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The new kernel linux 6.10.arch1-1 floods my journal with the message
thermal thermal_zone1: failed to read out thermal zone (-61)
four times every second. This is at least annoying. Has anybody a clue for me?
Last edited by Harey (2024-07-25 11:02:43)
Linux is like a wigwam: No Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside
Seems like there already is an upstream bug report for this: … caldomain/ and it seems to be caused by … c2987a2be7 .
There is a "fix" for this in 6.10 ( … bb1b09edab), but it seems like this is somewhat expected to send a message every 4 secs, as there is a delay of 250ms specified a bit lower down.
250ms makes four per second - like it is in my case. AFAICT it does not affect performance. So probably there should be one initital message and after that it should be quiet until monitor_thermal_zone() detects a change. Let's see what happens.
Linux is like a wigwam: No Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside
Alledgedly this is fixed with the latest kernel from testing, could you test this? … ote_199292
Otherwise it would be good if you could comment on the issue!
Yup, it's fixed. No more journal flooding. Marking this as solved.
Linux is like a wigwam: No Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside
Hey, stumbled across this after updating my system yday.
Do I just wait until the fix is available for me on my ' branch '? I don't remember ever going for testing but somehow ended with this, seemingly was pushed to early as noted in the issue on gitlab.
Asking because I don't know how long it usually takes or could take and not sure if downgrading kernel to prev is something I'm comfy yet with.
Would like to test above mentioned but also kind of don't know how so that's why I'm wondering if waiting would be best?
I think the new kernel will be available to you soon'ish, most likely today or tomorrow
thank you I will wait and sorry for hijacking the topic