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#1 2024-05-03 10:39:58

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

[SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

Yesterday, my usual daily upgrade failed, and I posted, and got pointed to … 7#p2168347.  After I reinstalled all packages, my system seemed to be okay.

Today, my usual daily upgrade froze (no hardware cursor motion, xclock stopped) upgrading systemd again.

But now reinstalling all my packages fails.  When I run

archiso# pacman --root /mnt --cachedir /mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg -S --dbonly $(pacman --root /mnt -Qnq)

the first error message scrolls off the screen before I can read it, but then I get a whole series of these:

( N/14) Updating the MIME type database...
call to execv failed (Input/outout error)
error: command failed to execute correctly

where N goes from 1 to 14.

In /mnt/var/log/pacman.log, I can see all the installations, and then the following:

[ALPM-SCRIPTLET] call to execv failed (Exec format error)
[ALPM] transaction completed
[ALPM] running '30-update-mime-database.hook'...
[ALPM-SCRIPTLET] call to execv failed (Input/output error)

and then 13 more running some script / execv failed pairs (for a total of 14).

As per … 7#p2168347, I ran dmesg to look for I/O errors.  I can see my internet connection coming up and some entries from systemd about cleaning temp files, but no errors.

How can I restore my system?  What else I can tell you?

Obviously, my primary concern is getting my system running again.

Secondarily, why is all of this happening?  Arch has been running smoothly for me for years.


Last edited by segment289 (2024-05-04 10:39:54)


#2 2024-05-03 12:07:18

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

call to execv failed (Input/outout error)


#3 2024-05-03 12:25:23

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

Thanks, seth.

root@archiso ~ # smartctl -i /dev/nvme0|grep supp
1 root@archiso ~#

Does that mean that my device doesn't have SMART?

What's next?


#4 2024-05-03 12:27:14

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

"-a" and don't grep, but w/ an nvme also see … leshooting and disable APST ("nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=0") and use "iommu=soft" to see whether that makes the IO errors go away.


#5 2024-05-03 12:44:25

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

output from smartctl -i /dev/nvme0 in <>

I see the error count of 554.  Invalid Field in Command strikes me as a software issue rather than a hardware issue.

output from nvme error-log /dev/nvme0 in <>


#6 2024-05-03 13:03:24

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

The nvme doesn't look like it's falling apart => disable APST and IOMMU


#7 2024-05-03 13:05:19

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

output from nvme smart-log in <>

num_err_log_entries 554
media_errors 0

Or maybe I'm just convincing myself that my SSD isn't failing/failed.  :-)


#8 2024-05-03 13:44:20

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

Thanks, seth.

Kernel Parameters.  For more than a decade, I've avoided changing kernel parameters, so this is new territory.  Bear with me.  :-)

To disable APST:

echo 0 > /sys/module/nvme_core/parameters/default_ps_max_latency


The IOMMU seems more complex.  I have a /sys/devices/virtual/iommu directory, and dmar0 and dmar1 directories down from there.  I also have /sys/class/iommu/ containing dmar0 and dmar1 directories.  How do I disable IOMMU?

Last edited by segment289 (2024-05-03 14:18:42)


#9 2024-05-03 14:18:49

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

"iommu=soft" and you want to add that and the default_ps_max_latency ("nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=0") at the kernel commandline details on how to do that depending on your bootloader.


#10 2024-05-03 14:37:22

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

Yes, thank you.  But which iommu?  Output from find /sys -name '*iommu*' in <>.

Also, is there a way to try those two parameter changes in the kernel running from my archiso USB stick without making permanent changes?  I guess I'm assuming that if I make the changes to the running archiso kernel, then they will survive an arch-chroot into my "normal" kernel, but I'd like to know for sure before I start making permanent changes and/or running meaningless experiments.


#11 2024-05-03 14:44:57

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

"iommu=soft" will do, but not "find sys", you're supposed to add that to the kernel commandline.
Sorry, I forgot you're handling the install iso - press "e" at the bootloader, that will allow you to edit the kernel commandline (the relevant paragraph in the wiki is the grub one)

they will survive an arch-chroot into my "normal" kernel

chrrot yes, but not a reboot.


#12 2024-05-03 15:00:52

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

Aha.  I read too much into the relationship between kernel parameters and what's in /sys and /proc/sys.  My mistake.

I'll reboot, edit the kernel command line, and retry recovering.  Oh, and post the results.  :-)



#13 2024-05-03 15:02:15

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

The relationship exists, but we want this from the get-go


#14 2024-05-03 15:29:26

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

The results are the same as I posted in my original post.

dmesg shows the edited kernel command line.


#15 2024-05-03 15:44:04

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

I'm wondering how all those package updates can work, and then there's a problem updating a MIME config.  Or how all those package updates can work, but arch-chroot can't run /bin/bash.

So I tried running /mnt/usr/bin/env (which is how the MIME update script starts) and /mnt/usr/bin/bash, and they both work.

So why can I run those executables from the archiso environment, but not when I boot from SSD or from inside an arch-chroot?

I'm a problem- and puzzle- solver by nature, so if this is irrelevant to the issue at hand, or it's its own rabbit hole, then I apologize.


#16 2024-05-03 15:58:08

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

You're getting an IO error, this isn't about some mime update script but the device.
You can run env or bash because those have a fairly limited IO footprint, the actual mime update  script however will read and write A LOT more data.
Try to run it from the chroot and then post the system journal to illustrate whether it triggered and bus/device IO errors (and which)


#17 2024-05-03 16:26:34

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

I don't want to get off track, and I don't know enough to debate too much deeper, at least not at the expense of getting my system restored.  I'm sorry.

New entries from journalctl -b after running arch-chroot /mnt (and getting an error about trying to run /bin/bash):

May 03 16:12:45 archiso systemd[1]: mnt-dev-pts.mount: Deactivated successfully.
May 03 16:12:45 archiso systemd[1]: mnt-dev.mount: Deactivated successfully.
May 03 16:12:45 archiso systemd[1]: mnt-sys-firmware-efi-efivars.mount: Deactivated successfully.
May 03 16:12:45 archiso systemd[1]: mnt-sys.mount: Deactivated successfully.
May 03 16:12:45 archiso systemd[1]: mnt-proc.mount: Deactivated successfully.

There is no new output from dmesg after running that arch-chroot command.  Are there other system journals that may have relevant information?


#18 2024-05-03 20:21:06

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

Assuming the device is ok and you only ever ran the --dbonly variant, you've just a bunch of garbled binaries on the disk that get triggered by some alpm hooks.
Ignore that, re-install all packages w/o the --dbonly flag, the errors should™ go away?


#19 2024-05-03 21:12:12

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

That worked.  Thank you.

I got a few errors about some config files (presumably the default versions of those files) being installed as <config file>.pacnew.  I worked through these before; I can do it again.

I got a few errors about shared library files being too short.  It looks to me like pacman assumed certain libraries were installed, but either they weren't or they were garbled, and then pacman re-installed them later anyway.  find cannot find suspicious empty files under /usr/lib.  I can post examples if necessary.

When I logged in as my regular user account, I got an error about my locale (en_US.UTF-8) not being available.  I ran locale-gen, and that seems to be fixed.

My DIY X11 desktop came up, and things seem to be working.

I am concerned that two successive updates failed catastrophically.  (I note that both failed during the systemd update, but I also admit to a certain level of skepticism when it comes to systemd.)  Should I be concerned?  Is there anything I can do to verify my installation, or to protect myself against future failures?  (If this is outside the scope of this "cannot reboot after failed upgrade" topic, I can create a new one.)

That said, I just ran another pacman -Syu (boldly or stupidly, your choice), and it worked, and I rebooted, and all seems well.  My concern about future upgrades remains, and my observation about systemd stands.

Thanks again, seth.  I owe you one, perhaps two.


#20 2024-05-03 21:33:52

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

I got a few errors about some config files (presumably the default versions of those files) being installed as <config file>.pacnew.

That's unrelated and somewhat normal (unless you actually lost config files?) … cdiff.8.en

I got a few errors about shared library files being too short … I can post examples if necessary.

It's necessary if you want a comment on those wink

I ran locale-gen, and that seems to be fixed.

Ok, there's probably been some file corruption beyond "pacman froze the system and i pushed the reboot button"

Is there anything I can do

sudo LC_ALL=C pacman -Qkk | grep -v ', 0 altered files'

Do you use the nvidia 550xx driver? … 7#p2168347


#21 2024-05-03 22:36:41

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

$ sudo LC_ALL=C pacman -Qkk| grep -v ', 0 altered files'
[sudo] password for dan: 
backup file: filesystem: /etc/fstab (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/fstab (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/fstab (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/group (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/group (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/group (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/gshadow (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/gshadow (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/gshadow (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/hosts (Modification time mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /etc/resolv.conf (File type mismatch)
warning: intel-ucode: /boot/intel-ucode.img (Permissions mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/hosts (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/hosts (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/passwd (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/passwd (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/passwd (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shadow (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shadow (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shadow (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shells (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shells (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shells (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
filesystem: 124 total files, 1 altered file
backup file: glibc: /etc/locale.gen (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: glibc: /etc/locale.gen (Size mismatch)
backup file: glibc: /etc/locale.gen (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
intel-ucode: 159 total files, 1 altered file
warning: libutempter: /usr/lib/utempter/utempter (GID mismatch)
warning: libutempter: /usr/lib/utempter/utempter (Permissions mismatch)
libutempter: 20 total files, 1 altered file
backup file: openssh: /etc/ssh/sshd_config (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: openssh: /etc/ssh/sshd_config (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: pacman: /etc/pacman.conf (Modification time mismatch)
warning: pacman-mirrorlist: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist (UID mismatch)
warning: pacman-mirrorlist: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist (GID mismatch)
backup file: pacman: /etc/pacman.conf (Size mismatch)
backup file: pacman: /etc/pacman.conf (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
backup file: pacman-mirrorlist: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: pacman-mirrorlist: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist (Size mismatch)
backup file: pacman-mirrorlist: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
pacman-mirrorlist: 3 total files, 1 altered file
backup file: pam: /etc/security/faillock.conf (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: pam: /etc/security/faillock.conf (Size mismatch)
backup file: pam: /etc/security/faillock.conf (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
warning: shadow: /usr/bin/groupmems (GID mismatch)
warning: shadow: /usr/bin/groupmems (Permissions mismatch)
warning: systemd: /var/log/journal (GID mismatch)
shadow: 588 total files, 1 altered file
backup file: sudo: /etc/sudoers (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: sudo: /etc/sudoers (Size mismatch)
backup file: sudo: /etc/sudoers (SHA256 checksum mismatch)
systemd: 1449 total files, 1 altered file

Anything suspicious?

From /var/log/pacman.log, starting with re-installing all the files, and ending after a couple of examples of "too short" followed by a successful installation (ncurses, pcre2):

[2024-05-03T20:36:25+0000] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman --root /mnt --cachedir /mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg -S acl adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adwaita-cursors adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib alsa-topology-conf alsa-ucm-conf aom archlinux-keyring argon2 aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core attr audit autoconf automake avahi ayatana-ido base base-devel bash bash-completion bc binutils bison boost-libs botan box2d brotli bzip2 ca-certificates ca-certificates-mozilla ca-certificates-utils cairo cantarell-fonts capstone clucene conky coreutils cryptsetup curl dav1d db db5.3 dbus dbus-broker dbus-broker-units dbus-python dconf debugedit default-cursors desktop-file-utils device-mapper difftastic diffutils dosfstools double-conversion dtc duktape dunst e2fsprogs edk2-ovmf efibootmgr efivar egl-wayland eglexternalplatform ell encfs expat fakeroot feh ffmpeg fftw file filesystem findutils firefox flac flex fontconfig fontforge freetype2 fribidi fuse-common fuse2 fuse3 gawk gc gcc gcc-libs gd gdbm gdk-pixbuf2 geoclue gettext ghostscript giflib git glib-networking glib2 glibc glslang gmp gnupg gnutls gobject-introspection-runtime gperftools gpgme gpm graphene graphite graphviz grep groff gsasl gsettings-desktop-schemas gsfonts gsm gssdp gst-plugins-bad-libs gst-plugins-base-libs gstreamer gtk-update-icon-cache gtk3 gtk4 gtk4-demos gts guile gumbo-parser gupnp gupnp-igd gzip harfbuzz harfbuzz-icu hicolor-icon-theme hidapi highway hunspell hwdata hwloc hyphen iana-etc ibus icu ijs imagemagick imath imlib2 inetutils iniparser intel-ucode iproute2 iptables iputils iso-codes isync iwd jack2 jansson jbig2dec jbigkit json-c json-glib kbd keepassxc keyutils kmod krb5 l-smash lame lcms2 leptonica less lesspipe libabw libaio libappindicator-gtk3 libarchive libass libassuan libasyncns libatomic_ops libavc1394 libavif libayatana-appindicator libayatana-indicator libb2 libbluray libbpf libbs2b libcacard libcap libcap-ng libcdio libcdio-paranoia libcdr libcloudproviders libcmis libcolord libcups libdaemon libdatrie libdbusmenu-glib libdbusmenu-gtk3 libde265 libdeflate libdovi libdrm libdvdnav libdvdread libe-book libedit libei libelf libepoxy libepubgen libetonyek libevdev libevent libexif libexttextcat libfabric libffi libfontenc libfreehand libgcrypt libgirepository libglvnd libgpg-error libgudev libheif libibus libice libidn libidn2 libiec61883 libinih libinput libisl libixion libjpeg-turbo libjxl libksba liblangtag libldap liblqr libmm-glib libmnl libmodplug libmpc libmspub libmupdf libmwaw libnetfilter_conntrack libnfnetlink libnfs libnftnl libnghttp2 libnghttp3 libnice libnl libnotify libnsl libnumbertext libodfgen libogg libomxil-bellagio libopenmpt liborcus libotf libp11-kit libpagemaker libpaper libpcap libpciaccess libpipeline libpipewire libplacebo libpng libproxy libpsl libpulse libqxp libraqm libraw1394 libreoffice-still librevenge librsvg libsamplerate libsasl libseccomp libsecret libsixel libslirp libsm libsndfile libsoup libsoup3 libsoxr libspiro libssh libssh2 libstaroffice libstemmer libsysprof-capture libtasn1 libthai libtheora libtiff libtirpc libtommath libtool libtraceevent libtracefs libunibreak libuninameslist libunistring libunwind liburcu liburing libusb libutempter libva libvdpau libverto libvisio libvorbis libvpl libvpx libwacom libwebp libwpd libwpg libwps libx11 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcomposite libxcrypt libxcursor libxcvt libxdamage libxdmcp libxdp libxext libxfixes libxfont2 libxft libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 libxkbfile libxml2 libxmu libxnvctrl libxpm libxpresent libxrandr libxrender libxshmfence libxslt libxss libxt libxtst libxv libxvmc libxxf86vm libyaml libyuv libzmf licenses links linux linux-api-headers linux-firmware linux-firmware-whence llvm-libs lm_sensors lpsolve lua luajit luit lz4 lzo m17n-db m17n-lib m4 mailcap make man-db md4c mesa minizip mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-busybox mpdecimal mpfr mpg123 mpv msmtp msmtp-mta mtdev mujs multipath-tools mupdf mutt ncurses ndctl neon netpbm nettle npth nspr nss numactl nvidia nvidia-utils ocl-icd openal opencore-amr openexr openjpeg2 openmpi openpmix openssh openssl openucx opus orc p11-kit pacman pacman-contrib pacman-mirrorlist pam pambase pango patch pciutils pcre2 pcsclite perl perl-error perl-mailtools perl-timedate pinentry pixman pkgconf polkit poppler poppler-data popt portaudio potrace procps-ng prrte psmisc puzzles python python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-docs python-geographiclib python-geopy python-gobject python-idna python-pyxdg python-requests python-typing_extensions python-unidecode python-urllib3 python-urwid python-wcwidth qemu-audio-alsa qemu-audio-dbus qemu-audio-jack qemu-audio-oss qemu-audio-pa qemu-audio-pipewire qemu-audio-sdl qemu-audio-spice qemu-base qemu-block-curl qemu-block-dmg qemu-block-nfs qemu-block-ssh qemu-chardev-spice qemu-common qemu-desktop qemu-hw-display-qxl qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-gl qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci-gl qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga-gl qemu-hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw qemu-hw-usb-host qemu-hw-usb-redirect qemu-hw-usb-smartcard qemu-img qemu-pr-helper qemu-system-x86 qemu-system-x86-firmware qemu-tools qemu-ui-curses qemu-ui-dbus qemu-ui-egl-headless qemu-ui-gtk qemu-ui-opengl qemu-ui-sdl qemu-ui-spice-app qemu-ui-spice-core qemu-vhost-user-gpu qrencode qt5-base qt5-svg qt5-translations qt5-x11extras qt5ct qt6-5compat qt6-base qt6-declarative qt6-multimedia qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg qt6-shadertools qt6-svg qt6-translations qt6ct raptor rasqal rav1e readline redland redshift refind reflector rssguard-lite rubberband sbcl sdl2 sdl2_image seabios sed shaderc shadow shared-mime-info snappy speex speexdsp spice spice-protocol spirv-tools sqlite srt stalonetray sudo svt-av1 sxhkd systemd systemd-libs systemd-sysvcompat tar tcl tesseract tesseract-data-eng tesseract-data-osd texinfo tinyxml2 tk tpm2-tss tracker3 tree-sitter tslib ttf-dejavu tzdata uchardet unzip urlscan usbredir util-linux util-linux-libs v4l-utils vapoursynth vde2 vid.stab vim vim-runtime virglrenderer virtiofsd vmaf vte-common vte3 vulkan-headers vulkan-icd-loader wayland which whois wireless_tools wmctrl woff2 wolfssl x264 x265 xaw3d xbitmaps xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-cursor xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil xcb-util-wm xclip xdg-utils xf86-input-libinput xf86-video-intel xf86-video-nouveau xf86-video-vesa xkeyboard-config xorg-bdftopcf xorg-docs xorg-font-util xorg-fonts-100dpi xorg-fonts-75dpi xorg-fonts-alias-100dpi xorg-fonts-alias-75dpi xorg-fonts-alias-misc xorg-fonts-encodings xorg-fonts-misc xorg-fonts-type1 xorg-iceauth xorg-mkfontscale xorg-server xorg-server-common xorg-server-devel xorg-server-xephyr xorg-server-xnest xorg-server-xvfb xorg-sessreg xorg-setxkbmap xorg-smproxy xorg-util-macros xorg-x11perf xorg-xauth xorg-xbacklight xorg-xcmsdb xorg-xcursorgen xorg-xdpyinfo xorg-xdriinfo xorg-xev xorg-xgamma xorg-xhost xorg-xinit xorg-xinput xorg-xkbcomp xorg-xkbevd xorg-xkbutils xorg-xkill xorg-xlsatoms xorg-xlsclients xorg-xlsfonts xorg-xmag xorg-xmodmap xorg-xpr xorg-xprop xorg-xrandr xorg-xrdb xorg-xrefresh xorg-xset xorg-xsetroot xorg-xvinfo xorg-xwayland xorg-xwd xorg-xwininfo xorg-xwud xorgproto xsecurelock xss-lock xterm xvidcore xxhash xz zimg zlib zstd zxing-cpp'
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] transaction started
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled linux-api-headers (6.7-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled tzdata (2024a-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled iana-etc (20240412-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] warning: /mnt/etc/fstab installed as /mnt/etc/fstab.pacnew
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] warning: /mnt/etc/group installed as /mnt/etc/group.pacnew
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] warning: /mnt/etc/gshadow installed as /mnt/etc/gshadow.pacnew
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] warning: /mnt/etc/hosts installed as /mnt/etc/hosts.pacnew
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] warning: /mnt/etc/passwd installed as /mnt/etc/passwd.pacnew
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] warning: /mnt/etc/resolv.conf installed as /mnt/etc/resolv.conf.pacnew
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] warning: /mnt/etc/shadow installed as /mnt/etc/shadow.pacnew
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled filesystem (2024.04.07-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] warning: /mnt/etc/locale.gen installed as /mnt/etc/locale.gen.pacnew
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled glibc (2.39-3)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /usr/bin/bash: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled acl (2.3.2-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled adobe-source-code-pro-fonts (2.042u+1.062i+1.026vf-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled adwaita-cursors (46.0-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-3)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled gcc-libs (13.2.1-6)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled ncurses (6.4_20230520-3)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled readline (8.2.010-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled bash (5.2.026-2)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] grep: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] grep: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] grep: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] grep: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] grep: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] grep: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled libffi (3.4.6-1)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled libsysprof-capture (46.0-2)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled bzip2 (1.0.8-6)
[2024-05-03T20:36:48+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled zlib (1:1.3.1-2)
[2024-05-03T20:36:49+0000] [ALPM] reinstalled pcre2 (10.43-4)

I do use the nvidia driver, and the current version is 550.78-1.  I am not experiencing any display issues, I am not knowingly running Wayland, and I am running a stock kernel.  I will dig into how to downgrade to the 535.xx series.

And I will be very wary of upgrades that include systemd.  ;-)



#22 2024-05-04 07:22:24

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,755

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

Anything suspicious?


From /var/log/pacman.log

SImilar condition, alpm hooks that failed because pcre and curses were still garbled.
If you want to be extra-safe, you can re-install glibc and bash (in this case)

Context to the nvida situation:


#23 2024-05-04 10:39:29

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Can't Boot After Failed Upgrade Again

seth wrote:

Yes, thank you.

I believe this topic is resolved:  my laptop is up and running, and I have a very likely culprit in the NVIDIA 550.XX driver.

Thank you so much again for your assistance.


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