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So I have the following issue:
[build@der-geraet ~]$ ls
mfgtools networkmanager-fortisslvpn pdfchain repo rustrover setserial teams teams-for-linux
[build@der-geraet ~]$ makechrootpkg -cr /var/build -- --dir teams-for-linux
==> ERROR: This must be run in a directory containing a PKGBUILD.
[build@der-geraet ~]$ makechrootpkg -cr /var/build -- -D teams-for-linux
==> ERROR: This must be run in a directory containing a PKGBUILD.
[build@der-geraet ~]$ cd teams-for-linux/
[build@der-geraet teams-for-linux]$ makechrootpkg -cr /var/build
==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/build/root] -> [build]...done
==> Making package: teams-for-linux 1.4.37-1 (Tue May 28 10:52:37 2024)
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found teams-for-linux-1.4.37.tar.gz
-> Found teams-for-linux.desktop
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
teams-for-linux-1.4.37.tar.gz ... Passed
teams-for-linux.desktop ... Passed
^C^C==> ERROR: Aborting...
[build@der-geraet teams-for-linux]$ ^C
Why is makechrootpkg not forwarding the directory to makepkg?
Inofficial first vice preseident of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
Run this script in a directory containing a PKGBUILD to build a package inside a clean chroot
Seems to be intentional and makepkg also expects to be called from a directory where PKGBUILD (or buildscript) is present .
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Well, that's a bummer.
I worked around this with a script that does a cd before invoking makechrootpkg for now.
Inofficial first vice preseident of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force