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#1 2024-06-20 07:53:18

From: Trieste, Italy
Registered: 2018-11-24
Posts: 115

system forgets (pgp, ssh?) keys at each reboot, unable to do updates

Each time I boot my computer, if I try to update the system with pacman -Syu, or install a package, it will give me an error of missing or corrupt keys.

I can solve it with the following commands:

pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate

Then, I can update the system or install packages, until I reboot.

The hard disk is an SSD. Could it be damaged? Or is there some service that is not starting at boot?


#2 2024-06-20 14:37:05

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,339

Re: system forgets (pgp, ssh?) keys at each reboot, unable to do updates

Is your system date and time set correctly?  Does the hardware clock work and is it set properly?
My guess is that the system time is wrong and the keys are not valid for the time to which your system is set.

I doubt it is the SSD.  I assume you have not done anything weird to /etc/pacman.d/ (it is not a mount point, it is on a physical disk and not a RAM disk, etc...)

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#3 2024-06-25 17:40:49

From: Trieste, Italy
Registered: 2018-11-24
Posts: 115

Re: system forgets (pgp, ssh?) keys at each reboot, unable to do updates

System time is set correctly. Maybe the battery on the motherboard is exhausted, but it gets the correct time through npt.

Nothing unusual on /etc/pacman.d/


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