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I'm trying to install archlinux on my desktop pc and I'm having an issue where the installation media throws a lot of ACPI Errors after I pick the first choice and then throws me this screen:
Any guidance/advice on what to do? I'm genuinelly lost on this one.
I'll post any command outputs/logs/info that's requested
Last edited by Saposan (2024-05-17 13:40:19)
How did you write the image? … ion_medium … sing_Rufus ?
I burned the Arch image to an usb media using rufus, tried it on my notebook and no issue there so it wasn't the instalation media.
Digging around, turns out I had Intel RST enabled on bios wich is not compatible not just with Arch but with Linux in general. After disabling it I still get a lot of ACPI Errors but at least the installation media works now
I'll mark this as solved and if I have any more issues with the installation I'll open another thread
Thanks for replying