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#1 2024-03-14 18:21:54

Registered: 2012-03-11
Posts: 30

tkremind install fails. ---- [SOLVED]-----

I have just made a fresh install of Arch and wanted to install tkremind. Downloaded the remind program and installed it ok.  When I tried to install tkremind I got this message,

 Put brain in gear before pressing enter-->12:20:52-->Thu Mar 14-->
Error in startup script: couldn't execute "hostname": no such file or directory
    while executing
"exec hostname"
    invoked from within
"set Hostname [exec hostname]"
    (file "/usr/bin/tkremind" line 27)

After a bit of fiddling I made this change to the tkremind file,

set Hostname [exec hostnamectl]

Then to my surprise tkremind installed and runs ok.

My question is,

Is it ok to have done that and can I leave it like that without it borking my Arch ?

P.S. I am seventy years old and self taught so be kind.  ;-)

Last edited by abarbarian (2024-03-15 12:01:03)


#2 2024-03-14 20:57:34

Registered: 2021-05-09
Posts: 68

Re: tkremind install fails. ---- [SOLVED]-----

There is already an open bug report report for this. But it seems to be 2 years old at this point.

The problem stems from the missing hostname program which is included in inetutils. The changes you have made are not persistent and will be reverted when the package is updated. So the direct solution is to install inetutils.

The change you have made works in the sense, that it does not crash tkremind, but also does not give the correct result (check its output manually).

set Hostname [exec hostnamectl hostname]

should probably work though (i have not tested this). But keep in mind that these kind of changes are not persistent on updates.

Is it ok to have done that and can I leave it like that without it borking my Arch ?

Yes it is ok for you to have done that. It is one of the strengths of open source/source available programs.
Apart from the direct solution of installing the missing dependency, you can totally have a running system with a manually patched version of a program. But you have to keep these changes in mind whenever you update and if your change breaks compatibility with other progams (as the change to hostnamectl without the second parameter does). A more systemic way of patching would involve building your own version of the remind package.

Edit: package name

Last edited by lmn (2024-03-14 21:16:51)


#3 2024-03-15 12:00:28

Registered: 2012-03-11
Posts: 30

Re: tkremind install fails. ---- [SOLVED]-----

lmn wrote:

There is already an open bug report report for this. But it seems to be 2 years old at this point.

The problem stems from the missing hostname program which is included in inetutils. The changes you have made are not persistent and will be reverted when the package is updated. So the direct solution is to install inetutils.

Thanks for the reply.

I missed the bug report. Your solution to install inetutils worked. I did the install and reinstalled remind. Then checked tkremind at /usr/bin and the file has now reverted to its original state.


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