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Flatpak version
What Linux distribution are you using?
Arch Linux
Linux distribution version
What architecture are you using?
How to reproduce
first confirm that its to 0 by
cat /proc/sys/kernel/kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone
if output is 0 then try installing app it will give you ld error and not install app you tryied.
And to fix this issue you must run sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1
and the error should be gone.
Expected Behavior
i expected the app to install with no errors.
Actual Behavior
It printed error apply_extra script failed, exit status 256
Additional Information
i would like you guys to add additional checks to see if its set to 0 if it is then set it to 1.
Last edited by Rinalds (2024-06-10 02:34:00)
So I'm assuming you chose the hardened kernel, but then don't like the hardening? That's your choice.
OP is just a completely pointless repost of in the completely wrong context for, I guess, reasons.