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Following step 2.2 install essential packages,
I get an error after running Pacstrap. After a slew of msgs listing various packages and “could not verify the integrity of the package (gpg)” it ends with failed to copy to new root. Then I cannot arch-chroot into the new system. So I guess there are several packages with incorrect keys.
I apologize I cannot paste the exact error as it’s on a laptop so I couldn’t copy it. Also I don’t know where any of the errors might be logged. Are they?
It may be an outdated image. I think I downloaded it back in January sometime. After boot it indicates 5.19.12-arch1-1. Might that be the problem?
Thanks in advance
It may be an outdated image. I think I downloaded it back in January sometime. After boot it indicates 5.19.12-arch1-1. Might that be the problem?
Yes, it might.
I can't believe you've posted here before even trying the current image. Are you that desperate for attention?
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Thanks Head! I was just hoping there was another workaround now I have to install Ubuntu on said laptop to download new iso and start again, just call me lazy.
The Wiki also describes in detail how you can update outdated keyring on a live medium.
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
Pages: 1