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Why I can do 'cat /proc/interrupts' but can't 'watch /proc/interrupts', even as root? It was possible some time ago.
Permissions for /proc/interrupts:
$ ls -l /proc/interrupts
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 01-13 14:02 /proc/interrupts
Last edited by xerxes_ (2024-01-13 23:02:00)
Good point: 'watch cat /proc/interrupts' work as expected. This thread may be removed. BTW 'watch tac...' look funny, but 'watch rev...' look weird.
Last question: most creative / unusual use of 'watch command' ?
My proposition: 'watch aafire'
Last edited by xerxes_ (2024-01-13 23:11:00)