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Added a rule for one of my modules in /etc/modprobe.d. Later realized it was gone. Thought maybe I was crazy so I recreated the rule and went about my way. Only to find later that it was again missing.
But am I crazy tho? Is this normal ?
Last edited by Crunchbang (2024-08-02 02:29:58)
How are you adding the rule, or is there a chance that it's a permissions issue? It is a bit unusual at the very least; I wouldn't say you're crazy, but you might be missing something.
Last edited by zbygv (2024-08-01 20:44:12)
Is "later" after a reboot? Aggressive tmpfs or do you use some sync daemon? Are you missing other files?
findmnt -T /etc/modprobe.d
Is "later" after a reboot? Aggressive tmpfs or do you use some sync daemon? Are you missing other files?
findmnt -T /etc/modprobe.d
/etc/modprobe.d is empty.
I created a file:
options hid_xpadneo disable_deadzones=1 trigger_rumble_mode=0 rumble_attenuation=0,50 disable_shift_mode=1
@ Seth - will post the output this evening when I’m home. As far as I’m aware tho /etc/modprobe.d is a normal directory.
I havnt narrowed down exactly when it happens. Not reboot tho. Maybe DKMS ?
Last edited by Crunchbang (2024-08-01 21:19:01)
Offline … o-dkms#n30
99-xpadneo-bluetooth.conf shows up in that patch and … _remove#L6 deletes that file.
Do you lose other files in that path?
sudo touch /etc/modprobe.d/foobar.snafu
Ah i bet youre right! good catch! Checked pacman logs to find last upgrade was on 7/28. Dropped a test file in there as instructed and renamed needed config file to something unique.. Time will tell. As i have a good feeling this is solved I will mark as such until proven wrong. Thanks all!