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I use hyprland but I want to run steam and games and so I need to be able to go on dwm which is on X and not wayland due to the more compatibility and support by everything. I'd like to be able to choose if I wanna log in on hyprland or dwm everytime I startup my pc and log in.
I use sddm, I have always had hyprland installed, I installed dwm now and from a bit of searching I did I found I had to edit /usr/share/xsessions/dwm.desktop and put this in:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Dynamic Window Manager
I did that and when I start my pc it did add the option to also choose dwm on the sessions. I choose hyprland and it works fine, when I choose dwm however the sddm login screen remains there and the dwm status bar appears on top of it. So it's like instead of a black wallpaper that I'd expect from dwm it's the sddm greeter that's there. I can click on the different workspaces on the status bar and the keybind to show/hide the status bar also works but other than that it's a bit stuck. How do I go about doing this ??
its been a while since I used dwm but can't you set a wallpaper? It seems to me like it's just not refreshing that part of the screen, so setting a wallpaper would probably fix it.