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Pages: 1
During a test run of my recovery system, sgdisk errorred saying in effect:
couild not create partition 2 from ...
could not change partition 2's type code to 8300
The code is question is here:
for drv in "${disk1}" "${disk2}" ; do
nvme format -f "${drv}" --ses=1
parted "${drv}" mklabel gpt
sgdisk -n 1:2M:+1G -t 1:EF00 "${drv}"
sgdisk -n 2:0M:-0M -t 2:8300 "${drv}"
partprobe -s "${drv}"
This code has been working for some time now.
When I reverted to an earlier ISO it ran without any issues.
I tried writing the new ISO file to a different USB and got the same.
I tried recreating the new ISO and using a new USB and got the same.
I trued using the LTS kernel instead of ZEN and got the same.
When I checked the archives I found that gptfdisk was updated on Feb 20th.
Not sure how to procede.
Last edited by lenhuppe (2024-02-27 03:09:16)
"I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person." -- Bill Murray
After confirming that the recently updated sgdisk does not work in my script, I switched to using gparted instead.
Last edited by lenhuppe (2024-02-27 10:08:17)
"I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person." -- Bill Murray
Pages: 1