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My system is up to date.
Checking my pacman databases today, I notice the following and did a little further investigating.
Note that I have none of these pkgs installed, this is checking the sync DB.
I know 'wine' is a multilib repo package, which I don't have enabled, so expected output.
Are the first three possibly packaging errors?
$ pacman -Dkk
error: missing 'java-runtime=19' dependency for 'java-atk-wrapper-openjdk'
error: missing 'libmp3splt' dependency for 'mp3splt-gtk'
error: missing '' dependency for 'pantheon-applications-menu'
error: missing 'wine' dependency for 'wine-gecko'
error: missing 'wine' dependency for 'wine-mono'
$ sudo pacman -S java-atk-wrapper-openjdk
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "java-runtime=19", a dependency of "java-atk-wrapper-openjdk"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] y
looking for conflicting packages...
there is nothing to do
$ sudo pacman -S mp3splt-gtk
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "libmp3splt", a dependency of "mp3splt-gtk"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] y
looking for conflicting packages...
there is nothing to do
$ sudo pacman -S pantheon-applications-menu
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "", a dependency of "pantheon-applications-menu"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] y
looking for conflicting packages...
there is nothing to do
And my pacman configuration just in case:
$ pacconf
RootDir = /
DBPath = /var/lib/pacman
CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
CacheDir = /home/jeff/.cache/aurch/repo
HookDir = /etc/pacman.d/hooks
GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg
LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
HoldPkg = pacman
HoldPkg = glibc
HoldPkg = tk
HoldPkg = tcl
IgnorePkg = grub
IgnorePkg = dbus-python
IgnorePkg = pygtk
Architecture = x86_64
ParallelDownloads = 5
CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
SigLevel = PackageRequired
SigLevel = PackageTrustedOnly
SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
SigLevel = DatabaseTrustedOnly
LocalFileSigLevel = PackageOptional
LocalFileSigLevel = PackageTrustedOnly
Usage = All
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
CacheServer =
Usage = All
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
Server =
CacheServer =
Usage = All
SigLevel = PackageNever
SigLevel = DatabaseNever
Server = file:///home/jeff/.cache/aurch/repo
I can confirm all the same results.
Are the first three possibly packaging errors?
It would appear so.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Followup info:
I marked java-atk-wrapper-openjdk, mp3splt-gtk, and pantheon-applications-menu as 'out of date' with the warning info from the pacman output above.
Followup info:
I marked java-atk-wrapper-openjdk, mp3splt-gtk, and pantheon-applications-menu as 'out of date' with the warning info from the pacman output above.
Wrong. Do *not* flag a package out of date for any reason whatsoever that is not the package being out of date.
This is why we cant have {nice things, accurate package flags}.
A low priority bug / feature request could be called for, not an abuse of the out-of-date flag. Do parents not still tell the story of the boy who cried wolf?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Wrong. Do *not* flag a package out of date for any reason whatsoever that is not the package being out of date.
Sorry for that, I probably should have made a bug report? But this is what I see when I follow the link:
Due to an influx of spam, we have had to temporarily disable account registrations. Please write an email to, with your desired username, if you want to get access. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I was trying to bring to the attention that the packages were broken as is, (possibly dependencies had been removed from repos?) in an attempt to be helpful.
Thank you for correcting me and giving a clear path on how to properly proceed.
If I was an up and coming developer looking to contribute to Arch, this brief interaction with an Arch developer would motivate me to.....
Last edited by NuSkool (2024-07-13 16:58:54)
NuSkool wrote:Followup info:
I marked java-atk-wrapper-openjdk, mp3splt-gtk, and pantheon-applications-menu as 'out of date' with the warning info from the pacman output above.
Wrong. Do *not* flag a package out of date for any reason whatsoever that is not the package being out of date.
at least for the atk-wrapper it's a fail on the packagers side as it has a hard dependency to java19 instead of soft java19+ which would allow it to be compatible with anything v19 and newer
I see it justified to flag at least that package out-of-date as it depends on another package which was marked out-of-date back in january
I see it justified to flag at least that package out-of-date
It isn't out of date. Period.
It's justified to flag a problem with the package, but the problem is quite clearly not that it is out of date.
The fact that the bug tracker is only open to those who placate the right gatekeepers is beside the point.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
If I was an up and coming developer looking to contribute to Arch, this brief interaction with an Arch developer would motivate me to.....
1) Slowly back out of this place before running away.
2) The interaction was cool, seems like a good place to get further involved.
With my skills, I'm definitely not of any meaningful use to this community, but what if I was? I guess my point is I didn't get even a slightly positive vibe from this. That said, I like using Arch, and hope to see it attract enough talent to stay a healthy project long into the future.
I can understand why not wanting to wrongly flag 'out of date' packages is perhaps a sensitive issue now.
Is it possibly related to a lack of packagers? Are some of the current package maintainers possibly slightly overloaded?
This system:
$ comm -12 \
<(curl -Ss '' | jq '.results[].pkgname' | tr -d '"' | sort) \
<(pacman -Qq | sort) | nl
1 automake
2 edk2-ovmf
3 edk2-shell
4 electrum
5 lesspipe
6 pacman-mirrorlist
7 python-aiorpcx
8 python-argcomplete
9 python-bitstring
10 python-constantly
11 python-jaraco.context
12 python-pyasn1
13 python-pyasn1-modules
14 python-service-identity
15 python-setuptools
16 python-trove-classifiers
17 python-urllib3
And the repos... I think the count maxes out at 250, so not really sure...
$ curl -Ss '' | jq '.results[].pkgname' | tr -d '"' | sort | nl
1 amavisd-new
2 amf-headers
3 ammonite
4 ansible-language-server
5 aspell-pl
6 automake
7 awesome-terminal-fonts
8 babel-cli
9 biber
10 buildbot
11 buildbot-common
12 buildbot-docs
13 buildbot-worker
14 checksec
15 comtool
16 cpanminus
17 curtail
18 deepin-community-wallpapers
19 deepin-wallpapers
20 dkms
21 doctest
22 doge
23 edk2-aarch64
24 edk2-arm
25 edk2-ovmf
26 edk2-shell
27 electrum
28 etc-update
29 exploitdb
30 firefox-extension-passff
31 firrtl
32 gajim
33 gnucash-docs
34 hunspell-pl
35 in-toto
36 ispin
37 java-hamcrest
38 josm
39 junit
40 keepass
41 keepass-plugin-keeagent
42 lesspipe
43 lollypop
44 ls++
45 mate-themes
46 mill
47 mingw-w64-crt
48 mingw-w64-headers
49 mingw-w64-winpthreads
50 nlohmann-json
51 nuget
52 nvidia-prime
53 openui5
54 otf-ipafont
55 pacman-mirrorlist
56 pantheon-session
57 perl-anyevent-i3
58 perl-cgi
59 perl-chart
60 perl-data-munge
61 perl-extutils-cchecker
62 perl-io-socket-ssl
63 perl-locale-codes
64 perl-mail-authenticationresults
65 perl-mail-dkim
66 perl-path-tiny
67 perl-software-license
68 perl-sub-handlesvia
69 perl-sub-override
70 perl-test-without-module
71 perl-tie-cycle
72 persepolis
73 plantuml
74 pnpm
75 puppet
76 pypinyin
77 python-aiofiles
78 python-aiogram
79 python-aiorpcx
80 python-apispec
81 python-argcomplete
82 python-aspectlib
83 python-asteval
84 python-babel
85 python-barectf
86 python-bitstring
87 python-blinker
88 python-boto3
89 python-botocore
90 python-btrfs
91 python-buildbot-badges
92 python-buildbot-console-view
93 python-buildbot-grid-view
94 python-buildbot-react-console-view
95 python-buildbot-react-grid-view
96 python-buildbot-react-waterfall-view
97 python-buildbot-react-wsgi-dashboards
98 python-buildbot-waterfall-view
99 python-buildbot-wsgi-dashboards
100 python-buildbot-www
101 python-buildbot-www-react
102 python-cachetools
103 python-cloudpickle
104 python-constantly
105 python-distutils-extra
106 python-django
107 python-docs
108 python-dogpile.cache
109 python-eventlet
110 python-fints
111 python-flask
112 python-geopandas
113 python-google-api-core
114 python-google-api-python-client
115 python-googleapis-common-protos
116 python-google-auth
117 python-immutabledict
118 python-importlib-metadata
119 python-internetarchive
120 python-jaraco.collections
121 python-jaraco.context
122 python-joblib
123 python-js2py
124 python-jsonpickle
125 python-justbases
126 python-justbytes
127 python-keycloak
128 python-kubernetes
129 python-listparser
130 python-litedram
131 python-liteeth
132 python-litejesd204b
133 python-litex
134 python-litex-boards
135 python-mongomock
136 python-moto
137 python-nbval
138 python-optree
139 python-osprofiler
140 python-paho-mqtt
141 python-papermill
142 python-param
143 python-parver
144 python-paste
145 python-pint
146 python-prance
147 python-process-tests
148 python-pudb
149 python-pyasn1
150 python-pyasn1-modules
151 python-pycodestyle
152 python-pyee
153 python-pyhamcrest
154 python-pyperclip
155 python-pyroute2
156 python-pytest-mpl
157 python-pytest-xvfb
158 python-python-multipart
159 python-pyudev
160 python-requests-oauthlib
161 python-sanic
162 python-schema
163 python-schemdraw
164 python-securesystemslib
165 python-service-identity
166 python-setuptools
167 python-socketio
168 python-softlayer
169 python-sphinx_rtd_theme
170 python-sqlalchemy-continuum
171 python-sqlalchemy-utils
172 python-sqlparse
173 python-suds
174 python-tblib
175 python-tenacity
176 python-trove-classifiers
177 python-uncertainties
178 python-urllib3
179 python-urllib3-doc
180 python-validators
181 python-watchdog
182 python-werkzeug
183 python-zeroconf
184 python-zipp
185 r10k
186 rocm-hip-libraries
187 rocm-hip-runtime
188 rocm-hip-sdk
189 rocm-language-runtime
190 rocm-ml-libraries
191 rocm-ml-sdk
192 rocm-opencl-sdk
193 rubocop
194 ruby-abbrev
195 ruby-activesupport
196 ruby-async
197 ruby-async-dns
198 ruby-async-http
199 ruby-async-io
200 ruby-base64
201 ruby-benchmark
202 ruby-bindata
203 ruby-builder
204 ruby-chef-utils
205 ruby-childprocess
206 ruby-colored2
207 ruby-covered
208 ruby-crack
209 ruby-csv
210 ruby-cucumber
211 ruby-cucumber-ci-environment
212 ruby-cucumber-compatibility-kit
213 ruby-cucumber-core
214 ruby-cucumber-cucumber-expressions
215 ruby-cucumber-tag-expressions
216 ruby-delegate
217 ruby-did_you_mean
218 ruby-diff-lcs
219 ruby-drb
220 ruby-english
221 ruby-erubi
222 ruby-faraday
223 ruby-faraday-em_http
224 ruby-faraday-excon
225 ruby-faraday-net_http_persistent
226 ruby-faraday-patron
227 ruby-faraday-rack
228 ruby-fileutils
229 ruby-find
230 ruby-forwardable
231 ruby-getoptlong
232 ruby-globalid
233 ruby-hoe
234 ruby-http
235 ruby-ipaddr
236 ruby-irb
237 ruby-jekyll-sass-converter
238 ruby-json_pure
239 ruby-kpeg
240 ruby-kramdown
241 ruby-logger
242 ruby-loofah
243 ruby-m
244 ruby-marcel
245 ruby-metadata_json_deps
246 ruby-metadata-json-lint
247 ruby-mime-types
248 ruby-mime-types-data
249 ruby-mini_mime
250 ruby-mini_portile2
Last edited by NuSkool (2024-07-13 20:29:08)
I didn't get even a slightly positive vibe from this.
The hurdles with reporting something properly on the bug tracker, or with being told that using the out-of-date flag for something not out-of-date is wrong? In either case it may be unfortunate that you were unhappy with the response, but the later case it is warranted.
I can understand why ... Is it possibly related to
If you understand why, how do you then go on to ask why? To answer, no this specific point has nothing to do with packagers having too much work. You did something objectively incorrectly: your motivation means there's no reason for someone to be angry at you as a person, but that makes your action no less incorrect.
If you are driving and you turn your left turn turn indicator on right before turning right, you signaled incorrectly - this is a plain and simple fact. Whatever your motivation may have been: deliberately misleading others, causing chaos, or just accidentally flipping the lever the wrong way the outcome is the same: you used the wrong indicator.
Last edited by Trilby (2024-07-13 20:47:30)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
@arojas: You forgot to link to the Bug reporting guidelines.
This thread could have been wrapped up in a few replies if that had been mentioned as the correct course of action.
By the way, I maintain hundreds of AUR packages, so I can understand why Arch packagers are annoyed when users inappropriately flag packages out of date.
The last word is critical in that quote...
I can understand why not wanting to wrongly flag 'out of date' packages is perhaps a sensitive issue **now**.
I just ran that command prior to my post, and the question about it was rhetorical. IE; to get a point across and possibly for all to think a bit.
We could always use more maintainers, and some maintainers are way overloaded handling hundreds of packages.
Just be cool, and more so as an Arch developer, otherwise it could drive talent away from contributing.
And Trilby, nothing but respect for your skills and I like your way of communicating. It was the Arch dev I found a bit terse to say the least, in his response.
At any rate I'll bow out now as I'm just not good at interacting with others on these forums.
Last edited by NuSkool (2024-07-13 21:28:27)
cryptearth wrote:I see it justified to flag at least that package out-of-date
It isn't out of date. Period.
Maybe it's lack of understanding the definition by not knowing it - but: If a package has a hard dependency on a specific version version and is not updated accordingly to updates of the dependency for me that fits out-of-date due to lack of maintenance.
The atk-wrapper likely works well with a manual installed java19 runtime - but that is flagged as it got superseded by newer versions.
At least for this package the simplest fix would be to figure out the lowest actual required version of java at set the dependency to that and newer - which should had been done at its first release.
Let me just literally quote the text right above the flag button that anybody is expected to read before proceeding
If you notice a package is out-of-date (i.e., there is a newer stable release available), then please notify us using the form below. Do not report bugs via this form!
Note: Do not use this facility if the package is broken! The package will be unflagged and the report will be ignored! Use the bugtracker to file a bug instead.
I don't see how it could be more clear.
Maybe it's lack of understanding ...
It is. And in some cases that's a much more understandable error. As is said, naming things is one of the hard problems - but as names go a link labeled "Flag package out-of-date" is pretty clear. But even so, the operational definition listed above is also provided which should really ensure that absolutely no one at all could even possibly misunderstand, unless they were doing so deliberately.
And despite the fact that I am becoming more and more vocal about the distastefulness of (some) arch devs deliberately keeping the bug tracker inaccessible to most users, abuses of the out-of-date flag really give me some empathy for their position. They're still wrong, but using the out-of-date flag incorrectly just throws fuel on the fire and can be used to justify their position. Or in short: two wrongs don't make a right.
Last edited by Trilby (2024-07-14 12:31:58)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I think this topic has run its course.
Mobo: MSI MAG X570S TORPEDO MAX // Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @4.9GHz // GFX: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT // RAM: 32GB (4x 8GB) Corsair DDR4 (@ 3000MHz) // Storage: 1x 3TB HDD, 6x 1TB SSD, 2x 120GB SSD, 1x 275GB M2 SSD
Making lemonade from lemons since 2015.
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