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#1 2022-10-24 20:38:40

From: Poland
Registered: 2022-10-21
Posts: 10

[Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Hi everyone! I have some problems with optimus manager. I installed nvidia drivers using pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils nvidia-settings. Everithing works fine until I installed optimus-manager with optimus-manager-qt.

First I should say that I have notebook with hybrid graphics (Intel/Nvidia RTX 3060).

Second - After switch my card (using optimus-manager --switch nvidia or --switch integrated) the screen goes black with white line on the top left corner. I've notice when I delete /etc/X11/xorg-conf.d/10-optimus-manager.conf the lightdm start properly. I've also tired using "prime-offload" before I switch my card. It's not help.

My x-0.log.old (because new log after delete 10-optimus-manager.conf are good).

X.Org X Server
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Current Operating System: Linux dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf 6.0.2-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat, 15 Oct 2022 14:00:49 +0000 x86_64
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=213b80b9-ac35-40a2-8a45-ef2e3a416a16 rw loglevel=3 nowatchdog nvme_load=YES nvidia_drm.modeset=1
Current version of pixman: 0.42.0
	Before reporting problems, check
	to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
	(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
	(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Mon Oct 24 22:22:58 2022
(==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"
(==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
Fatal server error:
(EE) Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs        for all framebuffer devices
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support 
 for help. 
(EE) Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.
(EE) Server terminated with error (1). Closing log file.


[+0.00s] DEBUG: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Starting Light Display Manager 1.32.0, UID=0 PID=4064
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Loading configuration dirs from /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Loading configuration dirs from /usr/local/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Loading configuration dirs from /etc/xdg/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Loading configuration from /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/10-eos-slick.conf
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Loading configuration from /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/20-optimus-manager.conf
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Loading configuration from /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Registered seat module local
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Registered seat module xremote
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Using D-Bus name org.freedesktop.DisplayManager
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3)
[+0.00s] DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Monitoring logind for seats
[+0.00s] DEBUG: New seat added from logind: seat0
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Loading properties from config section Seat:*
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Seat seat0 has property CanMultiSession=no
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Starting
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Creating greeter session
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Creating display server of type x
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Could not run plymouth --ping: Failed to execute child process “plymouth” (No such file or directory)
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Using VT 7
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Starting local X display on VT 7
[+0.00s] DEBUG: XServer 0: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log
[+0.00s] DEBUG: XServer 0: Writing X server authority to /run/lightdm/root/:0
[+0.00s] DEBUG: XServer 0: Launching X Server
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Launching process 4070: /usr/bin/X :0 -seat seat0 -auth /run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
[+0.00s] DEBUG: XServer 0: Waiting for ready signal from X server :0
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Acquired bus name org.freedesktop.DisplayManager
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Registering seat with bus path /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Loading users from org.freedesktop.Accounts
[+0.00s] DEBUG: User /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User1000 added
[+0.06s] DEBUG: Process 4070 exited with return value 1
[+0.06s] DEBUG: XServer 0: X server stopped
[+0.06s] DEBUG: Releasing VT 7
[+0.06s] DEBUG: XServer 0: Removing X server authority /run/lightdm/root/:0
[+0.06s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Display server stopped
[+0.06s] DEBUG: Launching process 4071: /sbin/prime-switch
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Process 4071 exited with return value 0
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Exit status of /sbin/prime-switch: 0
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Stopping session
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Session stopped
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Stopping display server, no sessions require it
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Stopping; greeter display server failed to start
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Stopping
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Stopped
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Required seat has stopped
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Stopping display manager
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Display manager stopped
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Stopping daemon
[+0.11s] DEBUG: Exiting with return value 1

Last edited by symbwell (2022-10-25 13:46:33)


#2 2022-10-24 20:57:52

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 22,844

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Don't use optimus-manager just use PRIME offloading: … er_offload - there's no reason nor benefit to be doing that on a system this new.

Last edited by V1del (2022-10-24 20:58:43)


#3 2022-10-24 21:08:27

From: Poland
Registered: 2022-10-21
Posts: 10

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Thanks for replay! So, I remove Optimus-manager (Shame of me) and now my computer freeze while booting. lol

Last edited by symbwell (2022-10-24 21:09:17)


#4 2022-10-24 21:38:39

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,014

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Can you boot the (2nd link below)?
There're possibly residual config files from optimus-manager in /etc/X11/xorg.conf*


#5 2022-10-25 08:19:42

From: Poland
Registered: 2022-10-21
Posts: 10

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Hi! Thanks for replay. I boot ArchISO from USB, mount my partiton and changing to Reinstall all nvidia drivers, remove some changes which I did (for optimus-manager) and discovered that systemd-homed.service won't load. After enable this service lightdm start smile Should I do something extra to be sure that my config is good after remove optimus-manager?

Last edited by symbwell (2022-10-25 08:20:21)


#6 2022-10-25 08:55:13

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,014

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

systemd whining about homed isn't an error, but spam. everybody gets that because nobody uses it - and it will not relate to your problem, let alone fix  it.
I'd rather look at … TTY_output … _KMS_start


#7 2022-10-25 09:40:08

From: Poland
Registered: 2022-10-21
Posts: 10

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager


# General configuration
# start-default-seat = True to always start one seat if none are defined in the configuration
# greeter-user = User to run greeter as
# minimum-display-number = Minimum display number to use for X servers
# minimum-vt = First VT to run displays on
# lock-memory = True to prevent memory from being paged to disk
# user-authority-in-system-dir = True if session authority should be in the system location
# guest-account-script = Script to be run to setup guest account
# logind-check-graphical = True to on start seats that are marked as graphical by logind
# log-directory = Directory to log information to
# run-directory = Directory to put running state in
# cache-directory = Directory to cache to
# sessions-directory = Directory to find sessions
# remote-sessions-directory = Directory to find remote sessions
# greeters-directory = Directory to find greeters
# backup-logs = True to move add a .old suffix to old log files when opening new ones
# dbus-service = True if LightDM provides a D-Bus service to control it
#minimum-vt=7 # Setting this to a value < 7 implies security issues, see FS#46799

# Seat configuration
# Seat configuration is matched against the seat name glob in the section, for example:
# [Seat:*] matches all seats and is applied first.
# [Seat:seat0] matches the seat named "seat0".
# [Seat:seat-thin-client*] matches all seats that have names that start with "seat-thin-client".
# type = Seat type (local, xremote)
# pam-service = PAM service to use for login
# pam-autologin-service = PAM service to use for autologin
# pam-greeter-service = PAM service to use for greeters
# xserver-command = X server command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. X -special-option)
# xmir-command = Xmir server command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. Xmir -special-option)
# xserver-config = Config file to pass to X server
# xserver-layout = Layout to pass to X server
# xserver-allow-tcp = True if TCP/IP connections are allowed to this X server
# xserver-share = True if the X server is shared for both greeter and session
# xserver-hostname = Hostname of X server (only for type=xremote)
# xserver-display-number = Display number of X server (only for type=xremote)
# xdmcp-manager = XDMCP manager to connect to (implies xserver-allow-tcp=true)
# xdmcp-port = XDMCP UDP/IP port to communicate on
# xdmcp-key = Authentication key to use for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 (stored in keys.conf)
# greeter-session = Session to load for greeter
# greeter-hide-users = True to hide the user list
# greeter-allow-guest = True if the greeter should show a guest login option
# greeter-show-manual-login = True if the greeter should offer a manual login option
# greeter-show-remote-login = True if the greeter should offer a remote login option
# user-session = Session to load for users
# allow-user-switching = True if allowed to switch users
# allow-guest = True if guest login is allowed
# guest-session = Session to load for guests (overrides user-session)
# session-wrapper = Wrapper script to run session with
# greeter-wrapper = Wrapper script to run greeter with
# guest-wrapper = Wrapper script to run guest sessions with
# display-setup-script = Script to run when starting a greeter session (runs as root)
# display-stopped-script = Script to run after stopping the display server (runs as root)
# greeter-setup-script = Script to run when starting a greeter (runs as root)
# session-setup-script = Script to run when starting a user session (runs as root)
# session-cleanup-script = Script to run when quitting a user session (runs as root)
# autologin-guest = True to log in as guest by default
# autologin-user = User to log in with by default (overrides autologin-guest)
# autologin-user-timeout = Number of seconds to wait before loading default user
# autologin-session = Session to load for automatic login (overrides user-session)
# autologin-in-background = True if autologin session should not be immediately activated
# exit-on-failure = True if the daemon should exit if this seat fails

# XDMCP Server configuration
# enabled = True if XDMCP connections should be allowed
# port = UDP/IP port to listen for connections on
# listen-address = Host/address to listen for XDMCP connections (use all addresses if not present)
# key = Authentication key to use for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 or blank to not use authentication (stored in keys.conf)
# hostname = Hostname to report to XDMCP clients (defaults to system hostname if unset)
# The authentication key is a 56 bit DES key specified in hex as 0xnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.  Alternatively
# it can be a word and the first 7 characters are used as the key.

# VNC Server configuration
# enabled = True if VNC connections should be allowed
# command = Command to run Xvnc server with
# port = TCP/IP port to listen for connections on
# listen-address = Host/address to listen for VNC connections (use all addresses if not present)
# width = Width of display to use
# height = Height of display to use
# depth = Color depth of display to use


# vim:set ft=sh
# The following modules are loaded before any boot hooks are
# run.  Advanced users may wish to specify all system modules
# in this array.  For instance:
#     MODULES=(piix ide_disk reiserfs)

# This setting includes any additional binaries a given user may
# wish into the CPIO image.  This is run last, so it may be used to
# override the actual binaries included by a given hook
# BINARIES are dependency parsed, so you may safely ignore libraries

# This setting is similar to BINARIES above, however, files are added
# as-is and are not parsed in any way.  This is useful for config files.

# This is the most important setting in this file.  The HOOKS control the
# modules and scripts added to the image, and what happens at boot time.
# Order is important, and it is recommended that you do not change the
# order in which HOOKS are added.  Run 'mkinitcpio -H <hook name>' for
# help on a given hook.
# 'base' is _required_ unless you know precisely what you are doing.
# 'udev' is _required_ in order to automatically load modules
# 'filesystems' is _required_ unless you specify your fs modules in MODULES
# Examples:
##   This setup specifies all modules in the MODULES setting above.
##   No raid, lvm2, or encrypted root is needed.
#    HOOKS=(base)
##   This setup will autodetect all modules for your system and should
##   work as a sane default
#    HOOKS=(base udev autodetect block filesystems)
##   This setup will generate a 'full' image which supports most systems.
##   No autodetection is done.
#    HOOKS=(base udev block filesystems)
##   This setup assembles a pata mdadm array with an encrypted root FS.
##   Note: See 'mkinitcpio -H mdadm' for more information on raid devices.
#    HOOKS=(base udev block mdadm encrypt filesystems)
##   This setup loads an lvm2 volume group on a usb device.
#    HOOKS=(base udev block lvm2 filesystems)
##   NOTE: If you have /usr on a separate partition, you MUST include the
#    usr, fsck and shutdown hooks.
HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont filesystems fsck"

# Use this to compress the initramfs image. By default, zstd compression
# is used. Use 'cat' to create an uncompressed image.

# Additional options for the compressor

I've also removed "nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm" from "MODULES" inside mkinitcpio.conf. and rebuild using mkinitcpio -P

Last edited by symbwell (2022-10-25 09:42:26)


#8 2022-10-25 11:44:12

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,014

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Your lightdm conf is currently





is NOT enabled.

And you're also NOT using early KMS which is the straight opposite of what you want.


#9 2022-10-25 13:02:55

From: Poland
Registered: 2022-10-21
Posts: 10

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Ok, I see. I've added nvidia to modules in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf again. Enabled logind-check-graphical also. Everythings works BUT the booting time, reboot and shutdown take a long time now (up. to 2-3 minutes). I've notice that system waiting for two places. On Load Kernel Modules and Nvidia Persistance Daemon (with desctiprion "a start job is running for Nvidia Persistance Daemon"). Also Battery level is dropping fast.

Last edited by symbwell (2022-10-25 13:06:08)


#10 2022-10-25 13:23:47

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,014

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

For a hybrid graphics system, you probably wanted to add i915 to the modules?

the booting time, reboot and shutdown take a long time now (up. to 2-3 minutes)

Please reboot and post a complete system journal of the previous boot

sudo journalctl -b -1 | curl -F 'file=@-'


#11 2022-10-25 13:37:34

From: Poland
Registered: 2022-10-21
Posts: 10

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Here they come

What I can see:

kernel BUG at arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:253!
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: CPU: 7 PID: 169 Comm: modprobe Tainted: P           OE      6.0.2-arch1-1 #1 50c0f0880a1bf780734fcafd72b58c22e0d25b99
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: Hardware name: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. ASUS TUF Dash F15 FX516PM_FX516PM/FX516PM, BIOS FX516PM.322 08/27/2021
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RIP: 0010:exc_control_protection+0xc2/0xd0
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: Code: fb ff 45 31 c9 49 89 d8 b9 09 00 00 00 48 8b 93 80 00 00 00 be fa 00 00 00 48 c7 c7 29 5e e9 a9 e8 c3 5f 4b ff e9 64 ff ff ff <0f> 0b 66 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 66 0f 1f 00 55 53 48 89
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RSP: 0018:ffffadfbc051fb88 EFLAGS: 00010002
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RAX: 0000000000000033 RBX: ffffadfbc051fba8 RCX: c0000000ffffefff
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00000000ffffefff RDI: 0000000000000001
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RBP: 0000000000000003 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffffadfbc051fa20
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: R10: 0000000000000003 R11: ffffffffaa6cb508 R12: 0000000000000000
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: FS:  00007f5c14f0c740(0000) GS:ffff9ec7f37c0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: CR2: 00007ffd9c7e8d20 CR3: 0000000104360002 CR4: 0000000000f70ee0
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: PKRU: 55555554
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: Call Trace:
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  <TASK>
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  asm_exc_control_protection+0x26/0x30
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RIP: 0010:_nv011889rm+0x0/0x10 [nvidia]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: Code: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 48 83 ec 08 e8 47 3a 1f 00 48 83 c4 08 48 89 c7 e9 bb ff ff ff 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 <48> 89 f7 e9 18 08 00 00 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 48 89 f7 e9 18 08
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RSP: 0018:ffffadfbc051fc50 EFLAGS: 00010202
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RAX: ffffffffc0c39e30 RBX: ffffffffc3bb8ad0 RCX: 0000000000000000
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RDX: 00000000000b0354 RSI: 0000000000000010 RDI: ffffffffc3bb8ad0
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RBP: ffff9ec2966aafe0 R08: ffffadfbc051fc10 R09: ffffffffc3bb8b10
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: R10: ffffffffc3b83e10 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 0000000000000010
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: R13: ffff9ec2966a8000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? _nv037178rm+0x20/0x20 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  _nv011887rm+0x24/0xe0 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  _nv037179rm+0xe/0xa0 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  _nv037182rm+0x1d/0x30 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  _nv037184rm+0x2f/0x40 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  _nv016464rm+0x15/0x70 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  _nv000672rm+0x9/0x20 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? cdev_add+0x50/0x70
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  rm_init_rm+0x17/0x60 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  nvidia_init_module+0x242/0x616 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? nvidia_init_module+0x616/0x616 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  nvidia_frontend_init_module+0x50/0x94 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? nvidia_init_module+0x616/0x616 [nvidia 2d40d2c6d2c08350d8412d83c82225befc5323f3]
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  do_one_initcall+0x5a/0x220
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  do_init_module+0x4a/0x1e0
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  __do_sys_finit_module+0xac/0x120
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  do_syscall_64+0x5c/0x90
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? ksys_mmap_pgoff+0xea/0x1f0
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x1b/0x40
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? do_syscall_64+0x6b/0x90
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? ksys_read+0x6f/0xf0
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x1b/0x40
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? do_syscall_64+0x6b/0x90
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  ? exc_page_fault+0x74/0x170
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RIP: 0033:0x7f5c1500f7fd
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: Code: 5d c3 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 f3 0f 1e fa 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 5b 75 0d 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RSP: 002b:00007ffd9c7ead58 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000139
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 000056153544dba0 RCX: 00007f5c1500f7fd
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 000056153544de80 RDI: 0000000000000003
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: RBP: 000056153544de80 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: R10: 0000000000000003 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 0000000000060000
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: R13: 000056153544dc40 R14: 0000000000000024 R15: 000056153544deb0
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel:  </TASK>
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: Modules linked in: nvidia(POE+)


paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\CTDP], AE_NOT_FOUND (20220331/psargs-330)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.IETM.IDSP due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20220331/psparse-529)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf systemd[1]: Found device HFM512GD3JX013N 1.
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf systemd[1]: Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/5238-009B...
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN1._CRT.S1CT], AE_NOT_FOUND (20220331/psargs-330)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN1._CRT due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20220331/psparse-529)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN1._HOT.S1HT], AE_NOT_FOUND (20220331/psargs-330)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN1._HOT due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20220331/psparse-529)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN1._PSV.S1PT], AE_NOT_FOUND (20220331/psargs-330)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN1._PSV due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20220331/psparse-529)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN1._AC0.S1AT], AE_NOT_FOUND (20220331/psargs-330)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN1._AC0 due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20220331/psparse-529)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN2._CRT.S2CT], AE_NOT_FOUND (20220331/psargs-330)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN2._CRT due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20220331/psparse-529)
paź 25 14:47:58 dibqwbdoiqhiwhfqd-tuf kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PC00.LPCB.EC0.SEN2._HOT.S2HT], AE_NOT_FOUND (20220331/psargs-330)

Last edited by symbwell (2022-10-25 13:41:39)


#12 2022-10-25 13:41:15

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 22,844

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Add ibt=off to your kernel parameters to work around the ENDBR issue.


#13 2022-10-25 13:46:12

From: Poland
Registered: 2022-10-21
Posts: 10

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Thanks! It's resovling my load time smile


#14 2024-06-25 11:19:43

Registered: 2024-06-23
Posts: 1

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Hello! I am new to Linux and I am also facing similar issue like you. After installing optimus manager on arch Linux with kde plasma, I rebooted my system and it was stucked on black screen with small white line blinking at the left top. I cannot do anything, should I reinstall arch Linux or is there any way to fix it.


#15 2024-06-25 12:14:08

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 57,014

Re: [Solved] Problems with optimus-manager

Boot the (2nd link below) and fix the system from there (remove OM and residual xorg configlets it might have left behind in /{etc,usr/share}/X11/xorg.conf* - NOT! everything there!


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