specifically an Arch gitlab account? The old flyspray setup was completely different. You either registered in the short time it was open, or sent a email to get it set up?

To clarify, I have an Arch Linux website account. It's the same one that allows me to post here (and, previously, to the bug tracker), but as of now, I do not have access to the tracker.

I only tried using to my github account as a last resort as I wanted to update an unrelated bug report as soon as possible.

I can only assume that the Keycloak-based(?) tracker account login page will no longer take the flyspray details, but there appears to be a) an issue with performing that github link-up b) or apparently no way to re-register? c) or no way to confirm previous details with a new password for the new tracker.

I did briefly see a message saying that new sign-ups were disabled due to spam - I don't see that now and I don't see any way to re-register or report this login issue.


#6 2023-11-28 19:28:30

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 12,383

Re: Attempting to update a bug report

I figured we were running into some misconceptions here.

IMBJR wrote:

To clarify, I have an Arch Linux website account. It's the same one that allows me to post here (and, previously, to the bug tracker), but as of now, I do not have access to the tracker.

There's no such thing. The account on the bbs is completely separate, as is the account on the AUR, flyspray, archweb, and now gitlab. Having an account on one means nothing at all for the others.

IMBJR wrote:

I can only assume that the Keycloak-based(?) tracker account login page will no longer take the flyspray details, but there appears to be a) an issue with performing that github link-up b) or apparently no way to re-register? c) or no way to confirm previous details with a new password for the new tracker.

I did briefly see a message saying that new sign-ups were disabled due to spam - I don't see that now and I don't see any way to re-register or report this login issue.

Keycloak never took flyspray details, as flyspray didn't use it. You need to be emailing


#7 2023-11-29 12:35:20

Wild Penguin
Registered: 2015-03-19
Posts: 349

Re: Attempting to update a bug report

I may be out of the loop here, but is the Arch Linux gitlab migration currently WIP? It seems like measly regular users can not register at the moment to Arch gitlab? But maybe later registration will be open (to file bug reports, or ... participate in developing???)?


#8 2023-11-29 12:41:03

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,981

Re: Attempting to update a bug report

The registration is currently closed due to influx of spam accounts, if you want an account you currently need to email the mail address displayed at the top/mentioned by Scimmia, yes it's somewhat cumbersome, I'd assumes standard registration gets opened at some point

Last edited by V1del (2023-11-29 12:41:15)


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