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i have installed swaylockeffects-git AUR package.
yesterday i accidently run an application which changed whole permissions of /usr/bin/ to h3li0p4us3 (some of them should be root). so i start fixing the issue by changing some permissions to root
today, when i lock my pc with swaylock, even with the right password, it says wrong
this is the log:
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1870] Found config at /home/h3li0p4us3/.config/swaylock/config
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #1: daemonize
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #2: show-failed-attempts
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #3: clock
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #10: timestr=%H:%M:%S
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #11: datestr=%d %B, %a
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #17: image=$HOME/.config/rofi/.current_wallpaper
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [pam.c:88] Prepared to authorize user h3li0p4us3
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:875] Loaded image /home/h3li0p4us3/.config/rofi/.current_wallpaper for output *
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #23: effect-greyscale
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #26: color=1f1d2e80
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #27: font="Fira Code Medium"
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #28: indicator
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #29: indicator-radius=200
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #30: indicator-thickness=20
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #32: text-color=e0def4
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #33: text-caps-lock-color=ffffff
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #34: inside-color=000000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #35: line-color=1f1d2e
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #36: ring-color=191724
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #37: separator-color=00000000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #38: text-ver-color=ffffff
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #39: inside-ver-color=000000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #40: line-ver-color=0000ff
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #41: ring-ver-color=2777ff
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #42: text-wrong-color=ff0000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #43: inside-wrong-color=000000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #44: line-wrong-color=000000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #45: ring-wrong-color=ff8000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #46: text-clear-color=000000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #47: inside-clear-color=ffffff
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #48: line-clear-color=00ff00
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #49: ring-clear-color=0ffff0
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #50: key-hl-color=ff0000
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #51: bs-hl-color=ffffff
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #53: grace=1
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #54: grace-no-mouse
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #55: grace-no-touch
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #56: fade-in=0.2
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1723] Config Line #57: ignore-empty-password
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1880] Parsing CLI Args
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:658] output name is eDP-2
2023-12-31 08:27:04 - [main.c:1970] Using ext-session-lock-v1
2023-12-31 08:27:06 - [comm.c:22] received pw check request
2023-12-31 08:27:08 - [pam.c:105] pam_authenticate failed: authentication information unavailable
the issue fixed by running pacman-fix-permissions AUR package.
sorry ;D
Last edited by h3li0p4us3 (2023-12-31 05:22:28)
Pages: 1