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#26 2024-01-08 21:20:01

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,670

Re: [SOLVED] GNOME: Multiple Request to Unlock Gnome Keyring on Logon

If this is indeed a race condition, there's no reliable way to trigger it.
Do you have  gnome-keyring-daemon.service still enabeld? What if you disable it?


#27 2024-01-11 18:21:25

Registered: 2008-11-13
Posts: 23

Re: [SOLVED] GNOME: Multiple Request to Unlock Gnome Keyring on Logon

I ended up solving this by simply deleting ~/.local/share/keyrings/ and logging in again.  I logged in again once or twice via GDM and opened seahorse/"passwords and keys" and a new Login keyring was created.  I set that keyring to default and then opened Brave.  Brave creates a "Brave Safe Storage" and a "Chrome Safe Storage Control" entry/key.  After that, when I login via GDM with my password it still automatically unlocks the Login keyring (set to the same password as my login) and performs normally.  If I login via my fingerprint, it actually doesn't pop up any password prompt for the keyring at all.  Then if I open Brave it prompts me for the password and only one time.  I much prefer that behavior than what it had been doing for years previously which was prompting me for a password as soon as Gnome opened.

I'll mark this as solved.  Thanks for the help.


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