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#1 2024-02-14 16:20:16

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 64

Pro audio Tweaks: CPU frequency scaling

Hi to all,

how are you? It seems i don't write since many months in the forum.
Maybe it'a good sign, maybe i 'm trying to understand something and resolve problems from myself...maybe smile

I have started to produce music from my own with my arch linux distro. The system is always updated and goes quite well.
I don't even installed a DAW, perhaps, cause i have to resolve my latency problem. I made many tests and i checked with jack_iodelay. i have yet 1 sec delay so i decided to improve my pro audio with all the tweaks provided here:

Actually i have implemented this:
Pro audio tweaks
Gab is part of realtime group
Installed realtime privilegies

@pipewire - memlock 4194304
@pipewire - nice -19
@pipewire - rtprio 95

Now i'm starting to configure Cpu frequency scaling.
I'm started from here:

I have installed cpupower without Gui. And set as a service at startup. My user is in the wheel group.

This is my frequency info:

analyzing CPU 3:
  driver: intel_pstate
  CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 3
  CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 3
  maximum transition latency:  Cannot determine or is not supported.
  hardware limits: 400 MHz - 3.00 GHz
  available cpufreq governors: performance powersave
  current policy: frequency should be within 400 MHz and 3.00 GHz.
                  The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use
                  within this range.
  current CPU frequency: Unable to call hardware
  current CPU frequency: 673 MHz (asserted by call to kernel)
  boost state support:
    Supported: yes
    Active: yes

I'm using pstate intel driver
This is instead the cpupower conf file in /etc/default/cpupower

# Define CPUs governor
# valid governors: ondemand, performance, powersave, conservative, userspace.

# Limit frequency range
# Valid suffixes: Hz, kHz (default), MHz, GHz, THz

# Specific frequency to be set.
# Requires userspace governor to be available.
# Do not set governor field if you use this one.

# Utilizes cores in one processor package/socket first before processes are
# scheduled to other processor packages/sockets.
# See man (1) CPUPOWER-SET for additional details.

# Utilizes thread siblings of one processor core first before processes are
# scheduled to other cores. See man (1) CPUPOWER-SET for additional details.

#  Sets a register on supported Intel processore which allows software to convey
# its policy for the relative importance of performance versus energy savings to
# the  processor. See man (1) CPUPOWER-SET for additional details.

# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 ft=sh et:

I'd like to have best performance to reduce latency. I know for now all values are commented so are not running.
Now what i'd like to know is:
1) What frequency is suggested to insert?
2) I have to configure the scaling governor inside the conf file, correct? If i 'd like to have performance only when i started music and daws software how can i write a shell script to reach this goal? I have no idea how to write shell script to enahnce performance only in this case. Or maybe there are different solutions?

After reaching this first goal i will open another thread about the real time kernel patchset...but not in this post smile
Many thanks

Last edited by gabtram (2024-02-14 16:22:24)


#2 2024-02-14 16:43:11

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 23,969

Re: Pro audio Tweaks: CPU frequency scaling

Don't change the frequencies, switch the scaling governor to performance instead of powersave, will do the correct thing for the intended purpose, and the powerdraw should not increase that much while idle. if you wanted to write a wrapper script for that that to change this on the fly you can just run the appropriate cpupower set-frequency -g performance command before and after running the application e.g.

#! /bin/sh
sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance
sudo cpupower frequency-set -g powersave

and for simplification purposes you'd probably want to configure these two commands to be ran passwordless.

That said 1 sec delay sounds too high and not correct without having to do any tweaks however. In which context and with which tools are you asserting that amount of a delay? Which audio cards/speakers/headphones are involved? Note if you are using something with wireless you can forget low latency immediately. Which CPU is this?

Last edited by V1del (2024-02-14 16:49:32)


#3 2024-02-15 11:58:28

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 64

Re: Pro audio Tweaks: CPU frequency scaling


Thanks so much for your response
i can give you more details:

I have the last kernel available (i don't launch pacman -Syu since 1 week so i hop smile ).
Using pipewire with wireplumber and qpwgraph. Xmonad is my window manager and installed axarva mod that uses xmonad, with tint2conf, eww, rofi and screenlock.

This is my archey output:

               #                 Model: HP EliteBook 850 G3
              ###                Distro: Arch Linux x86_64
             #####               Kernel: Linux 6.7.2-arch1-1
             ######              Uptime: 2 hours and 17 minutes
            ; #####;             Load Average: 1.11 0.83 0.46
           +##.#####             Processes: 160
          +##########            Window Manager: xmonad
         #############;          Desktop Environment: Not detected
        ###############+         Shell: /bin/bash
       #######   #######         Terminal: alacritty ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
     .######;     ;###;`".       Packages: 842
    .#######;     ;#####.        Temperature: 35.1 C (Max. 40.0 C)
    #########.   .########`      CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz
   ######'           '######     GPU: Intel Corporation Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics...
  ;####                 ####;    RAM: 2338 MiB / 15878 MiB
  ##'                     '##    Disk: 26.7 GiB / 466.4 GiB

This is my wpctl status

Wpctl status
 └─ Clients:
        31. qpwgraph                            [1.0.1, @archmusic, pid:]
        32. WirePlumber                         [1.0.1, @archmusic, pid:]
        33. WirePlumber [export]                [1.0.1, @archmusic, pid:]
        67. python3.11                          [1.0.1, @archmusic, pid:]
        69. python3.11                          [1.0.1, @archmusic, pid:]
        74. wpctl                               [1.0.1, @archmusic, pid:]

 ├─ Devices:
 │      44. Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen.)            [alsa]
 │      45. Built-in Audio                      [alsa]
 ├─ Sinks:
 │  *   50. Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen.) Headphones / Line 1-2 [vol: 3.55]
 │      53. Built-in Audio Analog Stereo        [vol: 0.40]
 ├─ Sink endpoints:
 ├─ Sources:
 │      51. Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen.) Input 2 Inst/Line [vol: 1.00]
 │      52. Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen.) Input 1 Mic [vol: 1.00]
 │  *   54. Built-in Audio Analog Stereo        [vol: 1.00]
 ├─ Source endpoints:
 └─ Streams:

 ├─ Devices:
 │      41. HP HD Camera                        [v4l2]
 │      42. HP HD Camera                        [v4l2]
 │      43. HP HD Camera: HP HD Camera          [libcamera]
 ├─ Sinks:
 ├─ Sink endpoints:
 ├─ Sources:
 │  *   46. HP HD Camera (V4L2)
 │      48. Built-in Front Camera
 ├─ Source endpoints:
 └─ Streams:

 └─ Default Configured Node Names:
         0. Audio/Sink    alsa_output.usb-Focusrite_Scarlett_Solo_USB_Y75E2NG150325A-00.HiFi__hw_USB__sink
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 0: USB [Scarlett Solo USB], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: CX20724 Analog [CX20724 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

if i launch


i have 95% of my cpu free!

Then to make music now i'm using Carla rack with lv2 or vst pugins. I didn't yet installed a Daw cause i want to solve my latency problem first. I use only peripherals with cables, no wireless.
I haven't used hearphones only speakers connected to internal sound card with a normal green jack.
With qpwgraph i change the routes of soundcard.
I'm using an electric guitar with focusrite and a midi keyboard with carla and odin vst for example or many other vst or lv2 plugins (calf plugins and many others).

Last but not least these are my logs with


I made some tests without and within the scale governor on performance.


  Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
    use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
    use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
    use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
    use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
    use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
    use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 53582.240 frames   1116.297 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 50542 frames
    use 25271 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 53582.240 frames   1116.297 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 50542 frames
    use 25271 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 53582.240 frames   1116.297 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 50542 frames
    use 25271 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 27926.164 frames    581.795 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24886 frames
    use 12443 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 45331.327 frames    944.403 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 42291 frames
    use 21145 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 38267.382 frames    797.237 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35227 frames
    use 17613 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv

Scaling governor performance

Signal below threshold...
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 48989.531 frames   1020.615 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 45949 frames
    use 22974 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 59716.324 frames   1244.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 56676 frames
    use 28338 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 59716.324 frames   1244.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 56676 frames
    use 28338 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 59716.324 frames   1244.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 56676 frames
    use 28338 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 59716.324 frames   1244.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 56676 frames
    use 28338 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 59716.324 frames   1244.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 56676 frames
    use 28338 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 59716.324 frames   1244.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 56676 frames
    use 28338 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 59716.324 frames   1244.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 56676 frames
    use 28338 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 59716.324 frames   1244.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 56676 frames
    use 28338 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??

 57949.241 frames   1207.276 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55421 frames
    use 27710 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 57949.241 frames   1207.276 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55421 frames
    use 27710 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 38194.345 frames    795.716 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 35666 frames
    use 17833 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 13199.187 frames    274.983 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10671 frames
    use 5335 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  9787.672 frames    203.910 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7259 frames
    use 3629 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  9787.672 frames    203.910 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7259 frames
    use 3629 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 33521.439 frames    698.363 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 30993 frames
    use 15496 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 19302.837 frames    402.142 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 16774 frames
    use 8387 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 23907.894 frames    498.081 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21379 frames
    use 10689 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 23907.894 frames    498.081 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21379 frames
    use 10689 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 25142.052 frames    523.793 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 22614 frames
    use 11307 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 25142.052 frames    523.793 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 22614 frames
    use 11307 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 25142.052 frames    523.793 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 22614 frames
    use 11307 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 25142.052 frames    523.793 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 22614 frames
    use 11307 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 36404.934 frames    758.436 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 33876 frames
    use 16938 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 36404.934 frames    758.436 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 33876 frames
    use 16938 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 36404.934 frames    758.436 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 33876 frames
    use 16938 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 36404.934 frames    758.436 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 33876 frames
    use 16938 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...

Signal below threshold...
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??

 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??

 33922.720 frames    706.723 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31394 frames
    use 15697 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  7937.410 frames    165.363 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 5409 frames
    use 2704 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  7937.410 frames    165.363 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 5409 frames
    use 2704 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  7937.410 frames    165.363 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 5409 frames
    use 2704 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  7937.410 frames    165.363 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 5409 frames
    use 2704 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  7937.410 frames    165.363 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 5409 frames
    use 2704 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  7937.410 frames    165.363 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 5409 frames
    use 2704 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 58015.844 frames   1208.663 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 55487 frames
    use 27743 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 24572.958 frames    511.937 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 22044 frames
    use 11022 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 24572.958 frames    511.937 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 22044 frames
    use 11022 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 24572.958 frames    511.937 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 22044 frames
    use 11022 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 24572.958 frames    511.937 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 22044 frames
    use 11022 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 56987.590 frames   1187.241 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54459 frames
    use 27229 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 56987.590 frames   1187.241 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54459 frames
    use 27229 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 56987.590 frames   1187.241 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54459 frames
    use 27229 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 56987.590 frames   1187.241 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 54459 frames
    use 27229 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 34912.003 frames    727.333 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 32384 frames
    use 16192 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
  4031.942 frames     83.999 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 1503 frames
    use 751 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 22130.762 frames    461.058 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 19602 frames
    use 9801 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 22130.762 frames    461.058 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 19602 frames
    use 9801 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 22130.762 frames    461.058 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 19602 frames
    use 9801 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 37326.629 frames    777.638 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 34798 frames
    use 17399 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 11232.078 frames    234.002 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 8704 frames
    use 4352 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 11232.078 frames    234.002 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 8704 frames
    use 4352 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 11232.078 frames    234.002 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 8704 frames
    use 4352 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 21116.388 frames    439.925 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 18588 frames
    use 9294 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 47348.924 frames    986.436 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44820 frames
    use 22410 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 47348.924 frames    986.436 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44820 frames
    use 22410 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 22912.732 frames    477.349 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 20384 frames
    use 10192 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 22912.732 frames    477.349 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 20384 frames
    use 10192 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 22912.732 frames    477.349 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 20384 frames
    use 10192 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 43954.057 frames    915.710 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41426 frames
    use 20713 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 11390.082 frames    237.293 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 8862 frames
    use 4431 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 11390.082 frames    237.293 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 8862 frames
    use 4431 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??

Internal soundcard

Signal below threshold...
 38073.777 frames    793.204 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 36025 frames
    use 18012 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 38073.777 frames    793.204 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 36025 frames
    use 18012 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 38073.777 frames    793.204 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 36025 frames
    use 18012 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 38073.777 frames    793.204 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 36025 frames
    use 18012 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 26696.800 frames    556.183 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 24648 frames
    use 12324 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  4453.973 frames     92.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 2405 frames
    use 1202 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  4453.973 frames     92.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 2405 frames
    use 1202 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
  2544.217 frames     53.005 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 496 frames
    use 248 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  2544.217 frames     53.005 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 496 frames
    use 248 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
  2544.217 frames     53.005 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 496 frames
    use 248 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 25556.395 frames    532.425 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 23508 frames
    use 11754 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 20526.013 frames    427.625 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 18478 frames
    use 9239 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 20526.013 frames    427.625 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 18478 frames
    use 9239 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 20526.013 frames    427.625 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 18478 frames
    use 9239 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
   368.642 frames      7.680 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965616 frames
    use 2147482808 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
   368.642 frames      7.680 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965616 frames
    use 2147482808 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
   368.642 frames      7.680 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965616 frames
    use 2147482808 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 22697.104 frames    472.856 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 20649 frames
    use 10324 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 22697.104 frames    472.856 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 20649 frames
    use 10324 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 22697.104 frames    472.856 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 20649 frames
    use 10324 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 39206.664 frames    816.806 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 37158 frames
    use 18579 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8339.210 frames    173.734 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6291 frames
    use 3145 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 12229.950 frames    254.791 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 10181 frames
    use 5090 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 13406.753 frames    279.307 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 11358 frames
    use 5679 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 51307.591 frames   1068.908 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 49259 frames
    use 24629 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 17926.641 frames    373.472 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 15878 frames
    use 7939 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 17926.641 frames    373.472 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 15878 frames
    use 7939 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  9600.637 frames    200.013 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7552 frames
    use 3776 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 51928.249 frames   1081.839 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 49880 frames
    use 24940 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 41692.536 frames    868.595 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 39644 frames
    use 19822 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 17272.757 frames    359.849 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 15224 frames
    use 7612 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 17272.757 frames    359.849 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 15224 frames
    use 7612 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
gab@archmusic ~ :( $ Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
        use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
        use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
        use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
        use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
        use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 57183.781 frames   1191.329 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 54143 frames
        use 27071 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 53582.240 frames   1116.297 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 50542 frames
        use 25271 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
 53582.240 frames   1116.297 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 50542 frames
        use 25271 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 53582.240 frames   1116.297 ms total roundtrip latency
        extra loopback latency: 50542 frames

with Scaling governor Performance

23592.257 frames    491.505 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21544 frames
    use 10772 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 23592.257 frames    491.505 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21544 frames
    use 10772 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 23592.257 frames    491.505 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21544 frames
    use 10772 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 23592.257 frames    491.505 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21544 frames
    use 10772 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 23592.257 frames    491.505 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21544 frames
    use 10772 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 23592.257 frames    491.505 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21544 frames
    use 10772 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 23592.257 frames    491.505 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21544 frames
    use 10772 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 23592.257 frames    491.505 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 21544 frames
    use 10772 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 61042.811 frames   1271.725 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 58994 frames
    use 29497 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8576.961 frames    178.687 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6528 frames
    use 3264 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  9927.673 frames    206.827 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7879 frames
    use 3939 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  4593.390 frames     95.696 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 2545 frames
    use 1272 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  4593.390 frames     95.696 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 2545 frames
    use 1272 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  4593.390 frames     95.696 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 2545 frames
    use 1272 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8062.398 frames    167.967 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6014 frames
    use 3007 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8062.398 frames    167.967 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6014 frames
    use 3007 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8062.398 frames    167.967 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6014 frames
    use 3007 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  8062.398 frames    167.967 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6014 frames
    use 3007 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  8062.398 frames    167.967 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 6014 frames
    use 3007 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  9088.342 frames    189.340 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7040 frames
    use 3520 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 33324.897 frames    694.269 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31276 frames
    use 15638 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 33324.897 frames    694.269 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 31276 frames
    use 15638 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
 31141.734 frames    648.786 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 29093 frames
    use 14546 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 46284.530 frames    964.261 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 44236 frames
    use 22118 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  2884.320 frames     60.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 836 frames
    use 418 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  2884.320 frames     60.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 836 frames
    use 418 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  2884.320 frames     60.090 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 836 frames
    use 418 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 43313.445 frames    902.363 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 41265 frames
    use 20632 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
  9096.949 frames    189.520 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 7048 frames
    use 3524 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 39552.329 frames    824.007 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 37504 frames
    use 18752 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 53386.797 frames   1112.225 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 51338 frames
    use 25669 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 53386.797 frames   1112.225 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 51338 frames
    use 25669 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 42960.381 frames    895.008 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 40912 frames
    use 20456 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 42960.381 frames    895.008 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 40912 frames
    use 20456 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 42960.381 frames    895.008 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 40912 frames
    use 20456 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
   613.032 frames     12.771 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965861 frames
    use 2147482930 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
   613.032 frames     12.771 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965861 frames
    use 2147482930 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
   613.032 frames     12.771 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965861 frames
    use 2147482930 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
   613.032 frames     12.771 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965861 frames
    use 2147482930 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
   613.032 frames     12.771 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965861 frames
    use 2147482930 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
   613.032 frames     12.771 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965861 frames
    use 2147482930 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
   613.032 frames     12.771 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965861 frames
    use 2147482930 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
   613.032 frames     12.771 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 4294965861 frames
    use 2147482930 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 60400.257 frames   1258.339 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 58352 frames
    use 29176 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 60400.257 frames   1258.339 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 58352 frames
    use 29176 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 60400.257 frames   1258.339 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 58352 frames
    use 29176 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 60400.257 frames   1258.339 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 58352 frames
    use 29176 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 60400.257 frames   1258.339 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 58352 frames
    use 29176 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 15100.154 frames    314.587 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 13052 frames
    use 6526 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 15100.154 frames    314.587 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 13052 frames
    use 6526 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 15100.154 frames    314.587 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 13052 frames
    use 6526 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 11069.388 frames    230.612 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 9021 frames
    use 4510 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 11069.388 frames    230.612 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 9021 frames
    use 4510 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 11069.388 frames    230.612 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 9021 frames
    use 4510 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 11069.388 frames    230.612 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 9021 frames
    use 4510 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv
 11069.388 frames    230.612 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 9021 frames
    use 4510 for the backend arguments -I and -O ??
 11069.388 frames    230.612 ms total roundtrip latency
    extra loopback latency: 9021 frames
    use 4510 for the backend arguments -I and -O ?? Inv

Last edited by gabtram (2024-02-15 12:01:18)


#4 2024-02-20 15:21:25

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 64

Re: Pro audio Tweaks: CPU frequency scaling


sorry @V1del i hate to reply myself but are there no clues for this post? And next one?

Last edited by gabtram (2024-02-20 15:21:50)


#5 2024-03-31 15:26:05

Registered: 2023-04-11
Posts: 64

Re: Pro audio Tweaks: CPU frequency scaling

i understand. The jack io delay have to create a roundtrip inside the sound card.
Like this:



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