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#1 2024-05-21 22:14:42

From: North West, England, UK
Registered: 2024-01-27
Posts: 208

zram vs zswap - Do I understand?


Didn't want to post this in the technical issues section as I'm not looking for a solution to a problem, but am wanting confirmation that I understand at least to a basic level what zram and zswap are.

My understanding is that:

zram: If you for example allocate 8GB to zram swap, it will at a maximum store 8GB of compressed 'stuff' in your RAM, which if for example zstd compresses that down to 4GB only takes up half the space. So it's effectively making the memory you have more efficient and doesn't store anything on disk like a regular swap file would.

zswap: compresses the data that is allocated to swap file and stores in RAM rather than writing to disk if possbile.

And that if you are using zram, you don't want zswap enabled as it interferes with the functions of zram.

Desktop: Ryzen 7 1800X | AMD 7800XT | KDE Plasma
MacbookPro-2012 | XFCE


#2 2024-05-21 22:52:46

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,477


#3 2024-05-21 22:55:34

From: North West, England, UK
Registered: 2024-01-27
Posts: 208

Re: zram vs zswap - Do I understand?

I had not seen that, thanks for the link.

Desktop: Ryzen 7 1800X | AMD 7800XT | KDE Plasma
MacbookPro-2012 | XFCE


#4 2024-05-22 06:41:10

From: Who cares.
Registered: 2008-11-13
Posts: 685

Re: zram vs zswap - Do I understand?

Nikolai5 wrote:

but am wanting confirmation that I understand at least to a basic level what zram and zswap are.

I didn´t read that link, but yes, alla what you said is correct.

Excuse my poor English.


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