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#1 2024-07-29 15:34:41

Registered: 2023-01-06
Posts: 74

writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

Hi I am Rupesh from India and I brought a new desktop pc with ryzen 5500GT cpu and Asus prime b450 motherboard. I installed Linux freebsd along with windows 11 and everything is working fine except I can't move files properly to NTFS partition and share those files with others or other computers.

I love using unix and Linux operating systems and I have the habit of sharing files present in Unix and Linux operating systems with other people and even I use those files outside Linux operating systems I mean I use them in windows 11 operating system.

In Linux operating system I have the habit of downloading youtube videos and compress them to av1 codec and finally move the compressed files to NTFS partition or file system for backup or to view those videos in windows. I have the habit of downloading mp3 music files from websites and transfer them to NTFS partition or file system.

Suppose I have 1000 files which I want to transfer them to NTFS partition or file system and moved them to NTFS partition using Nautilus file manager and after booting windows 11 and try to open the moved folder I am getting error as folder or directory inaccessible. Now inorder to overcome this problem I may issue the following command

chkdsk d: /f /x

This command checks for file system errors and after that when I try to open the moved folder I am able to access the particular folder but unfortunately I am able to see only 800 files and so the remaining 200 files are lost.

The second issue is suppose now I have downloaded 1000 files and transferred those files to NTFS partition and after two to three months I have decided to install my present Linux operating system from the beginning and I have installed it from the beginning and after that I have mounted the same NTFS partition in file manager and succeeded and I am able to write new files but if I want to move the previously copied or moved 1000 files from NTFS partition to my home folder I can't.

If I continuously use the same Linux operating system for years without installing freshly from the beginning there's no problem but if I install it freshly then I can't move files from NTFS to my home folder.

Today I have installed freebsd operating system and in Linux operating system I have copied 100 files to NTFS partition and after booting into freebsd I can't move those particular 100 files from NTFS partition to my home folder.

I can't move means when I open any file manager and right click on the particular folder which is problematic I can't see option cut.

Copying or moving data between Linux operating systems of other computers is easy through Linux native partitions like xfs or ext4. And even you or me can't delete a file or folder which was copied from other computers and inorder to delete it I must open a terminal emulator and gain super user permissions and navigate to the directory and finally issue the following commands to delete them permanently

rm -rf

I think that lots of security information is added to the copied or moved files and directories when they are copied to mounted partitions.

Previously I lost 30 gb data by moving files from Linux local xfs file system to NTFS partition. Today I lost 2 gb data by moving data from freebsd ufs2 file system to NTFS partition.

I know that you are getting annoyed through my explanation and so I will illustrate what's going on as below

Today we can create a zip file through compressing a folder and add security to it by adding password to it and you have distributed to other people without providing password and finally they can't access it.

The same thing is happening in the present situation also I have some files in my unix system and I have copied them to NTFS partition or file system but unfortunately the operating system copied files along with user credentials like username or password uid etc.,.

I or other people have tried to mount the same NTFS partition in another unix system but can't move or delete those files because username or password uid are invalid.

Another issue is suppose in my NTFS partition or file system I have 1000 files and transferred those files to my unix or Linux system and opened a terminal emulator and after that I have navigated to the concerned directory on which transferred files are present and issue list command I am getting unknown ASCII characters in the terminal emulator which are not part of the file names.

Many people and all of you mostly work in Unix or Linux systems only but don't try to transfer files to and from NTFS partitions but I frequently use both systems. So you have not noticed any such errors.

You can suggest to turn off hibernation in windows 11 and I have already done even no use.

Please try to rectify this particular problem ie., moving files to NTFS partition without any security information. If you rectify this issue many people will be benefited.



#2 2024-07-29 17:40:25

From: Germany
Registered: 2022-12-03
Posts: 158

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

Do also consider switching off the fast startup mode in windows ( … ibernation ), not just hibernation.

Otherwise, I have no great knowledge on shared drives between linux and windows, but you may consider switching this shared drive to exFAT filesystem if you have problems with NTFS.


#3 2024-07-29 18:14:54

Registered: 2017-07-28
Posts: 1,658

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

Check the NTFS wiki. In the *Note there maybe the  ntfsprogs-ntfs3 package can help.


#4 2024-07-29 18:48:38

Registered: 2024-02-03
Posts: 1,266

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

don't use ntfs at all - use exfat to exchange files between different OSs


#5 2024-07-30 13:01:49

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,116

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

I only skimmed through the novel in the OP but

This command checks for file system errors and after that when I try to open the moved folder I am able to access the particular folder but unfortunately I am able to see only 800 files and so the remaining 200 files are lost.

yells unclean FS access, ie. you're either accessing it in parallel because windows is hibernating (in doubt via fast-start, which is the bigger issue) or the partition wasn't cleanly unmounted. Also thanks for letting us know what chkdsk does ?

If I continuously use the same Linux operating system for years without installing freshly from the beginning there's no problem but if I install it freshly then I can't move files from NTFS to my home folder.

"move" or "copy"?
Move implies to remove the files from NTFS and that's either a permission issue or the FS is mounted r/o which is why

I can't move means when I open any file manager and right click on the particular folder which is problematic I can't see option cut.

is useless (though kinda implies "move", not "copy")

ls -l /path/to/files/you/want/to/move/


#6 2024-07-30 15:32:54

Registered: 2023-01-06
Posts: 74

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

As you suggested to use exfat partition while sharing data between various operating systems and so I have created exfat partition and tried to share data between them using exfat.

At present everything thing is working fine and no user credentials are copied along with files or folders.

I can't understand what is the need of copying user credentials along with files or folders when NTFS partition is used as destination.

Again I am not going to use NTFS partition along with Linux because it is problematic.

If you want proofs of what I said previously I am ready to provide screenshots of this issue.


#7 2024-07-30 15:39:30

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,116

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

exfat is still fat, it has no ownership or access concept.
Don't post any screenshot of your filemanager, that's useless.
Post the output of the commands in #5 (wrt your ntfs partition/files) and post it as text in code tags, no screenshots.


#8 2024-07-30 15:42:23

Registered: 2023-01-06
Posts: 74

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

One of the experienced person suggested as follows.

I ran into similar problems when I tried to use rsync to backup my Linux system to an NTFS drive. It doesn't work.

The underlying problem you are facing is the fundamental incompatibility between NTFS (and Windows file systems in general) and Linux.
The NTFS file system has restrictions on what is a valid file name. Characters like ':' (colon) are not acceptable, for example.
Linux allows any character, except / and null, to be used in file names.

You also seem to be encountering permission issues. I am not familiar with the workings, so I will leave that for someone else to explain.

You might also be experiencing some timing issues. It is possible for the copy command to complete while there is still a substantial amount of data still in buffers waiting to be written. You need to ensure the copy has really completed before unmounting or unplugging the drive.

There is no way the the NTFS file system can be fixed as doing so would break Windows compatibility.

I would suggest giving up on using NTFS from Linux.
Change to a native Linux file system and use Samba to allow Windows machines access to the data.


#9 2024-07-30 15:43:50

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,116

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

Are you making us talk to chatgpt?


#10 2024-07-31 07:27:33

Registered: 2023-01-06
Posts: 74

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

I don't want any extended support from you but I have expressed that using NTFS partition with Linux is not good and if anyone of discuss with others and try to rectify this issue it will be benefited to all the people. If you think I done wrong please forgive me and I will not talk about it.

Anyhow sharing files between different operating systems is possible using exfat file system. When I mount this particular exfat partition I can copy move or delete files without any restrictions. This is what I want.


#11 2024-07-31 07:32:53

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,116

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

Non non-posix FS (including anything FAT) is "good with linux", but for general data transfer, I can copy files to and from NTFS fine and the symptoms described CLEARLY indicate a systematic config issue on your side and you're refusing to provide any relevant information on the situation, ignore questions and post random stuff instead.
I understand this might be a language barrier butif you want to "rectify" anything, you'll still have to post some actual data about your situation. Not vague stories about your filemanager GUI.


#12 2024-07-31 11:00:14

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,319

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

rupeshforu3 wrote:

I can't understand what is the need of copying user credentials along with files or folders when NTFS partition is used as destination.

NTFS has supported Access Control Lists since version 1.1 in 1994 .
Every file/folder on an nfts volume has to have a owner.

Which user credentials do you want linux to use to write ntfs files / folders ?
None is not an option .

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#13 2024-08-01 14:07:10

Registered: 2023-01-06
Posts: 74

Re: writing data to NTFS partition in Unix and Linux to share with others

Thanks for your suggestions and patience.


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