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Hello, I'm new to Arch. I noticed that the lib32-* packages are still missing quite a lot of things (such as GTK). So I ported a few multilib packages from Gentoo.
The packages are now in AUR by names like emul32-*. They install to /emul so it won't mess thing up as Arch lib32 catch up and become more and more complete. But you do need to add those dirs to your, as instructed by the package after the install.
I know that this is a *really* ugly hack. But for the time being, that appears to be the only way to run non-trivial applications on Arch64.
I've also uploaded some bin32-* packages that takes advantage of the multilib environment to give you realplayer, acrobat, etc. They'd automatically pull lib32-* or emul32-* if there's no lib32 for the dependency yet.
***BIG FAT WARNING: This could totally break your entire system, make your head explode, etc., etc. Use at your own risk. ***
And remember that you'll also need my lib32-glibc to replace the one from [community]. Sorry for doing this without talking to the maintainers first. But the standard one is missing quite a lot of libs that Acrobat won't run without.
Finally, if you look at my lib32-glibc, lib32-qtcurve-* scripts, you'll notice that I just fetch the package from arch32 and automatically move everything inside /lib and /usr/lib over. All my lib32-* PKGBUILD files are almost identical except the names. I could imagine someone can even write a script to autogen lib32 packages from arch32 packages... I think this lazy way of porting without cross-compiling is much easier to get new libs ported to arch64 multilib. So feel free to adapt to whatever new libs you want to port.
This is just a proof of concept. I may not be maintaining the packages for very long.
Let me know what you think.
Acrobat, Real player and Skype. (Notice that I've got QtCurve working on both GTK and QT) :-)
Wine running IE6 with Flash 9.
If you patch the nspluginwrapper PKGBUILD to use the gentoo libs, you can even get the Acrobat and Real plugins working: (notice that again, I've got QtCurve working even inside the pluginwrapper) :-)
Hi, I am the maintainer of the lib32-packages. It is nice to see someone else working on this. But we should work together to achieve a more complete multilib-setup.
And remember that you'll also need my lib32-glibc to replace the one from [community]. Sorry for doing this without talking to the maintainers first. But the standard one is missing quite a lot of libs that Acrobat won't run without.
If I missed something or if you have any patches to my packages it would be nice if you would contact me. Having two different packages in AUR and [community] is not a good idea.
There are also some duplicates. AUR does not support Arch64; so you might want to check CVS directly: … vsroot=AUR
If you could fix the folowing problems I would be happy to move some of your packages to [community]:
* use the lib32 instead of the emul-prefix. There is no emulation when running x86-code on arch64
* better use arch32-packages as a base instead of gentoo`s binary-packages
* use the same package-names as arch32 does.
* send me patches for packages which are in [community] instead of creating new ones
And for nspluginwrapper, give me the dir(s) where are the libraries required to run arcroread and stuff, I'll make it secondary path (nspluginwrapper will look libraries first from /opt/nspluginwrapperlibs, then from other).
So if the package which contains libs for acroread is installed, it will use them...on calling acroread, otherwise it just won't work so it doesn't harm anyone?
Flying is Trying is Dying