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he guys i hope your doing well , i need i functionality that requires a specific kernel cmdline , before continue i want to mention that i dont use bootloader and instead i use inified kernel image with its entry in the UEFI , mkinitcpio uses /etc/kernel/cmdline , i read in the wiki that its capable also of catching .conf files from /etc/cmdline.d , but for my situation i need each kernel with its own cmdline so i dont need to change it every boot , i.e for example /etc/cmdline.d/linux.conf /etc/cmdline.d/linux-zen.conf , as in the wiki mkinitcpio well catch all the cmdline and apply it , how to activate this behaviour .
Last edited by user7z (2024-05-15 22:22:45)
According to the wiki you can edit the mkinitcpio preset for each kernel and specify default_options to include --cmdline=/etc/cmdline.d/linux.conf for the linux preset and --cmdline=/etc/cmdline.d/linux-zen.conf for the linux-zen preset.
Last edited by Trilby (2024-05-15 16:42:05)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
According to the wiki you can edit the mkinitcpio preset for each kernel and specify default_options to include --cmdline=/etc/cmdline.d/linux.conf for the linux preset and --cmdline=/etc/cmdline.d/linux-zen.conf for the linux-zen preset.
Exactly right! I use this method for booting however i have ReFIND installed as a final and 3rd option incase stuff goes south.
My efi menu looks like:
Arch Linux EFI
Arch Linux EFI (Fallback)
I use the method trilby lists above to manage cmdline options in the first 2 entries. I only ever touch refind in a system recovery situation.
Last edited by Crunchbang (2024-05-15 21:00:46)
thank you guys i did not know about that --cmdline option , have a nice day