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I have two disks, sda is empty, nvme0n1 has Arch installed (with grub on nvme0n1p1).
$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 119.2G 0 disk
nvme0n1 259:0 0 119.2G 0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 1G 0 part
├─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 100G 0 part /
└─nvme0n1p3 259:3 0 16G 0 part [SWAP]
I want to install Windows 10 on sda disk.
My question is, should I just do usual Windows setup, and there will be no problems with Windows bootloader on sda and grub on nvme0n1?
IIRC Windows will <<Seek And Destroy>> any suitable $ESP (FAT32) it will find during its (installation) path.
Not a big deal, though: just re-install GRUB.
Or, you could go by a manual Windows' (10 and/or 11) installation: … 6fa774cf50
(with that you'll be able forcing Window's $ESP installation wherevere you want)
<49,17,III,I> Fama di loro il mondo esser non lassa;
<50,17,III,I> misericordia e giustizia li sdegna:
<51,17,III,I> non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.
You CAN recover from whatever mess windows will end up causing - but I highly recommend going "the arch way" by doing the windows install manual - as you're using arch anyway already.
I do not see any recommendations on installing Arch and Windows on separate disks in this article.
There's nothing inherently magic about that usecase, it will generally work, if you don't want Windows to add itself to the ESP of the Arch disk you might want to preempt that and explictly create a new ESP on /dev/sda.
Unless you mess up during drive/partition selection the worst that can happen is that your bootloader/the bootorder gets overridden, which is all trivially fixable.
There's nothing inherently magic about that usecase, it will generally work, if you don't want Windows to add itself to the ESP of the Arch disk you might want to preempt that and explictly create a new ESP on /dev/sda.
Unless you mess up during drive/partition selection the worst that can happen is that your bootloader/the bootorder gets overridden, which is all trivially fixable.
Do you mean that I should do
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
on Arch and then proceed with Windows installation?
And properly give the partition a ESP GUID;
d_fajardo wrote:I do not see any recommendations on installing Arch and Windows on separate disks in this article.
What I did was:
1) Plug in only the first harddrive, then install Windows as normal.
2) Remove the first harddrive and plug in the second, then install Arch Linux as normal.
3) Plug in the first harddrive again and set up BIOS to always boot with the drive that has preferred OS installed.
4) Whenever I want to boot into the other OS I hit F8 (ASUS motherboards) or F11 (MSI motherboards) after pressing the power button and pick the drive the other OS is installed on. This is just a temporary override, the next boot it will pick the default drive again.
That way there's no risk that Windows and Linux will mess with each other. And it works the same no matter how many OS/drives you want to use. It also makes it easy to add or remove OS/drives without having to change anything in boot loaders.
Last edited by PeterP_swe (2024-03-16 22:47:38)
elintendo wrote:d_fajardo wrote:I do not see any recommendations on installing Arch and Windows on separate disks in this article.
What I did was:
1) Plug in only the first harddrive, then install Windows as normal.
2) Remove the first harddrive and plug in the second, then install Arch Linux as normal.
3) Plug in the first harddrive again and set up BIOS to always boot with the drive that has preferred OS isntalled.
4) Whenever I want to boot into the other OS I hit F8 (ASUS motherboards) or F11 (MSI motherboards) after pressing the power button and pick the drive the other OS is installed on.That way there's no risk that Windows and Linux will mess with each other.
I did 1 and 2, but setup my system to boot grub, and added Windows to Grub. Avoids messing with BIOS boot order.
Ryzen 5900X 12 core/24 thread - RTX 3090 FE 24 Gb, Asus B550-F Gaming MB, 128Gb Corsair DDR4, Cooler Master N300 chassis, 5 HD (2 NvME PCI, 4SSD) + 1 x optical.
Linux user #545703
/ is the root of all problems.
i know, that you need the arch-linux-repository-package os-prober. install it with
pacman -S os-prober
after installation of os-prober you can run the programm ...
and after that and if you want to have grub as bootloader, you must do the grub installation with pacman -S grub and grub-install and grub-mkconfig again. i have done that with an earlier installation on my pc and it worked.
Always install windows first, then Arch and ensure you change your boot order in the bios, this will prevent windows from trying to override grub, done ez fix
chris@arch ~ >
I have two disks, sda is empty, nvme0n1 has Arch installed (with grub on nvme0n1p1).
$ lsblkelintendo NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 119.2G 0 disk nvme0n1 259:0 0 119.2G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 1G 0 part ├─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 100G 0 part / └─nvme0n1p3 259:3 0 16G 0 part [SWAP]
I want to install Windows 10 on sda disk.
My question is, should I just do usual Windows setup, and there will be no problems with Windows bootloader on sda and grub on nvme0n1?
Install Windows on sda with no problem, but prepare an ArchLinux fresh usb stick for recover GRUB.
Seeing from your output it seems like you are not mounting the boot or efi partition, take a look at:
If you wish to have it mounted at startup, take a look: … g_genfstab
To recover grub you need to know if your installation is UEFI or Legacy/CSM!