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#1 2024-03-01 10:58:15

Registered: 2023-07-01
Posts: 37

[SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Yesterday, I did another yay update, but it crashed (the computer frozen, with the caps lock led blinking). So I force rebooted it (which I know is a very bad thing to do with an update going...)

And ever since, everytime I boot up, I get a working SDDM, but logging in does nothing. And I'm able to alt-f3 then alt-f1 to get this (sorry for using a pic, I don't know how to turn that into text that I could send) … 3061b5b2e&

It's worth mentioning that I *can* boot on a live arch usb, chroot on my disk, and yay update from there just fine. I know that because I did that earlier. Didn't solve the thing.

How can I fix it?

Last edited by TotoShampoin (2024-03-03 08:33:20)


#2 2024-03-01 11:05:17

Registered: 2023-07-01
Posts: 37

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Actually, doing a pacman update outputs this … 56b7fcc5a&

So actually, that didn't work...

Last edited by TotoShampoin (2024-03-01 11:18:53)


#3 2024-03-01 11:08:15

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,816

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Please replace the oversized image with a link.

Boot the iso, chroot and check how bad it is:

sudo LC_ALL=C pacman -Qkk 2>&1 | grep -v ', 0 altered files'

You'll have to fix the broken packages by explicitly re-installing them (you might have to restore the mtree w/ --dbonly)

If the system still doesn't boot, remove the "quiet" kernel parameter so you're hopefully getting more informative boot messages.


#4 2024-03-01 11:18:15

Registered: 2023-07-01
Posts: 37

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Extremely bad … b58e419f5& … b3c439c6f& … a9c4d558d& … fe4f41c4f&

fstab, group, passwd, locale, mkinitcpio, and much more are modified

And some packages even say "no mtree file" (idk what a mtree is, btw)

How do I reinstall *all* the broken packages? Would I be better off just force reinstalling all the packages?


#5 2024-03-01 11:33:01

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,816

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

You'll have to re-install the packages that lack the mtree w/ "--dbonly" or you'll get a lot of spurious file collision errors.

Some deviations are perfectly normal and expectable, every difference in /usr/lib and /usr/bin is a massive problem.
If you need others to go through the corrupted packages, please rediredt the output into a file (... >/tmp/package.status) and upload that to - it has instructions on how to do that w/ curl from the console.


#6 2024-03-01 11:47:33

Registered: 2023-07-01
Posts: 37

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

That didn't go smoothly, curl seg faulted in chroot.
I had to put the file in my home directory and use curl outside of chroot to send it.

In any case...


#7 2024-03-01 12:06:13

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,816

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

It's not sooooo bad.
Reinstall the packages that lost the mtree first w/ "-S --dbonly", then again, explicitly w/ -S only.
Then attempt an -Syu


#8 2024-03-01 12:13:06

Registered: 2023-07-01
Posts: 37

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Live typing this message

"there is nothing to do", it said. So, let's try and reboot, now...

IT'S FIXED! Thank you Seth!


#9 2024-03-01 15:40:36

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,816

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.


#10 2024-04-01 10:52:11

Registered: 2024-03-03
Posts: 6

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

I’m having same issue here, any single command to all the broken packages and fix the issue by reinstalling them all? I tried reinstalling all the package I have… didn’t solve the issue. Any suggestions?


#11 2024-04-01 12:32:40

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,816

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Post the output of

sudo LC_ALL=C pacman -Qkk | grep -v ', 0 altered files'


#12 2024-08-08 13:39:12

Registered: 2024-08-08
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

I have the same problem but the output doesn't have "no mtree file" in it at all!


#13 2024-08-08 13:51:14

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,816

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Despite the copy-paste mess this doesn't look like critical files are corrupted, there's not much deviance at all.
Whatever your problem is, it's most likely not down to that.


backup file: endeavouros-mirrorlist: /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist (Modification time mismatch)
eos-apps-info: 100 total files,warning: eos-qogir-icons: /usr/share/icons/Qogir/icon-theme.cache (Modification time mismatch)
warning: eos-qogir-icons: /usr/share/icons/Qogir-dark/icon-theme.cache (Modification time mismatch)
eos-qogir-icons: 33824 total files, 2 altered files
Also please don't necrobump to hijack threads.


#14 2024-08-08 13:58:02

Registered: 2024-08-08
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

what should I do now?

also I didn't get what u mean by this

seth wrote:

Also please don't necrobump to hijack threads.


#15 2024-08-08 14:02:28

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 12,331

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

You should go ask the people that support your distro


#16 2024-09-21 01:27:37

Registered: 2024-09-12
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Hello all,

I am new to the Arch Linux forums but have been a user for quite some time. I have read all of the guidelines and rules, and will do my best to observe them, but please forgive me -- and most importantly, correct me -- if I make a mistake in spite of my due diligence.

I am experiencing a very similar issue to OP. I have uploaded the output of the package status command to the specified url, please find the result here: I was unable to view their screenshots as the hosting org (discord, presumably) has probably cleaned up their obj storage. Despite being a relatively long-term Arch user, I never got intimately familiar with `pacman` and thus I am having great difficulty diagnosing and addressing the issue.

I have (embarrassingly) made an attempt at a force reinstall of all packages prior to running this command, if the context is useful. I was additionally unable to find a thread that was more relevant to my situation. I would greatly appreciate any help, and I look forward to becoming a more active member of the community big_smile


I see the prior comment about necrobumping, but I can't help but feel that making a new post for a nearly identical issue would be more inefficient. I am open to opposing ideas, still. Further, if you find that there is insufficient information based on my followup, I have prepared some notes on my specific scenario; however, I was thinking that providing these may result in unnecessary clutter, at least initially. Please feel free to request anything further. On a final note, if it seems that this is indeed necrobumping (even with my qualms), I will happily post a detailed version of my question in a separate post. I know this community values contributing to knowledge; my instinct is that several, very similar issues should be co-located in a single post for all interested parties to observe.

Edit 2:

Apologies to any potential potential onlookers that attempted to diagnose my issue before I resolved it. I have fixed my problem. Frankly, I'm not sure exactly what was the crux to getting the dbus to communicate properly on boot. I will, however, note that I simply combed through the output of the supplied function from the more experienced forum member (seth) and attempted to reinstall packages (first reinstalling with the `--dbonly` flag for files that were missing the `mtree` (Merkle tree?) entry, then explicitly reinstalling with only `pacman -S <target-package>` as instructed). I find the result strange since attempted to reinstall all of my packages prior to making this post, and since no important (system) packages were missing their `mtree` entry. I naturally assume based on the contents of this post that the success is due to explicitly/manually reinstalling packages which reside within the `/usr/lib` and `/usr/bin` directories (that I suppose are static). In any case, I would appreciate my assumptions to be checked/validated, and I hope that this is helpful to any others experiencing a similar update-related predicament!

Last edited by gradyl16 (2024-09-21 02:59:05)


#17 2024-09-21 07:22:43

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,816

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Your backintime packages were broken, but those are AUR packages.
It would be necessary to see the exact error and to know what you did in response (re-install everything?) *before* checking the package integrity.

mtree is inherited from bsdtar, it's most referencing but given it's age, the developers might been on an LSD trip and saw a monkey in a tree when looking at the data.
God knows.


#18 2024-09-21 07:51:14

Registered: 2024-09-12
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED] Failed to start D-Bus System Message Bus after update crashed

Hah, turns out my instinct about m-tree's was incorrect, but oh well.

If I understand your comment, I did indeed re-install everything as a response to my instance of `pacman` not functioning at all (didn't mention this part). This was completely due to my own blunders and probably unrelated to a general `dbus` problem.

Yes, I did (in my opinion, coincidentally) fix my backintime packages (btw a package that I don't use) before completely removing it from my system (yes I know, an exercise in futility mostly). If time permits, I will surely reference the Manjaro forum thread that I stole the force reinstall from. That said, I *cannot* recommend that solution to anyone as the behavior is almost certainly dependent on specific package state, and how my system was corrupted (and yours, presumably to some degree, if you're on this thread). The only reason I resorted to that solution was because I could no longer `chroot` into my system after attempting to copy some `glibc` files from the `pacman` cache (obviously in an incorrect manner), and because I was too lazy at the time to seek out a more comprehensive solution.

Last edited by gradyl16 (2024-09-21 08:54:22)


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