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#1 2024-03-11 10:27:44

From: Aalborg, Denmark
Registered: 2013-04-11
Posts: 8

Monitor started going black when increasing refresh rate beyond 60hz


I've been having issues with my primary monitor for the past week or so - I guess after upgrading `nvidia` from `545.29.06-18` to `550.54.14-4`.
Sometimes, when I boot, log in and start Xorg, my primary monitor will just go black and complain there's no signal.
I should say my setup has never experienced issues like this over many, many years, using a refresh rate of 144hz. I also dual-boot with Windows, where the monitor works fine.

I can't see anything wrong with xrandr or in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. It just seems normal, and I can move windows to the black screen as if it was functioning correctly.
Then I figured out I could bring it back to life by setting the refresh rate to 60hz using xrandr (with --rate), but the other way around turns it black again.

Like I said, it doesn't happen on every boot, but more often than not.
I have had luck turning it off (using xrandr --off) and on, but that worked once out of 20 attempts or so.

I don't have any Xorg configurations for displays, and I just set refresh rate in my WM (i3) configuration like this:

exec xrandr --output DP-2 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 144 --right-of HDMI-1

Kernel: 6.7.9-arch1-1
NVIDIA driver: 550.54.14-5
Monitor: ASUS VG248QE
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
Connected using DisplayPort.

Modes available (shows +1920+0 as my primary monitor is to the right):

DP-2 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 531mm x 299mm
   1920x1080     60.00 + 144.00*  119.98    99.93    84.90    59.94    50.00  
   1680x1050     59.95  
   1440x900      59.89  
   1280x1024     75.02    60.02  
   1280x960      60.00  
   1280x800      59.81  
   1280x720      60.00    59.94    50.00  
   1152x864      75.00  
   1024x768      75.03    70.07    60.00  
   800x600       75.00    72.19    60.32    56.25  
   720x576       50.00  
   720x480       59.94  
   640x480       75.00    59.94    59.93  

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out why and when this happens, and where to even look for logs other than Xorg.
I have tried downgrading the NVIDIA driver, but I gave up as it seemed like I had to downgrade the whole system because of kernel module mismatch.

Where can I look for issues?


#2 2024-03-11 15:11:23

From: Aalborg, Denmark
Registered: 2013-04-11
Posts: 8

Re: Monitor started going black when increasing refresh rate beyond 60hz

It turns out that setting the refresh rate using nvidia-settings works out, but I'm still interested in finding out why xrandr doesn't work.
I was under the impression that nvidia-settings just used xrandr/Xorg to set modes under the hood.


#3 2024-03-11 15:47:47

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,288

Re: Monitor started going black when increasing refresh rate beyond 60hz

xrandr uses the nvidia driver.
Can you obtain the output of "xrandr -v" after setting the mode w/ nvidia-settings resp. xrandr (you'll probably have to timeout the latter w/ "sleep 10" or so)

I don't have any Xorg configurations for displays

If  you want to change this dynamically via commandline you can - at least temporarily - resort to

nvidia-settings -a CurrentMetaMode <metamodestring>

You can query the string

nvidia-settings -q CurrentMetaMode

after setting the mode w/ nvidia-settings once.


#4 2024-03-11 17:14:47

From: Aalborg, Denmark
Registered: 2013-04-11
Posts: 8

Re: Monitor started going black when increasing refresh rate beyond 60hz

seth wrote:

Can you obtain the output of "xrandr -v" after setting the mode w/ nvidia-settings resp. xrandr (you'll probably have to timeout the latter w/ "sleep 10" or so)

There's no difference, it's just:

xrandr program version       1.5.2
Server reports RandR version 1.6
seth wrote:

I don't have any Xorg configurations for displays


Sorry, I meant besides the xorg.conf nvidia-settings generated for me. It's just default.

And for the CLI usage of nvidia-settings, thanks. That's good to know! The output looks like this:

  Attribute 'CurrentMetaMode' (n0va:0.0): id=50, switchable=no, source=nv-control :: DPY-3: 1920x1080_144 @1920x1080 +1920+0 {ViewPortIn=1920x1080, ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}, DPY-5: nvidia-auto-select @1920x1080 +0+0
  {ViewPortIn=1920x1080, ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}

Which part is the mode string?


#5 2024-03-11 17:22:12

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,288

Re: Monitor started going black when increasing refresh rate beyond 60hz

F***, "xrandr --verbose" - sorry.

"DPY-3: 1920x1080_144 @1920x1080 +1920+0 {ViewPortIn=1920x1080, ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}, DPY-5: nvidia-auto-select @1920x1080 +0+0  {ViewPortIn=1920x1080, ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}"
Please post that nvidia-settings generated xorg config that you most likely do not want to use at all (but that should actually contain the metamode)


#6 2024-03-12 13:03:14

From: Aalborg, Denmark
Registered: 2013-04-11
Posts: 8

Re: Monitor started going black when increasing refresh rate beyond 60hz

Had the same problem this morning, where nvidia-settings also didn't fix it. Left it on 60hz for an hour or so, and then changed it to 144hz first try.
It's working currently, and I can't seem to "break" it, so I'll post the working output of xrandr --verbose (left out unused outputs):

Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3840 x 1080, maximum 32767 x 32767
DP-2 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (0x1c1) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 531mm x 299mm
	Identifier: 0x1bf
	Timestamp:  26361622
	Subpixel:   unknown
	Gamma:      0.91:0.91:0.91
	Brightness: 1.0
	CRTC:       0
	CRTCs:      0 1 2 3
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	CTM: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
		0 1 
	CscMatrix: 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 
	BorderDimensions: 4 
		supported: 4
	Border: 0 0 0 0 
		range: (0, 65535)
	SignalFormat: DisplayPort 
		supported: DisplayPort
	ConnectorType: DisplayPort 
	ConnectorNumber: 2 
	_ConnectorLocation: 2 
	non-desktop: 0 
		supported: 0, 1
  1920x1080 (0x1c0) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync +preferred
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  60.00Hz
  1920x1080 (0x1c1) 325.080MHz +HSync +VSync *current
        h: width  1920 start 1944 end 1976 total 2056 skew    0 clock 158.11KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1083 end 1088 total 1098           clock 144.00Hz
  1920x1080 (0x1c2) 285.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1920 start 1968 end 2000 total 2080 skew    0 clock 137.26KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1083 end 1088 total 1144           clock 119.98Hz
  1920x1080 (0x1c3) 235.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1920 start 1968 end 2000 total 2080 skew    0 clock 113.22KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1083 end 1088 total 1133           clock  99.93Hz
  1920x1080 (0x1c4) 198.500MHz +HSync -VSync
        h: width  1920 start 1968 end 2000 total 2080 skew    0 clock  95.43KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1083 end 1088 total 1124           clock  84.90Hz
  1920x1080 (0x1c5) 148.350MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.43KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  59.94Hz
  1920x1080 (0x1c6) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2448 end 2492 total 2640 skew    0 clock  56.25KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  50.00Hz
  1680x1050 (0x1c7) 146.250MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1680 start 1784 end 1960 total 2240 skew    0 clock  65.29KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1089           clock  59.95Hz
  1440x900 (0x1c8) 106.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1440 start 1520 end 1672 total 1904 skew    0 clock  55.93KHz
        v: height  900 start  903 end  909 total  934           clock  59.89Hz
  1280x1024 (0x1c9) 135.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1296 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  79.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  75.02Hz
  1280x1024 (0x1ca) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  63.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  60.02Hz
  1280x960 (0x1cb) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1376 end 1488 total 1800 skew    0 clock  60.00KHz
        v: height  960 start  961 end  964 total 1000           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x800 (0x1cc) 83.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1352 end 1480 total 1680 skew    0 clock  49.70KHz
        v: height  800 start  803 end  809 total  831           clock  59.81Hz
  1280x720 (0x1cd) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  45.00KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x720 (0x1ce) 74.180MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  44.96KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  59.94Hz
  1280x720 (0x1cf) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1720 end 1760 total 1980 skew    0 clock  37.50KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  50.00Hz
  1152x864 (0x1d0) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1216 end 1344 total 1600 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  900           clock  75.00Hz
  1024x768 (0x1d1) 78.750MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1040 end 1136 total 1312 skew    0 clock  60.02KHz
        v: height  768 start  769 end  772 total  800           clock  75.03Hz
  1024x768 (0x1d2) 75.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1328 skew    0 clock  56.48KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  70.07Hz
  1024x768 (0x1d3) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock  48.36KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  60.00Hz
  800x600 (0x1d4) 49.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  816 end  896 total 1056 skew    0 clock  46.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  604 total  625           clock  75.00Hz
  800x600 (0x1d5) 50.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  856 end  976 total 1040 skew    0 clock  48.08KHz
        v: height  600 start  637 end  643 total  666           clock  72.19Hz
  800x600 (0x1d6) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock  37.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock  60.32Hz
  800x600 (0x1d7) 36.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  824 end  896 total 1024 skew    0 clock  35.16KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  603 total  625           clock  56.25Hz
  720x576 (0x1d8) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  732 end  796 total  864 skew    0 clock  31.25KHz
        v: height  576 start  581 end  586 total  625           clock  50.00Hz
  720x480 (0x1d9) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  736 end  798 total  858 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  489 end  495 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0x1da) 31.500MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  720 total  840 skew    0 clock  37.50KHz
        v: height  480 start  481 end  484 total  500           clock  75.00Hz
  640x480 (0x1db) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0x1dc) 25.170MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.46KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.93Hz

HDMI-1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (0x1c0) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 531mm x 299mm
	Identifier: 0x1de
	Timestamp:  26361622
	Subpixel:   unknown
	Gamma:      1.0:1.0:1.0
	Brightness: 1.0
	CRTC:       1
	CRTCs:      0 1 2 3
	Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
	            0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
	CTM: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
		0 1 
	CscMatrix: 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 0 0 0 65536 0 
	BorderDimensions: 4 
		supported: 4
	Border: 0 0 0 0 
		range: (0, 65535)
	SignalFormat: TMDS 
		supported: TMDS
	ConnectorType: HDMI 
	ConnectorNumber: 1 
	_ConnectorLocation: 1 
	non-desktop: 0 
		supported: 0, 1
  1920x1080 (0x1c0) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync *current +preferred
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  60.00Hz
  1920x1080 (0x1c5) 148.350MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew    0 clock  67.43KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  59.94Hz
  1920x1080 (0x1c6) 148.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1920 start 2448 end 2492 total 2640 skew    0 clock  56.25KHz
        v: height 1080 start 1084 end 1089 total 1125           clock  50.00Hz
  1680x1050 (0x1c7) 146.250MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1680 start 1784 end 1960 total 2240 skew    0 clock  65.29KHz
        v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1089           clock  59.95Hz
  1440x900 (0x1c8) 106.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1440 start 1520 end 1672 total 1904 skew    0 clock  55.93KHz
        v: height  900 start  903 end  909 total  934           clock  59.89Hz
  1280x1024 (0x1c9) 135.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1296 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  79.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  75.02Hz
  1280x1024 (0x1ca) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew    0 clock  63.98KHz
        v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066           clock  60.02Hz
  1280x960 (0x1cb) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1376 end 1488 total 1800 skew    0 clock  60.00KHz
        v: height  960 start  961 end  964 total 1000           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x800 (0x1cc) 83.500MHz -HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1352 end 1480 total 1680 skew    0 clock  49.70KHz
        v: height  800 start  803 end  809 total  831           clock  59.81Hz
  1280x720 (0x1cd) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  45.00KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  60.00Hz
  1280x720 (0x1ce) 74.180MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1390 end 1430 total 1650 skew    0 clock  44.96KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  59.94Hz
  1280x720 (0x1cf) 74.250MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1280 start 1720 end 1760 total 1980 skew    0 clock  37.50KHz
        v: height  720 start  725 end  730 total  750           clock  50.00Hz
  1152x864 (0x1d0) 108.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1152 start 1216 end 1344 total 1600 skew    0 clock  67.50KHz
        v: height  864 start  865 end  868 total  900           clock  75.00Hz
  1024x768 (0x1d1) 78.750MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1040 end 1136 total 1312 skew    0 clock  60.02KHz
        v: height  768 start  769 end  772 total  800           clock  75.03Hz
  1024x768 (0x1d2) 75.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1328 skew    0 clock  56.48KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  70.07Hz
  1024x768 (0x1d3) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock  48.36KHz
        v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock  60.00Hz
  800x600 (0x1d4) 49.500MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  816 end  896 total 1056 skew    0 clock  46.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  604 total  625           clock  75.00Hz
  800x600 (0x1d5) 50.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  856 end  976 total 1040 skew    0 clock  48.08KHz
        v: height  600 start  637 end  643 total  666           clock  72.19Hz
  800x600 (0x1d6) 40.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock  37.88KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock  60.32Hz
  800x600 (0x1d7) 36.000MHz +HSync +VSync
        h: width   800 start  824 end  896 total 1024 skew    0 clock  35.16KHz
        v: height  600 start  601 end  603 total  625           clock  56.25Hz
  720x576 (0x1d8) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  732 end  796 total  864 skew    0 clock  31.25KHz
        v: height  576 start  581 end  586 total  625           clock  50.00Hz
  720x480 (0x1d9) 27.000MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   720 start  736 end  798 total  858 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  489 end  495 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0x1da) 31.500MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  720 total  840 skew    0 clock  37.50KHz
        v: height  480 start  481 end  484 total  500           clock  75.00Hz
  640x480 (0x1df) 31.500MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  696 total  832 skew    0 clock  37.86KHz
        v: height  480 start  481 end  484 total  520           clock  72.81Hz
  640x480 (0x1db) 25.175MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.47KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.94Hz
  640x480 (0x1dc) 25.170MHz -HSync -VSync
        h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock  31.46KHz
        v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock  59.93Hz

And the xorg.conf it generated:

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig:  version 545.29.06

Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier     "Layout0"
    Screen      0  "Screen0"
    InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"

Section "Files"

Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier     "Mouse0"
    Driver         "mouse"
    Option         "Protocol" "auto"
    Option         "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    Option         "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
    Option         "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier     "Keyboard0"
    Driver         "kbd"

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier     "Monitor0"
    VendorName     "Unknown"
    ModelName      "Ancor Communications Inc VG248"
    HorizSync       30.0 - 160.0
    VertRefresh     50.0 - 150.0
    Option         "DPMS"

Section "Device"
    Identifier     "Device0"
    Driver         "nvidia"
    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
    BoardName      "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti"

Section "Screen"
    Identifier     "Screen0"
    Device         "Device0"
    Monitor        "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth    24
    Option         "Stereo" "0"
    Option         "nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP-3"
    Option         "metamodes" "DP-2: nvidia-auto-select +1920+0, HDMI-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
    Option         "SLI" "Off"
    Option         "MultiGPU" "Off"
    Option         "BaseMosaic" "off"
    SubSection     "Display"
        Depth       24


#7 2024-03-12 13:29:26

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,288

Re: Monitor started going black when increasing refresh rate beyond 60hz

Try this instead:

Section "Device"
    Identifier     "rtx3070"
    Driver         "nvidia"
    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
    BoardName      "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti"

Section "Screen"
    Identifier     "Screen0"
    Device         "rtx3070"
    Option         "nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP-3"
    Option         "metamodes" "DP-2: 1920x1080_144 +1920+0, HDMI-1: 1920x1080 +0+0"

and not altering the output in your i3config

60Hz is the preferred mode, I could see why altering the mode while 13 starts up could cause some issues (notably if you also run a compositor) but the permanent failure (sometimes™, at least) smells more like a cable issue (though the pclk isn't all that high)

Might the xrandr/nvidia-settings difference simply have been a fluke?


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