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I have a Swedish/Finnish keyboard (01EP011) installed on my ThinkPad x270, it's acting weird in a lot of places, but the main problem is with xorg. In a normal linux terminal it works in US layout without problems, but when I start a window manager (i3 LARBS) I start having problems. Many keys work, but pressing keys like N or Space will kill the keyboard, sometimes this is solved by pressing 4 - the computer enters hibernation mode, and when it exits, the keyboard can work. Often f1 f4 fn lights up and does not go out.
What layout and model should I set in xorg on arch linux to make all keys work in us layout?
I use
setxkbmap -layout fi -option keypad:pointerkeys &
in my .xinitrc before execing a window manager.
In your use-case you probably can work with just
setxkbmap fi &
Edit: I misread your OP. Ignore me.
Last edited by Irets (2023-12-18 11:44:56)
Ubuntu detects this keyboard as a Swedish keyboard with an American layout and it seems to work fine. But there is no analog of this keyboard on arch, and most Swedish layouts break when you try to use keyboard shortcuts or specific keys
I'm assuming you used ?
Does the problem also occur in vanilla i3 or other WM like openbox ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I'm assuming you used ?
Does the problem also occur in vanilla i3 or other WM like openbox ?
Had problems in both i3 and hyprland installed from archinstall from usb. As far as I remember using the spacebar broke everything.
The interesting thing is that I haven't encountered keyboard problems with the legacy version of arch installed with ALG, but the legacy version has a lot of problems and I can't use it.
Pages: 1