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I'm trying to make a function that takes an array of tags, counts the number each occurs, and returns an array with the most common descending.
I have 1½ problems:
1.) when I use the function, it keeps saying "notice: undefined index: counts" at the line I note in the code
½.) I get the feeling there is a far cleaner way to do this that I'm just not aware of.
So far, I'm not using $no2return yet, and I'm aware it's still returning all the columns of the array:
function GetTopTags($no2return)
$tags = array("gcc","bash","perl","gcc","asm","recursion",
$i = 14;
// Sort array to make assumptions on generating stats
// checks if current tag is not tag in the stats and
// adds the new one. It then increments the count column.
$k = 0;
$tagStats[0]["tags"] = $tags[0];
$tagStats[0]["counts"] = 1;
for($j = 1; $j < $i; $j++)
if(!($tags[$j] == $tagStats[$k]["tags"]))
$tagStats[$k]["tags"] = $tags[$j];
$tagStats[$k]["counts"] += 1; //<=Claims undefined index here.
$returnTags = columnSort($tagStats,"counts");
return $returnTags;
function columnSort($unsorted, $column) {
$sorted = $unsorted;
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($sorted)-1; $i++) {
for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($sorted)-1-$i; $j++)
if ($sorted[$j][$column] < $sorted[$j+1][$column]) {
$tmp = $sorted[$j];
$sorted[$j] = $sorted[$j+1];
$sorted[$j+1] = $tmp;
return $sorted;
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
function GetTopTags($no2return)
$tags = array("gcc","bash","perl","gcc","asm","recursion",
$i = 14;
// Sort array to make assumptions on generating stats
// checks if current tag is not tag in the stats and
// adds the new one. It then increments the count column.
$k = 0;
$tagStats[0]["tags"] = $tags[0];
$tagStats[0]["counts"] = 1;
for($j = 1; $j < $i; $j++)
if($tags[$j] != $tagStats[$k]["tags"])
$tagStats[++$k]["tags"] = $tags[$j];
#$tagStats[$k]["counts"] = 1;
#echo $tagStats[$k]["counts"] += 1; //<=Claims undefined index here
/*i dunno if i misread this, but all $tagStats[$k]["counts"]`s will be equal;
therefore it's better to just go ahead and assign the value 1/0
i'm fairly sure that's not what ur doing though...
i'm confused lol
correct me if i'm wrong
but were u intending to incrementense to $tagStats[0]["counts"] ? ;
that'd make more sense here IMO */
#or $tagStats[$k]["counts"] = $tagStats[0]['counts']++;
# or $tagStats[$k]['counts'] = 1; //this would get rid of the indexing error,
## i dunno what ur trying to do lol... i'm noob...
$returnTags = columnSort($tagStats,"counts");
return $returnTags;
function columnSort($sorted, $column) {
$si = count($sorted);
for ($i=1; $i < $si; $i++) {
for ($j=0; $j < $si-$i; $j++)
if ($sorted[$j][$column] <sorted>
i just managed to test it a lil;
i changed a few things ;; it's all about tastes imo;;
i changed the loops... started at 1 instead of 0, this saves u having to subtract 1 everytime...and i created a var $si; with the size of the array; saves u having to recount the array all the time....
ignore my first post, if u do that, u will get all $k[ being 2 ...
The.Revolution.Is.Coming - - To fight, To hunger, To Resist!
Just fixed my notice. Probably would have been helpful if I'd stopped to take a moment and ask myself why it claimed undefined.
for($j = 1; $j < $i; $j++)
if(!($tags[$j] == $tagStats[$k]["tags"]))
$tagStats[$k]["tags"] = $tags[$j];
$tagStats[$k]["counts"] = 0; //<= This is what I forgot, now it all works, still messy code though.
$tagStats[$k]["counts"] += 1; //<=Claims undefined index here.
Alright, here's what I'm going for; I'm trying to keep track of how many of each tags there are. I can't make any assumption as to what the tags are. Since the array is sorted, I can assume that when $tags[$j] stops equalling $tagStats[$k]["tags"], there's no more $tagStats[$k]["tags"] and I put the next tag into the stats. Regardless if it's a tag or not, I just increment it to signify that the tag occured that instance.
Thanks for posting though, when I saw your
$tagStats[0]["tags"] = $tags[0];
$tagStats[0]["counts"] = 1;
I realized what happened. I won't have much time to work on the rest of the function till next week (Finals Tuesday-Friday), but when I get time to, I'll finish it and post the completed function.