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#1 2024-05-29 15:19:20

From: France - Alsace
Registered: 2019-11-09
Posts: 5

packages incompatibility (pypdf / pypdf2)

I wanted to install krop, but this package uses python-pypdf2, which doesn't want to be installed since python-pypdf is installed (and used by psutils and pdf2book, which I need).
The error message says that some of the files that pypdf2 want to install are soon installed by pypdf...

Has anyone ever encountered this kind of problem? and how to resolve it ?



#2 2024-05-30 06:50:49

Registered: 2020-05-12
Posts: 85

Re: packages incompatibility (pypdf / pypdf2)

The problem seems to be that krop (AUR) requires python-pydf2 (also from AUR) whilst python-pdf is included in the standard repos and it's at the same revision level (4.2) than python-pypdf2. You can try editing krop's PKGBUILD so it needs python-pypdf instead of python-pypdf2 and see if it works.

Linux user since 1996. Currently running Arch on an I7 11th gen laptop with root on zfs with zrepl.


#3 2024-05-30 07:13:50

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2013-10-22
Posts: 681

Re: packages incompatibility (pypdf / pypdf2)

The python-pypdf2 package is intended to be a legacy v2 version of pypdf for applications which have not ported to the new API of pypdf v3.1.0+ but the package has recently been broken. Read recent comments on the AUR page for python-pypdf2 for more info.


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