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Probably a missing codec. The videos I record with my Samsung S23 used to reproduce slow and glitchy on VLC, pero fine on Dragon Player. Now, after the KDE upgrade, they are slow and glitchy on every video player.
I've installed the codecs and follow the hardware video acceleration guide. Also have installed the Nvidia video drivers properly.
Last edited by ninioArg (2024-03-27 00:02:51)
Plasma/KDE 6 players use phonon-qt6-vlc for playback so any issues in VLC will show up on those as well. Try disabling hardware acceleration in VLC, and if that worked copy your ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc to ~/.config/Phonon/vlc.conf.
Alternatively opt for some different (unofficial) phonon backends:
You can try playing the video with, for example, mpv --hwdec=auto; it will usually tell you if there's an issue in its output.