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#1 2024-07-07 11:25:21

Registered: 2018-06-08
Posts: 100

lib32-vulkan-driver required by Steam but doesn't seem to be installed

Hi, I just removed my RTX2060 and replaced it with a 7800XT. It just dropped in and ran, love Linux!

I wanted to remove an NVIDIA bits left over so ran this:

[noki@BLOCKBUSTER ~]$ sudo pacman -Rd nvidia nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-settings
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing lib32-nvidia-utils breaks dependency 'lib32-vulkan-driver' required by steam
[noki@BLOCKBUSTER ~]$ sudo pacman -Rd nvidia nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-settings lib32-vulkan-driver
error: target not found: lib32-vulkan-driver

As you can see it won't remove everything I could find with nvidia in the name, and it gave me a few dependency errors, lastly telling me to remove something Steam needs, but it not seeming to be installed.

Should I reinstall Steam and see if that fixes it? 'lib32-vulkan-driver' seems to be more generic than an NVIDIA thing, so I don't see why it's required. I wonder if it's maybe a Proton thing that I am not aware of.


#2 2024-07-07 13:12:40

Registered: 2021-03-02
Posts: 91

Re: lib32-vulkan-driver required by Steam but doesn't seem to be installed

See the "Name" and "Provides" sections:

pacman -Qi lib32-vulkan-driver

Then, have a look at other implementations:

pacman -Ss lib32-vulkan-driver

You need to install the correct one for your new card (lib32-vulkan-radeon), then you'll be able to remove lib32-nvidia-utils.


#3 2024-07-07 13:19:37

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: lib32-vulkan-driver required by Steam but doesn't seem to be installed

I'd advise against the -d flag there too - I hope you just added that in trying to solve this issue rather than using that normally.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#4 2024-07-07 15:56:59

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,229

Re: lib32-vulkan-driver required by Steam but doesn't seem to be installed

welcome to team red
I recommend the mesa radv driver - it gets's a bit more oomph out of the gpu and amdvlk
you can use amdvlk, too, but usually there's no need for
depending on your workload it maybe could be required to install amdgpu-pro - but software require it is rather rare


#5 2024-07-07 18:08:02

Registered: 2018-06-08
Posts: 100

Re: lib32-vulkan-driver required by Steam but doesn't seem to be installed

Thanks both, feels good to leave team green (and to kick out team blue since I am in the UK)!

I think I am using mesa already, it is installed. I ended up removing steam to dig out the nvidia stuff then just installing it again, all is well.

pacman -Ss lib32-vulkan-driver was useful to see. When Steam installed it asked me for options. I chose 5:

:: There are 7 providers available for lib32-vulkan-driver:
:: Repository multilib
   1) lib32-amdvlk  2) lib32-nvidia-utils  3) lib32-vulkan-intel  4) lib32-vulkan-nouveau  5) lib32-vulkan-radeon  6) lib32-vulkan-swrast  7) lib32-vulkan-virtio

Enter a number (default=1): 5
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (3) lib32-vulkan-radeon-1:24.1.3-1  lib32-xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1-1  steam-

As it seemed most reasonable, everything seems to be working still. Except I have some issues specific to Black Mesa, but I've been able to run Doom 2016, Cities Skylines, Subnautica, Helldivers 2, Superliminal, Portal Stories: Mel, Beyond All Reason and No Man's Sky. No issues. I forgot to enable resizable bar too, now rectified.



#6 2024-07-08 08:33:08

From: North West, England, UK
Registered: 2024-01-27
Posts: 196

Re: lib32-vulkan-driver required by Steam but doesn't seem to be installed

It sounds like you have all the right packages installed now, I just followed the recommendations on the arch wiki page for AMD, Vulkan, Steam, gaming, etc.

I have the same card as you and use these packages:

local/lib32-vulkan-radeon 1:24.1.2-1
local/rocm-core 6.0.2-2
local/rocm-opencl-runtime 6.0.2-1
local/vulkan-radeon 1:24.1.2-1
local/xf86-video-amdgpu 23.0.0-2 (xorg-drivers)
local/lib32-libva-mesa-driver 1:24.1.2-1
local/lib32-mesa 1:24.1.2-1
local/lib32-mesa-vdpau 1:24.1.2-1
local/libva-mesa-driver 1:24.1.2-1
local/mesa 1:24.1.2-1
local/mesa-vdpau 1:24.1.2-1

I think that's all of them, just searched for mesa and AMD. I had a few issues when I first got the card that were resolved with Mesa and Kernel updates, and also the more recent resizeable BAR issue, but otherwise I've had a far better experience than using Nvidia on Linux.
I ended up doing a fresh install of Arch though as I made the mistake of using an Arch-based distribution for a bit before I got the new card.

Desktop: Ryzen 7 1800X | AMD 7800XT | KDE Plasma
MacbookPro-2012 | XFCE


#7 2024-07-08 09:55:55

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,229

Re: lib32-vulkan-driver required by Steam but doesn't seem to be installed

As for BlackMesa: I've posted a help on the steam forums how to get the native linux version running on Arch
TLDR: don't! activate proton and use the windows version - there is a,rather small performance impact due to the directx->vulkan translation - but the native version requires outdated libs and has some serious graphical issues with lighting
I've also made a comment on the recent update news about ditching directx and switch to vulkan altogether - got shot down by devs: "ain't gonna happen"


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