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Hey Guys !!
The above ss is of Pot Player (Windows)
i want same function on the linux too !!
any one have the solution ?
The function is : If we click the Esc Key on the keyboard it automatically pauses the video and minimizes it into taskbar/tray…
I have tried “Boss Key” of VLC
but that wont work with Fullscreen…
I want that function while in full screen !!
anyone can help me getting that ?
Define a shortcut, bind it to a script and do whatever you want to your player, either using the dbus/mpris interface, mplayer/mpv' remote control socket, wmctrl, … (really depend on your preferred player)
In very doubt you can still SIGSTOP and (at least on X11) xdotool iconify/unmap it.
Also please remove the oversized and rather pointless screenshot.