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I have a bunch of xxxxxx-something.mp4 files I REALLY would like to see. In the past I remember being able to solve it with
mplayer -vcodec -acoded smtg
but after an evening I must admit the only thing I arrived at was
ffmpeg/demuxer mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2: moov atom not found lavf avformat_open_input() failed
mpv -v --demuxer-lavf-probescore=1 xxxxxxxx_something.mp4
mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x557d63ada5c0 moov atom not found
in#0 @ 0x557d63ada4c0 Error opening input: Invalid data found when processing input
Error opening input file xxxxxxxx_something.mp4.
Error opening input files: Invalid data found when processing input
ffmpeg -i xxxxxxxx_something.mp4 video.mpg
After that I googled a bit to understand what this was about, and discovered untrunc.
Unfortunately, giving
untrunc -vv -a xxxxxxxx_something.mp4
comes out with
Info: version 'v364-bd783dd' using ffmpeg 'n6.1.1' Lavc60.31.102
Info: reading xxxxxxxx_something.mp4
Info: parsing healthy moov atom ...
requests: 4 at offset : 0
requests: 4 at offset : 4
start_ = 0
length_ = 268435456
name_ =
Warning: failed decoding atom: invalid atom name: ''
no 'ftyp' atom found
Error: no 'moov' atom found
I am lost. Any cue?
P.S. I hope this at least could be useful to someone is experiencing my same problem
Last edited by ElMastro (2024-07-21 01:17:21)
That's probably not an MP4 at all. … x-b-or-avc
mkvmerge -o yeahweallknowitsporn.mkv xxxxxxxx_something.mp4
mpv yeahweallknowitsporn.mkv
First thing first, thank for your help.
mkvmerge -o yeahweallknowitsporn.mkv xxxxxxxx_something.mp4.
unfortunately only produces
mkvmerge v84.0 ('Sleeper') 64-bit
Error: The type of file 'xxxxxxxx_000000_tp00051.mp4' could not be recognized.
....and btw we don't even know it's porn really xD
I should have been more specific, my bad.
This video comes from an Ipcam that whe something goes wrong renames (it looks like at least) the files from %m%d%Y-000000_tp00051.mp4 to xxxxxx-000000_tp00051.mp4
Just to be more specific and don;t waste anyone time, I got a previous recording from the same camera, mpv says:
(+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1280x720 14.866fps)
(+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac 1ch 8000Hz)
Using hardware decoding (vaapi).
AO: [pulse] 8000Hz mono 1ch float
VO: [gpu] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12]
Invalid audio PTS: 0.128000 -> 0.010000
Invalid audio PTS: 0.397000 -> 0.517000
AV: 00:00:03 / 00:01:12 (5%) A-V: 0.000
So I believe it to be an H264 720p video in low frames count
I post the verbose output of the 'working' video, maybe someone has an idea
[cplayer] Command line options: '-v' '4_6039332593567011050.mp4'
[cplayer] mpv v0.38.0 Copyright © 2000-2024 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[cplayer] built on Apr 18 2024 06:31:17
[cplayer] libplacebo version: v6.338.2
[cplayer] FFmpeg version: n6.1.1
[cplayer] FFmpeg library versions:
[cplayer] libavutil 58.29.100
[cplayer] libavcodec 60.31.102
[cplayer] libavformat 60.16.100
[cplayer] libswscale 7.5.100
[cplayer] libavfilter 9.12.100
[cplayer] libswresample 4.12.100
[cplayer] Configuration: -Db_pie=true -Dpython.bytecompile=1 -Dlibmpv=true -Dgl-x11=enabled -Dcaca=disabled -Dcdda=enabled -Ddvbin=enabled -Ddvdnav=enabled -Dlibarchive=enabled -Dopenal=enabled -Dprefix=/usr -Dlibexecdir=lib -Dsbindir=bin -Dauto_features=auto -Dbuildtype=plain -Dwrap_mode=nodownload
[cplayer] List of enabled features: alsa av-channel-layout avif-muxer build-date cdda cplugins cuda-hwaccel cuda-interop dmabuf-interop-gl dmabuf-wayland drm dvbin dvdnav egl egl-drm egl-wayland egl-x11 ffmpeg ffnvcodec gbm gl gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gpl iconv jack javascript jpeg jpegxl lavu-uuid lcms2 libarchive libass libavdevice libbluray libdl libplacebo linux-fstatfs luajit memfd-create openal pipewire posix posix-shm ppoll pthread-condattr-setclock pulse rubberband rubberband-3 sixel uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-wayland vaapi-x11 vapoursynth vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vector vk-khr-display vt.h vulkan vulkan-interop wayland wayland-protocols-1-27 wayland-protocols-1-31 wayland-protocols-1-32 x11 xv zimg zimg-st428 zlib
[cplayer] Reading config file /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[ifo_dvdnav] Opening /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[bdmv/bluray] Opening /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[file] Opening /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[cplayer] Applying profile 'default'...
[cplayer] Reading config file /etc/mpv/mpv.conf
[ifo_dvdnav] Opening /etc/mpv/mpv.conf
[bdmv/bluray] Opening /etc/mpv/mpv.conf
[file] Opening /etc/mpv/mpv.conf
[cplayer] Applying profile 'default'...
[cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec' = 'vaapi' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'gpu-context' = 'wayland' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'v' = '' (flags = 8)
[cplayer] Waiting for scripts...
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/visibility="auto" -> 1
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"t":0,"r":0} -> 1
[cplayer] Done loading scripts.
[cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_before_start_file
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[ytdl_hook] ytdl:// hook
[ytdl_hook] not a ytdl:// url
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"t":0,"r":0} -> 1
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[ytdl_hook] playlist hook
[cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_load
[ifo_dvdnav] Opening 4_6039332593567011050.mp4
[bdmv/bluray] Opening 4_6039332593567011050.mp4
[file] Opening 4_6039332593567011050.mp4
[demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal.
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"t":0,"r":0} -> 1
[osd/libass] libass API version: 0x1701000
[osd/libass] libass source: commit: 0.17.1-0-ge8ad72accd3a84268275a9385beb701c9284e5b3-dirty
[osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.13 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 8.4.0 (COMPLEX)
[osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[lavf] Found 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2' at score=100 size=2048.
[file] stream level seek from 131072 to 6733150
[demux] Detected file format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 (libavformat)
[cplayer] Opening done: 4_6039332593567011050.mp4
[osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[osd/libass] Done.
[find_files] Loading external files in .
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded
[cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_preloaded
[lavf] select track 0
[lavf] select track 1
[cplayer] (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1280x720 14.866fps)
[cplayer] (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac 1ch 8000Hz)
[vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing GPU context 'wayland'
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wl_shm
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wl_compositor
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wl_subcompositor
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wl_data_device_manager
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol xdg_wm_base
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wl_seat
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol zwp_idle_inhibit_manager_v1
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol zxdg_decoration_manager_v1
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wp_presentation
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wp_viewporter
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wp_fractional_scale_manager_v1
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wp_single_pixel_buffer_manager_v1
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered for protocol wl_output
[vo/gpu/wayland] Compositor doesn't support the wp_content_type_manager_v1 protocol!
[vo/gpu/wayland] Registered output AU Optronics 0x22ED (0x29):
[vo/gpu/wayland] x: 0px, y: 0px
[vo/gpu/wayland] w: 1920px (340mm), h: 1080px (190mm)
[vo/gpu/wayland] scale: 1
[vo/gpu/wayland] Hz: 60.030000
[vo/gpu/wayland] Enabling server decorations
[vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VERSION=1.5
[vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VENDOR=Mesa Project
[vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CLIENT_APIS=OpenGL OpenGL_ES
[vo/gpu/opengl] Trying to create Desktop OpenGL context.
[vo/gpu/wayland] GL_VERSION='4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.0.7-arch1.3'
[vo/gpu/wayland] Detected desktop OpenGL 4.6.
[vo/gpu/wayland] GL_VENDOR='AMD'
[vo/gpu/wayland] GL_RENDERER='AMD Radeon Vega 3 / 10 Graphics (radeonsi, raven, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.7-1-ck)'
[vo/gpu/wayland] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='4.60'
[vo/gpu/wayland] Loaded extension GL_NV_vdpau_interop.
[vo/gpu/wayland] Loaded extension GL_KHR_debug.
[vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[vo/gpu] Assuming 60.030000 FPS for display sync.
[vd] Container reported FPS: 14.865945
[vd] Codec list:
[vd] h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
[vd] h264_v4l2m2m (h264) - V4L2 mem2mem H.264 decoder wrapper
[vd] h264_qsv (h264) - H264 video (Intel Quick Sync Video acceleration)
[vd] h264_cuvid (h264) - Nvidia CUVID H264 decoder
[vd] Opening decoder h264
[vd] Looking at hwdec h264-vaapi...
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec drivers for format: 'vaapi'
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec driver 'vaapi'
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Using EGL dmabuf interop via GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Trying to open a x11 VA display...
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Trying to open a wayland VA display...
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] libva: VA-API version 1.21.0
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_21
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] Initialized VAAPI: version 1.21
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Going to probe surface formats (may log bogus errors)...
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Done probing surface formats.
[vd] Trying hardware decoding via h264-vaapi.
[vd] Selected codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
[vf] User filter list:
[vf] (empty)
[ad] Codec list:
[ad] aac - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ad] aac_fixed (aac) - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ad] Opening decoder aac
[ad] Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
[ad] Selected codec: AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[af] User filter list:
[af] (empty)
[cplayer] Starting playback...
[file] stream level seek from 6756814 to 48
[af] [in] 8000Hz mono 1ch floatp
[af] [userspeed] 8000Hz mono 1ch floatp
[af] [userspeed] (disabled)
[af] [convert] 8000Hz mono 1ch floatp
[vd] Pixel formats supported by decoder: vdpau vulkan cuda vaapi yuv420p
[vd] Codec profile: Main (0x4d)
[vd] Requesting pixfmt 'vaapi' from decoder.
[vd] Using hardware decoding (vaapi).
[vd] Decoder format: 1280x720 [0:1] vaapi[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1280x720+0+0
[vf] [in] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1280x720+0+0
[vf] [userdeint] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1280x720+0+0
[vf] [userdeint] (disabled)
[vf] [autorotate] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1280x720+0+0
[vf] [autorotate] (disabled)
[vf] [convert] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1280x720+0+0
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec drivers for format: 'vaapi'
[vf] [out] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1280x720+0+0
[ao] Trying audio driver 'pipewire'
[ao/pipewire] requested format: 8000 Hz, mono channels, floatp
[ao/pipewire] Headers version: 1.0.5
[ao/pipewire] Library version: 1.0.6
[ao/pipewire] Core user: maxtro
[ao/pipewire] Core host: rottame
[ao/pipewire] Core version: 1.0.6
[ao/pipewire] Core name: pipewire-0
[ao/pipewire] PipeWire does not have any audio sinks, skipping
[ao] Trying audio driver 'pulse'
[ao/pulse] requested format: 8000 Hz, mono channels, floatp
[ao/pulse] Library version: 17.0.0
[ao/pulse] Proto: 35
[ao/pulse] Server proto: 4294967295
[ao/pulse] Channel layouts:
[ao/pulse] - #fl
[ao/pulse] - #fr
[ao/pulse] - #fc
[ao/pulse] - #lfe
[ao/pulse] - #bl
[ao/pulse] - #br
[ao/pulse] - #flc
[ao/pulse] - #frc
[ao/pulse] - #bc
[ao/pulse] - #sl
[ao/pulse] - #sr
[ao/pulse] - #tc
[ao/pulse] - #tfl
[ao/pulse] - #tfc
[ao/pulse] - #tfr
[ao/pulse] - #tbl
[ao/pulse] - #tbc
[ao/pulse] - #tbr
[ao/pulse] result: mono
[ao/pulse] device buffer: 800 samples.
[ao/pulse] using soft-buffer of 1600 samples.
[cplayer] AO: [pulse] 8000Hz mono 1ch float
[cplayer] AO: Description: PulseAudio audio output
[autoconvert] inserting resampler
[swresample] format change, reinitializing resampler
[swresample] 8000Hz mono floatp -> 8000Hz mono float
[af] [out] 8000Hz mono 1ch float
[cplayer] VO: [gpu] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12]
[cplayer] VO: Description: Shader-based GPU Renderer
[vo/gpu] reconfig to 1280x720 vaapi[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1280x720+0+0
[vo/gpu/wayland] Reconfiguring!
[vo/gpu] Resize: 1280x720
[vo/gpu] Window size: 1280x720 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[vo/gpu] Video source: 1280x720 (1:1)
[vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1280x720 -> (0, 0) 1280x720
[vo/gpu] Video scale: 1.000000/1.000000
[vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[vo/gpu] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[vo/gpu/wayland] Handling resize on the egl side
[vo/gpu] Resize: 1280x720
[vo/gpu] Window size: 1280x720 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[vo/gpu] Video source: 1280x720 (1:1)
[vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1280x720 -> (0, 0) 1280x720
[vo/gpu] Video scale: 1.000000/1.000000
[vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[vo/gpu] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 10
[vo/gpu] Dither to 10.
[vo/gpu/wayland] Surface entered output AU Optronics 0x22ED (0x29), scale = 1.000000, refresh rate = 60.030000 Hz
[vo/gpu/wayland] Surface entered output AU Optronics 0x22ED (0x29), scale = 1.000000, refresh rate = 60.030000 Hz
[vo/gpu/wayland] Given DND offer with mime type text/plain;charset=utf-8
[vo/gpu/wayland] Received a new DND offer. Releasing the previous offer.
[vo/gpu/wayland] Surface entered output AU Optronics 0x22ED (0x29), scale = 1.000000, refresh rate = 60.030000 Hz
[vo/gpu/wayland] Resizing due to xdg from 1280x720 to 1280x720
[cplayer] first video frame after restart shown
[vo/gpu/wayland] Handling resize on the egl side
[vo/gpu] Resize: 1280x720
[vo/gpu] Window size: 1280x720 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[vo/gpu] Video source: 1280x720 (1:1)
[vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1280x720 -> (0, 0) 1280x720
[vo/gpu] Video scale: 1.000000/1.000000
[vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[vo/gpu] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 10
[ad] Invalid audio PTS: 0.128000 -> 0.010000
[osd/libass] libass API version: 0x1701000
[osd/libass] libass source: commit: 0.17.1-0-ge8ad72accd3a84268275a9385beb701c9284e5b3-dirty
[osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.13 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 8.4.0 (COMPLEX)
[osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[osd/libass] Done.
[cplayer] audio ready
[cplayer] starting audio playback
[cplayer] playback restart complete @ 0.000000, audio=playing, video=playing
[vo/gpu/wayland] Enabling idle inhibitor
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"t":0,"r":0} -> 1
[ao/pulse] starting AO
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"t":0,"r":0} -> 1
[ad] Invalid audio PTS: 0.397000 -> 0.517000
[vo/gpu/wayland] Surface entered output AU Optronics 0x22ED (0x29), scale = 1.000000, refresh rate = 60.030000 Hz
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"b":0,"t":0,"r":0} -> 1
[osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Verdana.TTF, 0, Verdana
[osd/libass] fontselect: (mpv-osd-symbols, 400, 0) -> mpv-osd-symbols-Regular, 0, mpv-osd-symbols-Regular
[vo/gpu] Reallocating OSD texture to 2048x128.
[cplayer] EOF code: 5
[vo/gpu/wayland] Disabling the idle inhibitor
[statusline] AV: 00:00:02 / 00:01:12 (4%) A-V: 0.000
[cplayer] finished playback, success (reason 3)
[cplayer] Exiting... (Quit)
[vo/gpu/wayland] Deregistering output AU Optronics 0x22ED (0x29)
[vo/gpu/wayland] Deregistering seat 0xf
Assuming this actually /is/ a h264 stream, see … le-on-a-pc
Can you share such file?
@seth, I have already tried something similar to the link you posted
I uploaded it in as a zip.
Please be careful. For some reason this webcam has started to spawn some *.bin files in the MMc card, that in my knowledge are files of firmware. As I am pretty sure that when I installed it it wasn't doing anything like that, I wouldn't really be surprised if this thing got infected from a virus, a malware or something similar. If you're not sure, please don't open it.
Did you notice how the 256MB "video" compressed to 256kB?
It's all just zeros, there's no data in that at all.
tr < xxxxxxxx_000000_tp00051.mp4 -d '\000' > leftover
Yeah, this explains a lot of things. Thank you, at least now I have a way to know if all these files are garbage or not.
Btw I am enquiring the manufacturer asking if they know why their product start behaving this way.