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#1 2024-01-15 01:29:31

Registered: 2022-12-31
Posts: 5

Archinstall Leads to Black Screen with Plasma KDE

Hello! I am trying to install arch but I am having an issue. I used the archinstall script and successfully booted into arch and I was actually able to log in. However there was just a dark gray screen and my cursor. I couldn’t do anything so I pressed Cntrl+alt+f3 to go into tty3.

Ive done various things such as black list nouveau as I installed Nvidia (Proprietary). After running journalctl -b i got:

Process 898 (ksplashqml) of user 1000 dumped core

and then this long stack trace.

This exact thing occurred to these processes:
1044 (kded5)
860 (kwalletd5)
1147 (plasmashell)
1205 (xdg-desktop-por)
1322 (xdg-desktop-por)
1380 (xdg-desktop-por)
1374 (plasma-shell)

I would appreciate any help, ive been going at this for a while now


#2 2024-01-15 03:11:34

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 22,910

Re: Archinstall Leads to Black Screen with Plasma KDE

Upload the journalctl -b with

sudo journalctl -b | curl -F 'file=@-'

generally speaking to get rid of some potential pitfalls you want to do … de_setting and set the modeset option.

Also in case "I installed nvidia" means you did so via nvidia's installer, uninstall that and use the repo packages


#3 2024-01-15 12:42:39

From: Belsize Park
Registered: 2014-02-20
Posts: 8,245

Re: Archinstall Leads to Black Screen with Plasma KDE

You should probably also check the archinstall log to see if anything went wrong. Share it here if you can't make sense of it.

"The nation-state domesticates the society in the name of capitalism and alienates the community from its natural foundations."
Democratic Confederalism, Abdullah Öcalan.


#4 2024-01-15 14:12:15

Registered: 2024-01-15
Posts: 48

Re: Archinstall Leads to Black Screen with Plasma KDE

I would try a lighter desktop environment instead of KDE (I always install simultaneously Cinnamon, XFCE, Awesome, and Qtile with archinstall).

Only one thing is certain: nothing is certain.


#5 2024-01-15 15:02:32

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 22,910

Re: Archinstall Leads to Black Screen with Plasma KDE

I don't see how general suggestions to switch ones workflow are going to help with the relevant issue. KDE in general works perfectly well and we have absolutely no information on the issue here.


#6 2024-01-15 20:20:34

Registered: 2022-12-31
Posts: 5

Re: Archinstall Leads to Black Screen with Plasma KDE

I tried to replicate this issue on a different computer and sure enough, same thing happened.

When trying it again on that computer, when it asked for what type of GPU in the archinstall, this time I selected “all open source”. This fixed the issue but the screen kept randomly freezing up.

So, I installed the proprietary nvidia drivers manually using pacman, this caused the same issue. Thus, I believe the issue is in the proprietary nvidia drivers.

I am back on my main computer where the black screen issue still appears. I tried reinstalling with proprietary drivers and a new usb bootable but the issue persists. My journalctl can be found at:

Thank you all so much for helping me out, I really appreciate it.


#7 2024-01-15 21:26:51

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 22,910

Re: Archinstall Leads to Black Screen with Plasma KDE

Why are there so many people where fucking zink is loaded by default? Is this actually archinstall or did you follow some random tutorial. If this is really induced by archinstall and unconditionally so... then what  are they thinking?

You need to get rid of the environment variable that loads zink by default, it's not ready to be a default and will expectedly break on nvidia.  Find where … kan_(Zink) is configured and remove it, post your /var/log/archinstall/install.log as mentioned by HoaS

Though reading again this might be a simpledrm fallback that then pollutes the stack.

That out of the way, as already mentioned, if you intend to use the nvidia card in any way on a wayland session you need to follow the section I linked to enable the modeset=1 parameter and maybe also add the modules so they get early loaded (when doing that, remove the kms hook from the hooks array while you're there).

Can you test and does a xorg session work?

Moving to the Archinstall subsection

Last edited by V1del (2024-01-15 21:36:43)


#8 2024-01-15 22:12:49

Registered: 2022-12-31
Posts: 5

Re: Archinstall Leads to Black Screen with Plasma KDE

Thank you V1del the modeset thing solved my problem. By the way, I didnt use any tutorial, I just ran archinstall with the iso I downloaded from their official site.

Here is what I did step by step for anyone in the future encountering this issue:

If you’re using grub do this:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Then, find the line that says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. You may find something like this (its okay if it looks a little different):


Then at the end just add nvidia-drm.modeset=1 so it should look like

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nvidia-drm.modeset=1"

Then exit by doing Cntrl + O then Enter, then Cntrl + X.

Then run:
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

And reboot!


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