You are not logged in.
Try also adding HostKeyAlgorithms:
-o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa
I needed to add the HostKeyAlgorithms to make it work for me. Thanks @stanczew
So this is the code that works for me:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ "$1" =~ ^kdeconnect ]]; then
"$SSHFS_BIN" "$@" -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa
"$SSHFS_BIN" "$@"
Last edited by troncoso (2024-08-01 11:12:38)
Thank you tronkoso. Using this code in a new file /usr/local/bin/sshfs and making it executable resolved the issue perfectly.
Sadly the same file in the same location marked executable from #26 still doesn't work for me... including checking /usr/local/bin is in my path, and logging out and back in.
Mike C
Can you confirm with
which sshfs
that the new file is found prior than the system file?
Success. Using the script from Troncoso .Post 26.
But I had to edit the following file:-
/home/USER/.config/kdeconnect/PHONE code/config --- and change kdeconnect_sftpEnabled=false to true
Can you confirm with
which sshfs
that the new file is found prior than the system file?
You are right - it shows the original
$ which sshfs
So where is the path set that will make it look at /usr/local/bin/ to get at sshfs?
Sorry that was not correct - I had removed the file and reinstated it - but when I reinstated it I forgot to make it executable again - once that is done then yes it does show the correct file:
$ which sshfs
So it should execute it - but doesn't solve the issue with kdeconnect.
Last edited by mcloaked (2024-08-01 20:03:21)
Mike C
Success. Using the script from Troncoso .Post 26.
But I had to edit the following file:-
/home/USER/.config/kdeconnect/PHONE code/config --- and change kdeconnect_sftpEnabled=false to true
In that directory I don't have that file:
$ ls /home/mike/.config/kdeconnect/dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
kdeconnect_clipboard kdeconnect_runcommand
and the config file in the parent dir only has:
$ cat /home/mike/.config/kdeconnect/config
Mike C
What if you try "kdeconnect-cli -l" to give you the phone code/name and then search for it. Just in case it's somewhere else.
What if you try "kdeconnect-cli -l" to give you the phone code/name and then search for it. Just in case it's somewhere else.
It just confirms the already existing phone-code.... so nothing new.
Mike C
Maybe you try to create that file by hand.
here is mine: ~/.config/kdeconnect/7d525dca4dfc8e26/config
Maybe you try to create that file by hand.
here is mine: ~/.config/kdeconnect/7d525dca4dfc8e26/config
[Plugins] kdeconnect_batteryEnabled=true kdeconnect_bigscreenEnabled=false kdeconnect_clipboardEnabled=true kdeconnect_connectivity_reportEnabled=false kdeconnect_contactsEnabled=false kdeconnect_mprisremoteEnabled=false kdeconnect_sftpEnabled=true kdeconnect_virtualmonitorEnabled=false
Creating the file manually makes no difference for me. It still doesn't see the filesystem on the phone - the other functions are fine.
Mike C
I had to re-establish the shared folder permissions on my kdeconnect phone app.
I wondered whether for anyone where the method from #26 worked, that the keys were from a previously earlier pairing where rsa keys were stored and therefore allowed? In my system I unpaired when the problems occurred and the recent paring may use non-rsa keys? I guess could check the keys if I know the path where the key files are?
Mike C
I have now got my system working - after establishing the wrapper file in /usr/local/bin/sshfs I unpaired the phone, and then paired it from scratch. The filesystem on the phone is indeed now visible on the laptop. So presumably with the wrapper permitting the rsa keys to be used, then pairing with the wrapper as the sshfs command, establishes the connection with the old (normally now obsolete) key in use, and it works as expected.
This is surely a temporary workaround, since the rsa keys should instead be updated more secure keys. So the real fix would be to have kdeconnect patched upstream to use more secure key types.
Edit: I have added a comment to the upstream bug report at because the proper solution is for the upstream package to be fixed with a working commit that allows kdeconnect to work properly with current versions of sshfs/openssh
Last edited by mcloaked (2024-08-02 08:33:17)
Mike C
please remember to change the initial title post to something like [SOLVED] or [WORKAROUND] so other people find a potential solution easier.
I have added a comment upstream at this bug too:
Mike C
For me the problem does appear resolved now with v1.32.0 of the Android app
Mike C