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Here's Linus' reply to this: … 6a6f95905c
to live is to die
If this happens we will never see support for most future devices on linux again. Most hardware makers would rather close up shop on the linux support rather than GPL their driver sources. Hell, most of them couldn't work out the licenses for any 3rd party code such that a GPL driver would be possible.
I agree with Linus, any thought of restricting the kernel to only GPL drivers is shortsighted. Damn zealots!
Linus said that prohibiting binary drivers to encourage developers to make open kernel module + closed userspace library is not a solution because this is what he thinks should be avoided (thin GPL kernel wrappers around closed userspace libs). This will not help to open-source closed proprietary drivers either.
Linus is more technical realist than political idealist, and I agree with him at this point. This (as well as GPL3 for kernel) will, in fact, lessen the freedom to use the software.
Making proprietary drivers to become open-sourced should be done in other ways IMHO. I think this (open-sourcing [some parts of] the source) will eventually happen, but due to other factors.
IMHO Nvidia and AMD (ATI) can safely made most of their drivers open-source (except some [relatively small] patented stuff), they just are lazy about this (especially ATI).
to live is to die
Good. I remember reading this and wondering if I should post about it, but I figured it'd be cancelled soon anyways.
I think these people need to worry about the concerns of the actual USERS of Linux. If Linux started banning closed-source drivers and I couldn't get good hardware acceleration for my nVidia graphics card, I'd either go to *BSD or stop using *nix OS's all together. Part of using open-source software is freedom. I should be free to choose what I can and can't do with my computer. Hyprocrites have no place in Linux development.
You know that if Linux ever did ban closed drivers a fork would just come out that allows it. A large majority of people, at least in the desktop world, would migrate over to it as well (especially nVidia users)