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I got a good Internet connection. Can I somehow stop this process or it’s too late now?
Snapshot -
Last edited by grotesqueimpalement (2024-02-26 18:34:08)
<Ctrl>-c out of that and pick a better mirror.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
How can I pick a better mirror
All the mirrors are apparently giving same speeds
Why is this marked as solved then? If all mirrors are giving the same speeds then either 1) you didn't actually / properly select new mirrors, or 2) you don't actually have a good internet connection.
Please describe exactly what you did to select mirrors. Also please use a speed test service to check your connection and report the speed / bandwidth here.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Receiving errors currently, failed to retrieve file because operation too slow, less than1 byte transferred in last 10 seconds.
I am currently in a college dorm with reliable fast internet, did switch to mobile, results were same.
Based on
Followed this command Get the mirrorlist directly from the website:
# curl -o /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
And manually decided to find a good mirror after failing to run the following command
Finally, rank the mirrors, here with the operand -n 6 to only output the 6 fastest mirrors:
# rankmirrors -n 6 /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.backup > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
rankmirrors taking too long perhaps?
Would like to apologise for not being able to format answers with proper structure, it’s hard to type on a smartphone.
Last edited by grotesqueimpalement (2024-02-26 18:48:15)
Run a basic speedtest on whether your connection to anything is actually any good.
Speedtested ! 200 mbps
Is not an output of that script and you're not getting exactly 200 mbps.
Did you actually run a speedtest from the install iso or did you just look at the prospect of your ISP?
But if that's the speed you'd expect in that context, simply choose a faster mirror. The iso should™ run reflector anyway…
I had to manually uncomment number of servers from mirrorlist file. Too many servers were performing bad and it took me some time to find a good mirror.
I have successfully booted and set up the arch desktop, however in the process, I have somehow messed up and now windows won’t boot up.
I’ll again resume my installation or likely would have to start all from scratch.
Pages: 1