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I'm using AwesomeWM. After updating dolphin to 24.02.0-1 today:
% paclog --package=dolphin | tail -n 1
[2024-03-06T21:17:52+0100] [ALPM] upgraded dolphin (23.08.5-1 -> 24.02.0-1)
all my files associations and even the programs list have disappeared.
Double clicking a file or right click > "Open With..." shows a blank window, like this.
I tried to
% mv ~/.config/mimeapps.list ~/.config/mimeapps.list.bak
and logging out but it doesn't make any difference.
No issue with Thunar (4.18.10-1), all my files associations are read from ~/.config/mimeapps.list and I can see a full list of apps with right click > Open With > Open With Another Application...
Last edited by obap74 (2024-03-11 09:07:49)
Try this:
Running i3 here....adding the for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/?*.sh loop from /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc into my .xinitrc fixed the double-click/right click, open with issue for me.
Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately this didn't work for me.
I "solved" the issue by reinstalling kservice5 package, which pulled other dependencies:
% paclog --action=install | tail -n 5
[2024-03-11T16:01:30+0100] [ALPM] installed ki18n5 (5.115.1-1)
[2024-03-11T16:01:30+0100] [ALPM] installed kconfig5 (5.115.0-1)
[2024-03-11T16:01:30+0100] [ALPM] installed kdbusaddons5 (5.115.0-1)
[2024-03-11T16:01:30+0100] [ALPM] installed kcoreaddons5 (5.115.0-1)
[2024-03-11T16:01:30+0100] [ALPM] installed kservice5 (5.115.0-1)
I'm fine with this workaround, hopefully these packages will no longer be required in the future.
I had the same issue for several days, and finally, kind of solved it. The problem is missing files. /etc/xdg/menus/ and /usr/share/desktop-directories/kf5-*.directory are missing. These files are in kservice5, after updating, the kde guy moved these files to plasma-workspace, which is a huge package and has conflict with my setup. so I just copied these files from the plasma-workspace package and put them into the corresponding directory. then set a env XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- run kbuildsycoca6. All my file association is back … ociations/
I think we should submit a bug report, and ask the maintainer to seperate these files from the huge plasma-workspace package
I had the same issue for several days, and finally, kind of solved it. The problem is missing files. /etc/xdg/menus/ and /usr/share/desktop-directories/kf5-*.directory are missing. These files are in kservice5, after updating, the kde guy moved these files to plasma-workspace, which is a huge package and has conflict with my setup. so I just copied these files from the plasma-workspace package and put them into the corresponding directory. then set a env XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- run kbuildsycoca6. All my file association is back
![]() … ociations/ think we should submit a bug report, and ask the maintainer to seperate these files from the huge plasma-workspace package
Good catch, thanks for sharing. This workaround should be better in the long run since kservice5 package will eventually be removed from the repos I presume.
Edit: can confirm this worked for me too.
Last edited by obap74 (2024-04-27 13:35:01)
I've run into this using Sway/Wayland and Dolphin. I tried reinstalling the `kservice5` package, but am having trouble parsing what @rayx means by the following:
then set a env XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- run kbuildsycoca6. All my file association is back
Can you please be more precise with the quoting? Are you suggesting I open a terminal and run
XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- kbuildsycoca6
? Or do you really mean to set an environment variable like
XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- run kbuildsycoca6.
? I tried my first interpretation but it didn't fix anything or I'm not sure what I'm looking for, and am not familiar with kbuildsycoca6. Thank you.
I've run into this using Sway/Wayland and Dolphin. I tried reinstalling the `kservice5` package, but am having trouble parsing what @rayx means by the following...
Both ways of doing it that you mention produce equivalent results. What should fix things (at least it did for me) is to uninstall kservice5 package (if it was installed only to fix this issue), and then follow arojas' advice here.
I've run into this using Sway/Wayland and Dolphin. I tried reinstalling the `kservice5` package, but am having trouble parsing what @rayx means by the following [...]
This is what I did:
1. Remove kservice5 package and its dependencies
sudo pacman -Rsn kservice5
2. Download plasma-workspace package and extract the archive somewhere
3. Had to
sudo mkdir -p /etc/xdg/menus
because the directory didn't exist on my system
4. Copy the relevant files/dirs from the plasma-workspace archive:
cd /path/to/archive/content
sudo cp -a etc/xdg/menus/ /etc/xdg/menus
sudo cp -ar usr/share/desktop-directories /usr/share
5. Run
XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- kbuildsycoca6
Hope that helps.
4. Copy the relevant files/dirs from the plasma-workspace archive:
cd /path/to/archive/content sudo cp -a etc/xdg/menus/ /etc/xdg/menus sudo cp -ar usr/share/desktop-directories /usr/share
5. Run
XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- kbuildsycoca6
Hope that helps.
If you are going to do that, then you may as well rename the file to, which will save you step 5.
obap74 wrote:4. Copy the relevant files/dirs from the plasma-workspace archive:
cd /path/to/archive/content sudo cp -a etc/xdg/menus/ /etc/xdg/menus sudo cp -ar usr/share/desktop-directories /usr/share
5. Run
XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- kbuildsycoca6
Hope that helps.
If you are going to do that, then you may as well rename the file to, which will save you step 5.
I didn't know that, thanks!
Great solution, obap74 and arojas. This fixed my Dolphin after it got updated.
Here's my solution.
Download plasma-workspace and extract it.
copy etc/xdg/menus/ to ~/.config/menus/
and run kbuildsycoca6.
you can also copy to /etc/xdg/menus/
i think some people need to run kbuildsycoca6 in every system restart.
Last edited by solidstrong (2024-05-04 19:36:10)
All right, well thanks for that. I have been resisting the "hack" solution in hopes of an upstream fix since I'm trying to encode every system change in my Ansible install script. For now I've done that suggestion, which for me was more explicitly:
_dirver=$(echo $pkgver | cut -d. -f1-3)
mkdir temp && cd temp
wget "$_dirver/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.xz"
# note the filename that was downloaded
tar -xJf plasma-workspace-6.0.4.tar.xz
find . -name "*.menu"
mkdir ~/.config/menus
cp plasma-workspace-6.0.4/menu/desktop/ ~/.config/menus/
cd .. && rm -rf temp
Note I did not need to run kbuildsycoca6 again after rebooting.
Last edited by cgorichanaz (2024-05-07 19:17:44)
cgorichanaz wrote:I've run into this using Sway/Wayland and Dolphin. I tried reinstalling the `kservice5` package, but am having trouble parsing what @rayx means by the following [...]
This is what I did:
1. Remove kservice5 package and its dependenciessudo pacman -Rsn kservice5
2. Download plasma-workspace package and extract the archive somewhere
3. Had tosudo mkdir -p /etc/xdg/menus
because the directory didn't exist on my system
4. Copy the relevant files/dirs from the plasma-workspace archive:cd /path/to/archive/content sudo cp -a etc/xdg/menus/ /etc/xdg/menus sudo cp -ar usr/share/desktop-directories /usr/share
5. Run
XDG_MENU_PREFIX=plasma- kbuildsycoca6
Hope that helps.
For me the file was already present so I had to do only Step 5 (kservice5 is a dependency I require).