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#1 2024-04-02 22:13:09

Registered: 2005-02-08
Posts: 66

Thunar not showing mouse cursors for file copy/move operations

It used to be that when you dragged a file with the mouse in Thunar (or XFCE desktop), the mouse cursor would change to indicate the type of file operation. A small "+" appeared next to the arrow for copying the file, and just the arrow without "+" for moving the file.

While dragging you could hold down either SHIFT or CTRL to switch between the two, and mouse cursor would change appropriately.

As of recent update (e.g. thunar-4.18.10, possibly also earlier versions) the mouse cursor no longer changes. Copying and moving files with the mouse still works as expected (including SHIFT/CTRL), there just isn't any visual feedback.

Has anybody else noticed this problem?
Is it possible to somehow reenable the old behaviour?

Last edited by bachtiar (2024-04-07 09:44:04)


#2 2024-04-08 13:47:35

Registered: 2022-10-17
Posts: 5

Re: Thunar not showing mouse cursors for file copy/move operations

Hi, I have noticed the same, played a bit with mouse cursor themes, but the issue is within Thunar itself it seems?

I think this is related:

Last edited by roviq (2024-04-08 13:50:24)


#3 2024-04-09 12:06:00

Registered: 2013-02-14
Posts: 221

Re: Thunar not showing mouse cursors for file copy/move operations

I no longer use Thunar or XFCE, but if it's GTK3's dnd-move cursor you're missing (you didn't specify), I filed an issue which was resolved with a fix merged.

That cursor should return in the next 3.24.x tag.


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