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#1 2024-08-11 19:20:07

Registered: 2024-08-11
Posts: 7

Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau


And thanks in advance for your help.

My system:

Operating System: Arch Linux                          
Kernel: Linux 6.6.44-3-lts
Architecture: x86-64
Desktop: Xfce

Problem description
I have a GeForce GT 710 and I use nouveau, not the Nvidia drivers. I have installed the following packages to have hardware acceleration based on
wiki doc.

  • mesa

  • libva-mesa-driver

  • xf86-video-nouveau

  • mesa-vdpau

  • libva-vdpau-driver

I did not reboot immediately, I ran pacman -Syu later on. Then I experienced a power cut at some point and I think something is messed with the video drivers.

Some of the errors seen are:

nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

Some applications freeze, become non-responsive and sometimes lock up the system.

Example with VLC:

VLC media player 3.0.21 Vetinari (revision 3.0.21-0-gdd8bfdbabe8)
[000057952111d520] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[00005795211b3ed0] main playlist: playlist is empty
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

[00007ddc34001f50] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
[00007ddc40007920] main video output error: video output creation failed
[00007ddc44c0b760] main decoder error: failed to create video output
[00007ddc44c0b760] avcodec decoder: Using G3DVL VDPAU Driver Shared Library version 1.0 for hardware decoding
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device
nouveau: ch12: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 4 relocs 0
nouveau: ch12: buf 00000000 00000032 00000004 00000004 00000000 0x7ddc78fd9000 0x252000 0x8000
nouveau: ch12: buf 00000001 00000041 00000002 00000002 00000000 0x7ddc604be000 0x1740000 0x100000
nouveau: ch12: buf 00000002 00000043 00000002 00000000 00000002 (nil) 0x1c40000 0x400000
nouveau: ch12: buf 00000003 00000044 00000002 00000002 00000002 (nil) 0x141f000 0x1000
nouveau: ch12: psh 00000000 0000000050 000000008c
nouveau: 	0x200541c0
nouveau: 	0x00020004
nouveau: 	0x00017401
nouveau: 	0x00017407
nouveau: 	0x00017405
nouveau: 	0x00000003
nouveau: 	0x20064100
nouveau: 	0x00017400
nouveau: 	0x0001c400
nouveau: 	0x0001c47a
nouveau: 	0x003f8600
nouveau: 	0x000141f0
nouveau: 	0x00000400
nouveau: 	0x200140c0
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: Invalid argument
nouveau: ch13: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 0 relocs 0

Example with Thunderbird (which seems to work otherwise):

[ImapModuleLoader] Using nsImapService.cpp
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

Other applications:

  • Smplayer works ok

  • mvp works but shows some errors in CLI:

    mpv --hwdec=auto  ~/Downloads/Security.avi
     (+) Video --vid=1 (mpeg4 640x336 25.000fps)
     (+) Audio --aid=1 (mp3 2ch 48000Hz)
    libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1
    libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
    libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1
    AO: [pulse] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float
    VO: [gpu] 640x336 yuv420p
    AV: 00:00:06 / 00:13:25 (1%) A-V: -0.000
    Exiting... (Quit)

Output of /proc/cmdline :

initrd=\initramfs-linux-lts.img cryptdevice=UUID=f627282b-e088-4014-b737-b85f03540abe:luks root=/dev/mapper/rootvg-root rw

Xorg config: I have this file as suggested in wiki which has always worked: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nouveau.conf

Section "Device"
    Identifier    "NVIDIA Card"
    Driver        "nouveau"

Output of inxi -G:

  Device-1: NVIDIA GK208B [GeForce GT 710] driver: nouveau v: kernel
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.13 driver: X: loaded: nouveau
    dri: nouveau gpu: nouveau resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
  API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: nouveau,swrast
    platforms: gbm,x11,surfaceless,device
  API: OpenGL v: 4.5 compat-v: 4.3 vendor: mesa v: 24.1.5-arch1.1
    renderer: NV106

Output of vainfo:
This is the full output.
Shouldn't it show something like: Trying to open

Trying display: wayland
Trying display: x11
vainfo: VA-API version: 1.22 (libva 2.22.0)
vainfo: Driver version: Mesa Gallium driver 24.1.5-arch1.1 for NV106
vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints
      VAProfileMPEG2Simple            :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileMPEG2Main              :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVC1Simple              :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVC1Main                :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVC1Advanced            :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline:	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264Main               :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264High               :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264High10             :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileNone                   :	VAEntrypointVideoProc

Output of vdpauinfo:

display: :0.0   screen: 0
API version: 1
Information string: G3DVL VDPAU Driver Shared Library version 1.0

Video surface:

name   width height types
420    16384 16384  NV12 YV12 
422    16384 16384  UYVY YUYV 
444    16384 16384  Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 
420_16 16384 16384  
422_16 16384 16384  
444_16 16384 16384  

Decoder capabilities:

name                        level macbs width height
MPEG1                           0 65536  4032  4048
MPEG2_SIMPLE                    3 65536  4032  4048
MPEG2_MAIN                      3 65536  4032  4048
H264_BASELINE                  41 65536  4032  4080
H264_MAIN                      41 65536  4032  4080
H264_HIGH                      41 65536  4032  4080
VC1_SIMPLE                      1  8190  2048  2048
VC1_MAIN                        2  8190  2048  2048
VC1_ADVANCED                    4  8190  2048  2048
MPEG4_PART2_SP                  3  8192  2048  2048
MPEG4_PART2_ASP                 5  8192  2048  2048
DIVX4_QMOBILE                  --- not supported ---
DIVX4_MOBILE                   --- not supported ---
DIVX4_HOME_THEATER             --- not supported ---
DIVX4_HD_1080P                 --- not supported ---
DIVX5_QMOBILE                  --- not supported ---
DIVX5_MOBILE                   --- not supported ---
DIVX5_HOME_THEATER             --- not supported ---
DIVX5_HD_1080P                 --- not supported ---
H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE      41 65536  4032  4080
H264_EXTENDED                  --- not supported ---
H264_PROGRESSIVE_HIGH          --- not supported ---
H264_CONSTRAINED_HIGH          --- not supported ---
H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE       --- not supported ---
VP9_PROFILE_0                  --- not supported ---
VP9_PROFILE_1                  --- not supported ---
VP9_PROFILE_2                  --- not supported ---
VP9_PROFILE_3                  --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN                      --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_10                   --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_STILL                --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_12                   --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_444                  --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_444_10               --- not supported ---
HEVC_MAIN_444_12               --- not supported ---
AV1_MAIN                       --- not supported ---
AV1_HIGH                       --- not supported ---
AV1_PROFESSIONAL               --- not supported ---

Output surface:

name              width height nat types
B8G8R8A8         16384 16384    y  NV12 YV12 UYVY YUYV Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 P010 P016 A4I4 I4A4 A8I8 I8A8 
R8G8B8A8         16384 16384    y  NV12 YV12 UYVY YUYV Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 P010 P016 A4I4 I4A4 A8I8 I8A8 
R10G10B10A2      16384 16384    y  NV12 YV12 UYVY YUYV Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 P010 P016 A4I4 I4A4 A8I8 I8A8 
B10G10R10A2      16384 16384    y  NV12 YV12 UYVY YUYV Y8U8V8A8 V8U8Y8A8 P010 P016 A4I4 I4A4 A8I8 I8A8 

Bitmap surface:

name              width height
B8G8R8A8         16384 16384
R8G8B8A8         16384 16384
R10G10B10A2      16384 16384
B10G10R10A2      16384 16384
A8               16384 16384

Video mixer:

feature name                    sup
INVERSE_TELECINE                 -
NOISE_REDUCTION                  y
SHARPNESS                        y
LUMA_KEY                         y

parameter name                  sup      min      max
VIDEO_SURFACE_WIDTH              y        48     4032
VIDEO_SURFACE_HEIGHT             y        48     4080
CHROMA_TYPE                      y  
LAYERS                           y         0        4

attribute name                  sup      min      max
BACKGROUND_COLOR                 y  
CSC_MATRIX                       y  
NOISE_REDUCTION_LEVEL            y      0.00     1.00
SHARPNESS_LEVEL                  y     -1.00     1.00
LUMA_KEY_MIN_LUMA                y  
LUMA_KEY_MAX_LUMA                y  

Output of /usr/lib/dri:
=> I have some doubts here, the symlinks don't make sense to me since I don't use Nvidia

total 517M
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  18 Jul 12 21:26 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  18 Jul 12 21:26 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 83K Jul 12 21:26
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09

Partial output of glxinfo:

name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions:
    GLX_ARB_context_flush_control, GLX_ARB_create_context, 
    GLX_ARB_create_context_no_error, GLX_ARB_create_context_profile, 
    GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness, GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float, 
    GLX_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB, GLX_ARB_multisample, 
    GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile, GLX_EXT_create_context_es_profile, 
    GLX_EXT_fbconfig_packed_float, GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, 
    GLX_EXT_get_drawable_type, GLX_EXT_libglvnd, GLX_EXT_no_config_context, 
    GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, 
    GLX_INTEL_swap_event, GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer, GLX_OML_swap_method, 
    GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, 
    GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group, GLX_SGI_make_current_read, 
client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI

Finally a dump from journalctl:

Aug 11 18:49:05 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo: fault 00 [READ] at 00000000013be000 engine 10 [MSVLD] client 0d [HUB/MSVLD] reason 05 [PRIV_VIOLATION] on channel 12 [003f809000 >
Aug 11 18:49:05 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo:000003:000c:[vlc[21533]] rc scheduled
Aug 11 18:49:05 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo:000003: rc scheduled
Aug 11 18:49:05 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo:000003:000c:000c:[vlc[21533]] errored - disabling channel
Aug 11 18:49:05 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: vlc[21499]: channel 12 killed!
Aug 11 18:49:05 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: vlc[21499]: push 0 buffer not in list
Aug 11 18:49:05 central kernel: vlc[21533]: segfault at 7df000000000 ip 00007ddc7a5cfaf7 sp 00007ddc63bfc2e0 error 4 in[7ddc79c14000+15ad000] likely on CPU 2 (core 2, socket >
Aug 11 18:49:05 central kernel: Code: 00 00 00 41 8b 06 48 8b 75 b0 4c 8d 05 58 c5 c1 00 48 8d 15 63 7b c7 00 49 8b 5e 08 4d 8b 66 10 48 8d 04 80 45 8b 0e 8b 4d bc <4c> 8b 14 c6 4a 8d 04 23>
Aug 11 18:49:05 central systemd-coredump[21543]: Process 21499 (vlc) of user 1000 terminated abnormally with signal 11/SEGV, processing...
Aug 11 18:49:05 central systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 21543/UID 0).
Aug 11 18:49:06 central systemd-coredump[21544]: [?] Process 21499 (vlc) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21533:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddc7a5cfaf7 n/a ( + 0x9cfaf7)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddc7a5d2093 n/a ( + 0x9d2093)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddc7a5d2935 n/a ( + 0x9d2935)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddc7ab5cf87 n/a ( + 0xf5cf87)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddc7ab5b0b3 n/a ( + 0xf5b0b3)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddc49c2151d n/a ( + 0x2151d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddc6a349ab5 n/a ( + 0x749ab5)
                                                 #7  0x00007ddc69ef389a n/a ( + 0x2f389a)
                                                 #8  0x00007ddc69e24e9d n/a ( + 0x224e9d)
                                                 #9  0x00007ddc69e261e8 avcodec_send_packet ( + 0x2261e8)
                                                 #10 0x00007ddc784dee77 n/a ( + 0x9e77)
                                                 #11 0x00007ddcc5db3457 n/a ( + 0x4e457)
                                                 #12 0x00007ddcc5db2e68 n/a ( + 0x4de68)
                                                 #13 0x00007ddcc5db395c n/a ( + 0x4e95c)
                                                 #14 0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #15 0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21503:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f8263d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc317092d n/a ( + 0xbe92d)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc310dfc5 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5bfc5)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcab4fa37f _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2fa37f)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcab4a382c _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2a382c)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcab4afbfd _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv ( + 0x2afbfd)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcbcde6e45 n/a ( + 0x1e6e45)
                                                 #7  0x00007ddcbcc9563a n/a ( + 0x9563a)
                                                 #8  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #9  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21504:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f8263d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc317092d n/a ( + 0xbe92d)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc310dfc5 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5bfc5)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcab4fa37f _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2fa37f)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcab4a382c _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x2a382c)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcab2f277d _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0xf277d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc1ef6b23 n/a ( + 0x17b23)
                                                 #7  0x00007ddcab2f261b n/a ( + 0xf261b)
                                                 #8  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #9  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21501:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc5d9a46a n/a ( + 0x3546a)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21502:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f8263d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc2de1f1e n/a ( + 0xcf1e)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21500:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f8263d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc2d8d9b7 n/a ( + 0x339b7)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc2d7745c pa_mainloop_poll ( + 0x1d45c)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc2d8161c pa_mainloop_iterate ( + 0x2761c)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc2d816d1 pa_mainloop_run ( + 0x276d1)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc2d91bf2 n/a ( + 0x37bf2)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc2d2f2b7 n/a ( + 0x5c2b7)
                                                 #7  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #8  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21505:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f8263d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc2c2e20b n/a ( + 0xd20b)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc2c2ff3d xcb_wait_for_event ( + 0xef3d)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcbc174dd1 n/a ( + 0x5ddd1)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcab2f261b n/a ( + 0xf261b)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21510:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a7e2 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x937e2)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcab2edae0 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0xedae0)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcab2f39ba n/a ( + 0xf39ba)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcab2f261b n/a ( + 0xf261b)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21506:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f8e1fd syscall ( + 0x1171fd)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc3169a10 g_cond_wait ( + 0xb7a10)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc30d790c n/a ( + 0x2590c)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc31436b7 n/a ( + 0x916b7)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc313e266 n/a ( + 0x8c266)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21539:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a7e2 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x937e2)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc5e1cec4 vlc_cond_timedwait ( + 0xb7ec4)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc5de8ca5 n/a ( + 0x83ca5)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21499:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5eb4e58 __sigtimedwait ( + 0x3de58)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5eb452c sigwait ( + 0x3d52c)
                                                 #2  0x00005795210a5419 n/a (vlc + 0x1419)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc5e9ce08 n/a ( + 0x25e08)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc5e9cecc __libc_start_main ( + 0x25ecc)
                                                 #5  0x00005795210a54e5 n/a (vlc + 0x14e5)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21515:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddc79ca362e n/a ( + 0xa362e)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddc79c8060c n/a ( + 0x8060c)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddc79ca355d n/a ( + 0xa355d)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21528:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc5db5660 n/a ( + 0x50660)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc5e31360 n/a ( + 0xcc360)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc5dbdda9 n/a ( + 0x58da9)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5da7706 n/a ( + 0x42706)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5dc1219 n/a ( + 0x5c219)
                                                 #7  0x00007ddc78b935d2 n/a ( + 0x25d2)
                                                 #8  0x00007ddc78b97b48 n/a ( + 0x6b48)
                                                 #9  0x00007ddcc5dccc93 n/a ( + 0x67c93)
                                                 #10 0x00007ddcc5dcdd97 n/a ( + 0x68d97)
                                                 #11 0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #12 0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21507:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f8263d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc317092d n/a ( + 0xbe92d)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc310dfc5 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5bfc5)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc310e01a n/a ( + 0x5c01a)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc313e266 n/a ( + 0x8c266)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21526:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a7e2 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x937e2)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc5e1cec4 vlc_cond_timedwait ( + 0xb7ec4)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc5e07b85 n/a ( + 0xa2b85)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21511:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a7e2 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x937e2)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcab2edae0 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0xedae0)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcab2f39ba n/a ( + 0xf39ba)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcab2f261b n/a ( + 0xf261b)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21508:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f8263d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc317092d n/a ( + 0xbe92d)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc310f7b7 g_main_loop_run ( + 0x5d7b7)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddca9545574 n/a ( + 0x112574)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc313e266 n/a ( + 0x8c266)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21512:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a7e2 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x937e2)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcab2edae0 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0xedae0)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcab2f39ba n/a ( + 0xf39ba)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcab2f261b n/a ( + 0xf261b)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21513:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a7e2 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x937e2)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcab2edae0 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0xedae0)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcab2f39ba n/a ( + 0xf39ba)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcab2f261b n/a ( + 0xf261b)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21529:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a7e2 pthread_cond_timedwait ( + 0x937e2)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc5e1cec4 vlc_cond_timedwait ( + 0xb7ec4)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc5e07b85 n/a ( + 0xa2b85)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21514:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc5e1d5b9 n/a ( + 0xb85b9)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 21534:
                                                 #0  0x00007ddcc5f07a19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                                                 #1  0x00007ddcc5f0a479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                                                 #2  0x00007ddcc5db1cb1 n/a ( + 0x4ccb1)
                                                 #3  0x00007ddc69546617 n/a ( + 0x1617)
                                                 #4  0x00007ddcc5db3457 n/a ( + 0x4e457)
                                                 #5  0x00007ddcc5db2e2e n/a ( + 0x4de2e)
                                                 #6  0x00007ddcc5db395c n/a ( + 0x4e95c)
                                                 #7  0x00007ddcc5f0b39d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #8  0x00007ddcc5f9049c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

Aug 11 18:49:21 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: vlc[21499]: failed to idle channel 14 [vlc[21499]]
Aug 11 18:49:21 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo: fault 00 [READ] at 000000000160c000 engine 09 [HOST2] client 06 [HUB/HOST] reason 02 [PTE] on channel 14 [003f807000 vlc[21533]]
Aug 11 18:49:21 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo:000002:000e:[vlc[21533]] rc scheduled
Aug 11 18:49:21 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo:000002: rc scheduled


#2 2024-08-11 20:27:20

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

Remove xf86-video-nouveau and I'd most likely rather try VAAPI and most certainly not libva-vdpau-driver w/ nouveau. VDPAU is only critical for the binary nvidia drivers.

Speaking of which: Any reason you're not using the 470xx drivers?


#3 2024-08-11 21:25:50

Registered: 2024-08-11
Posts: 7

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

Thanks for that. I think there is some progress.

seth wrote:

Speaking of which: Any reason you're not using the 470xx drivers?

It's just that I prefer open source and I had a bad experience with Nvidia drivers in the past.

I uninstalled xf86-video-nouveau and I also removed mesa-vdpau and vdpauinfo (sorry if I misunderstood).

But when I reboot my desktop does not load, and I only have console access sad
I found this line in journalctl:

Aug 11 20:46:30 central systemd[1]: Failed to start Light Display Manager.

So I reinstalled xf86-video-nouveau, and I can again log in to my desktop smile and this error goes away hmm

Good news: VLC works now, I can play movies but I still have errors in cli:

VLC media player 3.0.21 Vetinari (revision 3.0.21-0-gdd8bfdbabe8)
[00005883220ab520] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[0000588322141ed0] main playlist: playlist is empty
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

[00007d1e88001f50] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
[00007d1e8405ffe0] main video output error: video output creation failed
[00007d1e94c15180] main decoder error: failed to create video output
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

CPU utilization has diminished, so video acceleration seems to be taking place.

On the other hand Smplayer still has issues and crashes:

/usr/bin/mpv --no-quiet --terminal --no-msg-color --input-ipc-server=/tmp/smplayer-mpv-f19 --msg-level=ffmpeg/demuxer=error --video-rotate=no --no-config --no-fs --vd-lavc-threads=2 --hwdec=auto --sub-auto=fuzzy --audio-device=pulse/alsa_output.usb-GN_Netcom_A_S_Jabra_EVOLVE_LINK_000FD835705E0A-00.analog-stereo --ao=pulse, --no-stop-screensaver --no-input-default-bindings --input-vo-keyboard=no --no-input-cursor --cursor-autohide=no --no-keepaspect --wid=73400357 --monitorpixelaspect=1 --osd-level=0 --osd-scale=1 --osd-bar-align-y=0.6 --sub-ass --embeddedfonts --sub-ass-line-spacing=0 --sub-scale=1 --sub-font=Arial --sub-color=#ffffffff --sub-shadow-color=#ff000000 --sub-border-color=#ff000000 --sub-border-size=0.75 --sub-shadow-offset=2.5 --sub-font-size=50 --sub-bold=no --sub-italic=no --sub-margin-y=8 --sub-margin-x=20 --sub-codepage=ISO-8859-1 --vid=1 --sid=auto --sub-pos=100 --volume=60 --cache=auto --start=1549 --screenshot-template=cap_%F_%p_%02n --screenshot-format=jpg --screenshot-directory=/home/kate/Pictures/smplayer_screenshots --audio-pitch-correction=yes --volume-max=110 --term-playing-msg=MPV_VERSION=${=mpv-version:}
 --audio-client-name=SMPlayer --term-status-msg=STATUS: ${=time-pos} / ${=duration:${=length:0}} P: ${=pause} B: ${=paused-for-cache} I: ${=core-idle} VB: ${=video-bitrate:0} AB: ${=audio-bitrate:0} /home/kate/Downloads/HTTP_3-yGTtzcfHcdo.mkv

 (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (vp9 1920x1080 29.970fps)
 (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac 2ch 44100Hz)
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1
Cannot load
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device
nouveau: ch11: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 2 relocs 0
nouveau: ch11: buf 00000000 0000000c 00000004 00000004 00000000 0x787efc49e000 0x900000 0x80000
nouveau: ch11: buf 00000001 00000018 00000002 00000000 00000002 (nil) 0xf03000 0x8000
nouveau: ch11: psh 00000000 0000001a20 0000001a84
nouveau: 	0x20040360
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x200203fd
nouveau: 	0x00800000
nouveau: 	0x00800000
nouveau: 	0x20010487
nouveau: 	0x00000001
nouveau: 	0x20090200
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00f03000
nouveau: 	0x00000080
nouveau: 	0x00000080
nouveau: 	0x000000d5
nouveau: 	0x00000040
nouveau: 	0x00000001
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x80000574
nouveau: 	0x80010556
nouveau: 	0x60010674
nouveau: 	0x0000003c
nouveau: 	0x80010556
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device
nouveau: ch11: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 0 relocs 0

Thunderbird still shows the same errors in cli but works nonetheless:

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1


#4 2024-08-11 21:31:57

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

Xorg config: I have this file as suggested in wiki which has always worked: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nouveau.conf

will prevent X11 from starting when removing that driver and it's also not necessary to use the driver when it's installed. Remove that.

For smplayer, check what hw acceleration is configured and make sure it's VAAPI
Also are you using mpv or mplayer as backend? Can you play video w/ those directly? (You might have to configure their hw acceleration settings)


#5 2024-08-11 22:48:07

Registered: 2024-08-11
Posts: 7

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

seth wrote:

Also are you using mpv or mplayer as backend? Can you play video w/ those directly? (You might have to configure their hw acceleration settings)

The backend for Smplayer is mpv.

I noticed that mpv actually works with .AVI files, it's the other formats that are causing problems.

Even after setting hardware decoding to vaapi, Smplayer crashes:

/usr/bin/mpv --no-quiet --terminal --no-msg-color --input-ipc-server=/tmp/smplayer-mpv-382e --msg-level=ffmpeg/demuxer=error --video-rotate=no --no-config --no-fs --vd-lavc-threads=2 --hwdec=vaapi --sub-auto=fuzzy --audio-device=pulse/alsa_output.usb-GN_Netcom_A_S_Jabra_EVOLVE_LINK_000FD835705E0A-00.analog-stereo --ao=pulse, --no-stop-screensaver --no-input-default-bindings --input-vo-keyboard=no --no-input-cursor --cursor-autohide=no --no-keepaspect --wid=106954783 --monitorpixelaspect=1 --osd-level=0 --osd-scale=1 --osd-bar-align-y=0.6 --sub-ass --embeddedfonts --sub-ass-line-spacing=0 --sub-scale=1 --sub-font=Arial --sub-color=#ffffffff --sub-shadow-color=#ff000000 --sub-border-color=#ff000000 --sub-border-size=0.75 --sub-shadow-offset=2.5 --sub-font-size=50 --sub-bold=no --sub-italic=no --sub-margin-y=8 --sub-margin-x=20 --sub-codepage=ISO-8859-1 --vid=1 --sid=auto --sub-pos=100 --volume=96 --cache=auto --start=1694 --screenshot-template=cap_%F_%p_%02n --screenshot-format=jpg --screenshot-directory=/home/kate/Pictures/smplayer_screenshots --audio-pitch-correction=yes --volume-max=110 --term-playing-msg=MPV_VERSION=${=mpv-version:}
 --audio-client-name=SMPlayer --term-status-msg=STATUS: ${=time-pos} / ${=duration:${=length:0}} P: ${=pause} B: ${=paused-for-cache} I: ${=core-idle} VB: ${=video-bitrate:0} AB: ${=audio-bitrate:0} /home/kate/Downloads/Philippe Laulheret - Intro to Hardware Hacking - DEF CON 27 Conference-HuCbr2588-w.mp4

 (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1280x720 15.000fps)
 (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac 1ch 44100Hz)
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device
nouveau: ch15: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 2 relocs 0
nouveau: ch15: buf 00000000 0000000c 00000004 00000004 00000000 0x73c8b84ff000 0x900000 0x80000
nouveau: ch15: buf 00000001 00000018 00000002 00000000 00000002 (nil) 0xf03000 0x8000
nouveau: ch15: psh 00000000 0000001a20 0000001a84
nouveau: 	0x20040360
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x200203fd
nouveau: 	0x00800000
nouveau: 	0x00800000
nouveau: 	0x20010487
nouveau: 	0x00000001
nouveau: 	0x20090200
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00f03000
nouveau: 	0x00000080
nouveau: 	0x00000080
nouveau: 	0x000000d5
nouveau: 	0x00000040
nouveau: 	0x00000001
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x80000574
nouveau: 	0x80010556
nouveau: 	0x60010674
nouveau: 	0x0000003c
nouveau: 	0x80010556
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device
nouveau: ch15: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 0 relocs 0

If I run mpv like this:

mpv  --hwdec=vaapi  movie.mp4

It crashes.

 (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (hevc 1920x1080 25.000fps)
 (+) Audio --aid=1 (*) (aac 1ch 44100Hz)
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

Cannot load
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device
nouveau: ch14: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 2 relocs 0
nouveau: ch14: buf 00000000 0000000c 00000004 00000004 00000000 0x74f0dc7fc000 0x900000 0x80000
nouveau: ch14: buf 00000001 00000018 00000002 00000000 00000002 (nil) 0xf03000 0x8000
nouveau: ch14: psh 00000000 0000001a20 0000001a84
nouveau: 	0x20040360
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x200203fd
nouveau: 	0x00800000
nouveau: 	0x00800000
nouveau: 	0x20010487
nouveau: 	0x00000001
nouveau: 	0x20090200
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00f03000
nouveau: 	0x00000080
nouveau: 	0x00000080
nouveau: 	0x000000d5
nouveau: 	0x00000040
nouveau: 	0x00000001
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x00000000
nouveau: 	0x80000574
nouveau: 	0x80010556
nouveau: 	0x60010674
nouveau: 	0x0000003c
nouveau: 	0x80010556
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device
nouveau: ch14: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 0 relocs 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

But if I run the exact command with the -v flag, the movie plays, in spite of showing errors roll

[cplayer] Command line options: '-v' '--hwdec=auto' 'movie.mp4'
[cplayer] mpv v0.38.0-dirty Copyright © 2000-2024 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[cplayer]  built on Jul  3 2024 05:59:22
[cplayer] libplacebo version: v7.349.0
[cplayer] FFmpeg version: n7.0.1
[cplayer] FFmpeg library versions:
[cplayer]    libavutil       59.8.100
[cplayer]    libavcodec      61.3.100
[cplayer]    libavformat     61.1.100
[cplayer]    libswscale      8.1.100
[cplayer]    libavfilter     10.1.100
[cplayer]    libswresample   5.1.100
[cplayer] Configuration: -Db_pie=true -Dpython.bytecompile=1 -Dlibmpv=true -Dgl-x11=enabled -Dcaca=disabled -Dcdda=enabled -Ddvbin=enabled -Ddvdnav=enabled -Dlibarchive=enabled -Dopenal=enabled -Dprefix=/usr -Dlibexecdir=lib -Dsbindir=bin -Dauto_features=auto -Dbuildtype=plain -Dwrap_mode=nodownload
[cplayer] List of enabled features: alsa av-channel-layout avif-muxer build-date cdda cplugins cuda-hwaccel cuda-interop dmabuf-interop-gl dmabuf-wayland drm dvbin dvdnav egl egl-drm egl-wayland egl-x11 ffmpeg ffnvcodec gbm gl gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gpl iconv jack javascript jpeg jpegxl lavu-uuid lcms2 libarchive libass libavdevice libbluray libdl libplacebo linux-fstatfs luajit memfd-create openal pipewire posix posix-shm ppoll pthread-condattr-setclock pulse rubberband rubberband-3 sixel uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-wayland vaapi-x11 vapoursynth vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vector vk-khr-display vt.h vulkan vulkan-interop wayland wayland-protocols-1-27 wayland-protocols-1-31 wayland-protocols-1-32 x11 xv zimg zimg-st428 zlib
[cplayer] Reading config file /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[ifo_dvdnav] Opening /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[bdmv/bluray] Opening /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[file] Opening /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[cplayer] Applying profile 'default'...
[cplayer] Setting option 'v' = '' (flags = 8)
[cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec' = 'auto' (flags = 8)
[cplayer] Waiting for scripts...
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/visibility="auto" -> 1
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"t":0,"r":0,"b":0} -> 1
[cplayer] Done loading scripts.
[cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_before_start_file
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[ytdl_hook] ytdl:// hook
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"t":0,"r":0,"b":0} -> 1
[ytdl_hook] not a ytdl:// url
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[ytdl_hook] playlist hook
[cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_load
[ifo_dvdnav] Opening movie.mp4
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"t":0,"r":0,"b":0} -> 1
[bdmv/bluray] Opening movie.mp4
[file] Opening movie.mp4
[demux] Trying demuxers for level=normal.
[osd/libass] libass API version: 0x1703000
[osd/libass] libass source: commit: 0.17.3-0-ge46aedea0a0d17da4c4ef49d84b94a7994664ab5-dirty
[osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.15 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 9.0.0 (COMPLEX)
[osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[lavf] Found 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2' at score=100 size=2048.
[file] stream level seek from 668966 to 30362726
[demux] Detected file format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 (libavformat)
[cplayer] Opening done: movie.mp4
[osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[osd/libass] Done.
[find_files] Loading external files in /home/kate/Downloads/
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded
[cplayer] Running hook: auto_profiles/on_preloaded
[lavf] select track 0
[lavf] select track 1
[cplayer]  (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (hevc 1920x1080 25.000fps)
[cplayer]  (+) Audio --aid=1 (*) (aac 1ch 44100Hz)
[vo/gpu] Probing for best GPU context.
[vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing GPU context 'wayland'
[vo/gpu/opengl] Initializing GPU context 'x11egl'
[vo/gpu/x11] X11 opening display: :0.0
[vo/gpu/x11] Display 0 (HDMI-1): [0, 0, 1920, 1080] @ 60.000000 FPS
[vo/gpu/x11] Current display FPS: 60.000000
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

[vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VERSION=1.5
[vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_VENDOR=Mesa Project
[vo/gpu/opengl] EGL_CLIENT_APIS=OpenGL OpenGL_ES 
[vo/gpu/opengl] Trying to create Desktop OpenGL context.
[vo/gpu/opengl] Choosing visual EGL config 0x11, visual ID 0x21
[vo/gpu/x11] The XPresent extension was found.
[vo/gpu/x11] XPresent enabled.
[vo/gpu/opengl] GL_VERSION='4.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.1.5-arch1.1'
[vo/gpu/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 4.3.
[vo/gpu/opengl] GL_VENDOR='Mesa'
[vo/gpu/opengl] GL_RENDERER='NV106'
[vo/gpu/opengl] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='4.30'
[vo/gpu/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_buffer_storage.
[vo/gpu/opengl] Loaded extension GL_NV_vdpau_interop.
[vo/gpu/opengl] Loaded extension GL_KHR_debug.
[vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[vo/gpu] Assuming 60.000000 FPS for display sync.
[vd] Container reported FPS: 25.000000
[vd] Codec list:
[vd]     hevc - HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding)
[vd]     hevc_qsv (hevc) - HEVC video (Intel Quick Sync Video acceleration)
[vd]     hevc_v4l2m2m (hevc) - V4L2 mem2mem HEVC decoder wrapper
[vd]     hevc_cuvid (hevc) - Nvidia CUVID HEVC decoder
[vd] Opening decoder hevc
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc-nvdec...
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec drivers for format: 'cuda'
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec driver 'cuda'
Cannot load
[vo/gpu/cuda] Failed to load CUDA symbols
[vo/gpu] Loading failed.
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc-vaapi...
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec drivers for format: 'vaapi'
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec driver 'vaapi'
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Using EGL dmabuf interop via GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Trying to open a x11 VA display...
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] libva: VA-API version 1.22.0
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_22
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
[vo/gpu/vaapi/vaapi] Initialized VAAPI: version 1.22
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Going to probe surface formats (may log bogus errors)...
[vo/gpu/vaapi] Done probing surface formats.
[vd] Trying hardware decoding via hevc-vaapi.
[vd] Selected codec: HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding)
[vf] User filter list:
[vf]   (empty)
[ad] Codec list:
[ad]     aac - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ad]     aac_fixed (aac) - AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[ad] Opening decoder aac
[ad] Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
[ad] Selected codec: AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
[af] User filter list:
[af]   (empty)
[cplayer] Starting playback...
[file] stream level seek from 30362802 to 555534
[af] [in] 44100Hz mono 1ch floatp
[af] [userspeed] 44100Hz mono 1ch floatp
[af] [userspeed] (disabled)
[af] [convert] 44100Hz mono 1ch floatp
[vd] Pixel formats supported by decoder: vaapi vdpau cuda vulkan yuv420p
[vd] Codec profile: Main (0x1)
[ffmpeg/video] hevc: No support for codec hevc profile 1.
[vd] Hardware decoding of this stream is unsupported?
[vd] Requesting pixfmt 'yuv420p' from decoder.
[vd] Attempting next decoding method after failure of hevc-vaapi.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc-vdpau...
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec drivers for format: 'vdpau'
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec driver 'vdpau-gl'
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[vo/gpu/vdpau-gl] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 1
[vo/gpu] Loading failed.
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc-nvdec-copy...
[ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Cannot load
[ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Could not dynamically load CUDA
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc-vaapi-copy...
[vaapi] libva: VA-API version 1.22.0
[vaapi] libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
[vaapi] libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_22
[vaapi] libva: va_openDriver() returns 0
[vaapi] Initialized VAAPI: version 1.22
[vd] Trying hardware decoding via hevc-vaapi-copy.
[vd] Pixel formats supported by decoder: vaapi vdpau cuda vulkan yuv420p
[vd] Codec profile: Main (0x1)
[vd] Requesting pixfmt 'vaapi' from decoder.
[ffmpeg/video] hevc: No support for codec hevc profile 1.
[ffmpeg/video] hevc: Failed setup for format vaapi: hwaccel initialisation returned error.
[vd] Pixel formats supported by decoder: vdpau cuda vulkan yuv420p yuv420p
[vd] Codec profile: Main (0x1)
[vd] Requesting pixfmt 'yuv420p' from decoder.
[vd] Attempting next decoding method after failure of hevc-vaapi-copy.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc-vdpau-copy...
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[vd] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 1
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc-vulkan...
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec drivers for format: 'vulkan'
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec driver 'vulkan'
[vo/gpu/vulkan] This is not a libplacebo vulkan gpu api context.
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc_qsv-qsv...
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec drivers for format: 'qsv'
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc_cuvid-cuda...
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec drivers for format: 'cuda'
[vo/gpu] Loading hwdec driver 'cuda'
Cannot load
[vo/gpu/cuda] Failed to load CUDA symbols
[vo/gpu] Loading failed.
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc-vulkan-copy...
[ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Instance creation failure: VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc_qsv-qsv-copy...
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc_cuvid-cuda-copy...
[ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Cannot load
[ffmpeg] AVHWDeviceContext: Could not dynamically load CUDA
[vd] Could not create device.
[vd] Looking at hwdec hevc_v4l2m2m-v4l2m2m-copy...
[vd] Trying hardware decoding via hevc_v4l2m2m-v4l2m2m-copy.
[vd] Using underlying hw-decoder 'hevc_v4l2m2m'
[ffmpeg/video] hevc_v4l2m2m: Could not find a valid device
[ffmpeg/video] hevc_v4l2m2m: can't configure decoder
[vd] Could not open codec.
[vd] Attempting next decoding method after failure of hevc_v4l2m2m-v4l2m2m-copy.
[vd] Using software decoding.
[vd] Detected 12 logical cores.
[vd] Requesting 13 threads for decoding.
[vo/gpu] DR path suspected slow/uncached, disabling.
[vd] DR failed - disabling.
[vd] Using software decoding.
[vd] Decoder format: 1920x1080 [8001:8000] yuv420p auto/auto/auto/limited/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0
[vd] Using container aspect ratio.
[vf] [in] 1920x1080 [8001:8000] yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0
[vf] [userdeint] 1920x1080 [8001:8000] yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0
[vf] [userdeint] (disabled)
[vf] [autorotate] 1920x1080 [8001:8000] yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0
[vf] [autorotate] (disabled)
[vf] [convert] 1920x1080 [8001:8000] yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0
[vf] [convert] (disabled)
[vf] [out] 1920x1080 [8001:8000] yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0
[osd/libass] libass API version: 0x1703000
[osd/libass] libass source: commit: 0.17.3-0-ge46aedea0a0d17da4c4ef49d84b94a7994664ab5-dirty
[osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.15 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 9.0.0 (COMPLEX)
[osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[osd/libass] Done.
[ao] Trying audio driver 'pipewire'
[ao/pipewire] requested format: 44100 Hz, mono channels, floatp
[ao/pipewire] Headers version: 1.2.0
[ao/pipewire] Library version: 1.2.2
[ao/pipewire] Core user: kate
[ao/pipewire] Core host: central
[ao/pipewire] Core version: 1.2.2
[ao/pipewire] Core name: pipewire-0
[ao/pipewire] PipeWire does not have any audio sinks, skipping
[ao] Trying audio driver 'pulse'
[ao/pulse] requested format: 44100 Hz, mono channels, floatp
[ao/pulse] Library version: 17.0.0
[ao/pulse] Proto: 35
[ao/pulse] Server proto: 4294967295
[ao/pulse] Channel layouts:
[ao/pulse]  - #fl
[ao/pulse]  - #fr
[ao/pulse]  - #fc
[ao/pulse]  - #lfe
[ao/pulse]  - #bl
[ao/pulse]  - #br
[ao/pulse]  - #flc
[ao/pulse]  - #frc
[ao/pulse]  - #bc
[ao/pulse]  - #sl
[ao/pulse]  - #sr
[ao/pulse]  - #tc
[ao/pulse]  - #tfl
[ao/pulse]  - #tfc
[ao/pulse]  - #tfr
[ao/pulse]  - #tbl
[ao/pulse]  - #tbc
[ao/pulse]  - #tbr
[ao/pulse] result: mono
[ao/pulse] device buffer: 4410 samples.
[ao/pulse] using soft-buffer of 8820 samples.
[cplayer] AO: [pulse] 44100Hz mono 1ch float
[cplayer] AO: Description: PulseAudio audio output
[autoconvert] inserting resampler
[swresample] format change, reinitializing resampler
[swresample] 44100Hz mono floatp -> 44100Hz mono float
[af] [out] 44100Hz mono 1ch float
[cplayer] VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 => 1920x1080 yuv420p
[cplayer] VO: Description: Shader-based GPU Renderer
[vo/gpu] reconfig to 1920x1080 [8001:8000] yuv420p bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited/display CL=mpeg2/4/h264 crop=1920x1080+0+0
[vo/gpu/x11] not waiting for MapNotify
[vo/gpu] Resize: 1920x1022
[vo/gpu] Window size: 1920x1022 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[vo/gpu] Video source: 1920x1080 (8001:8000)
[vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (52, 0) 1816x1022
[vo/gpu] Video scale: 0.945833/0.946296
[vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=52 t=0 r=52 b=0
[vo/gpu] Video borders: l=52 t=0 r=52 b=0
[vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 8
[vo/gpu] Texture for plane 0: 1920x1080
[vo/gpu] Texture for plane 1: 960x540
[vo/gpu] Texture for plane 2: 960x540
[vo/gpu] Testing FBO format rgba16f
[vo/gpu] Using FBO format rgba16f.
[vo/gpu] Resize: 1920x1022
[vo/gpu] Window size: 1920x1022 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[vo/gpu] Video source: 1920x1080 (8001:8000)
[vo/gpu] Video display: (0, 0) 1920x1080 -> (52, 0) 1816x1022
[vo/gpu] Video scale: 0.945833/0.946296
[vo/gpu] OSD borders: l=52 t=0 r=52 b=0
[vo/gpu] Video borders: l=52 t=0 r=52 b=0
[vo/gpu] Reported display depth: 8
[vo/gpu] Dither to 8.
[cplayer] first video frame after restart shown
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"t":0,"r":0,"b":0} -> 1
[cplayer] audio ready
[cplayer] starting audio playback
[cplayer] playback restart complete @ 0.000000, audio=playing, video=playing
[vo/gpu/x11] Disabling screensaver.
[ao/pulse] starting AO
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"t":0,"r":0,"b":0} -> 1
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"t":0,"r":0,"b":0} -> 1
[osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf, 0, NotoSans-Regular
[osd/libass] fontselect: (mpv-osd-symbols, 400, 0) -> mpv-osd-symbols-Regular, 0, mpv-osd-symbols-Regular
[vo/gpu] Reallocating OSD texture to 2048x256.
[cplayer] Set property: user-data/osc/margins={"l":0,"t":0,"r":0,"b":0} -> 1
[cplayer] EOF code: 5  
[statusline] AV: 00:00:03 / 00:35:25 (0%) A-V:  0.000 Dropped: 19
[cplayer] finished playback, success (reason 3)
[cplayer] Exiting... (Quit)
[vo/gpu/x11] Enabling screensaver.

I am slightly concerned with these errors, I think there is still something rotten:

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1
nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: No such device


#6 2024-08-12 07:46:38

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

[ffmpeg/video] hevc_v4l2m2m: Could not find a valid device
[ffmpeg/video] hevc_v4l2m2m: can't configure decoder
[vd] Could not open codec.
[vd] Attempting next decoding method after failure of hevc_v4l2m2m-v4l2m2m-copy.
[vd] Using software decoding.

What about some h264 video? You don't have HEVC hardware support - at least not with nouveau.



#7 2024-08-12 12:03:49

Registered: 2024-08-11
Posts: 7

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

seth wrote:

What about some h264 video? You don't have HEVC hardware support - at least not with nouveau.

I realize that nouveau may not have all the features of the proprietary driver but this is machine for development, and I just watch movies from time to time, no games smile Even with VLC running CPU is between 5 and 10%.

I noticed that when the PC goes to sleep and I wake it up, the X session seems to be killed as well, the desktop is visible but all applications have shut down.

Anyway I uninstalled xf86-video-nouveau and I also removed /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nouveau.conf. In this configuration the PC indeed boots without xf86-video-nouveau. I am not sure this will change anything but I don't notice a change in performance smile

I am not familiar with eglinfo but I got a lengthy output that is pasted here:

EDIT: I had to reboot because the desktop has become completely unresponsive. Only the mouse cursor worked. I could access console using Ctrl-alt-F2 and journalctl has plenty of lines like:

Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: TRAP ch 3 [003fc60000 xfwm4[1273]]
Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: GPC0/TPC0/MP trap: global 00000000 [] warp 3e0009 [ILLEGAL_INSTR_ENCODING]
Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: TRAP ch 3 [003fc60000 xfwm4[1273]]
Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: GPC0/TPC0/MP trap: global 00000000 [] warp 3d0009 [ILLEGAL_INSTR_ENCODING]
Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: TRAP ch 3 [003fc60000 xfwm4[1273]]
Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: GPC0/TPC0/MP trap: global 00000000 [] warp 3f0009 [ILLEGAL_INSTR_ENCODING]
Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: TRAP ch 3 [003fc60000 xfwm4[1273]]
Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: GPC0/TPC0/MP trap: global 00000000 [] warp 3c0009 [ILLEGAL_INSTR_ENCODING]
Aug 12 12:25:46 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: gr: TRAP ch 3 [003fc60000 xfwm4[1273]]

Last edited by prima (2024-08-12 12:33:26)


#8 2024-08-12 14:36:25

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

Most likely the xfwm4 caused some hiccup in the kernel module - feel free to try xf86-video-nouveau again

Even with VLC running CPU is between 5 and 10%.

Watching that same HEVC movie?
What does vainfo now look like?

You will most likely have a more stable and performant system w/ the binary nvidia drivers, they're just nasty wrt updates.


#9 2024-08-12 17:22:24

Registered: 2024-08-11
Posts: 7

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

So I reinstalled xf86-video-nouveau and the desktop has not hanged so far. I have not restored /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nouveau.conf.
No progresss with Smplayer, VLC plays movies normally in spite of errors:

VLC media player 3.0.21 Vetinari (revision 3.0.21-0-gdd8bfdbabe8)
[00005fe0f3bd0520] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[00005fe0f3c66f10] main playlist: playlist is empty
[00005fe0f3ca62e0] main audio output error: too low audio sample frequency (0)
[000079311cd3f170] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
[00005fe0f3ca62e0] vlcpulse audio output error: digital pass-through stream connection failure: Not supported
[00005fe0f3ca62e0] main audio output error: module not functional
[000079311cd3f170] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

[0000793110001f50] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaDeriveImage: operation failed
[000079310c0462a0] main video output error: video output creation failed
[000079311cc0f160] main decoder error: failed to create video output
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

vainfo is unchanged:

Trying display: wayland
Trying display: x11
vainfo: VA-API version: 1.22 (libva 2.22.0)
vainfo: Driver version: Mesa Gallium driver 24.1.5-arch1.1 for NV106
vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints
      VAProfileMPEG2Simple            :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileMPEG2Main              :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVC1Simple              :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVC1Main                :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVC1Advanced            :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline:	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264Main               :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264High               :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264High10             :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileNone                   :	VAEntrypointVideoProc

But if I look at the wiki for example I would expect to see a few more lines like this, showing a driver being loaded:

libva info: VA-API version 0.39.4
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_39
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
vainfo: VA-API version: 0.39 (libva 1.7.3)
vainfo: Driver version: Intel i965 driver for Intel(R) Skylake - 1.7.3
vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints
      VAProfileMPEG2Simple            :	VAEntrypointVLD

When I do ls /usr/lib/dri/ I have a hunch the symlinks may not be right:

total 517M
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  18 Jul 12 21:26 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  18 Jul 12 21:26 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 83K Jul 12 21:26
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x  5 root root 16M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09
-rwxr-xr-x 13 root root 34M Jul 31 16:09


#10 2024-08-12 19:56:02

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

I would expect to see a few more lines like this, showing a driver being loaded

vainfo: Driver version: Mesa Gallium driver 24.1.5-arch1.1 for NV106

No progresss with Smplayer, VLC plays movies normally in spite of errors:

Looks like VLC is configured for VDPAU, finds no driver (we removed it) and likely falls back to software decoding - just as mpv w/ --hwdec=auto

You *cannot* decode HEVC in hardware, try to play some h264 with smplayer and then, again, check it's config - smplayer is just a wrapper around mpv, so if mpv can play your videos, so can smplayer - provided you didn't explicitly(?) chose some bad config options. Have you tried to remove the smplayer config?


#11 2024-09-08 17:23:41

Registered: 2024-08-11
Posts: 7

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

Update: there is a bit of progress on my end.
I reinstalled packages like nouveau, mesa*, xorg* and I can now play video.

Smplayer works fine.
VLC works fine but has some console errors. I assume some of the messages relate to the detection of available hardware acceleration options and can be ignored:
(I removed vdpau but kept vaapi)

VLC media player 3.0.21 Vetinari (revision 3.0.21-0-gdd8bfdbabe8)
[00005d085f60b520] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[00005d085f6a1f10] main playlist: playlist is empty
libEGL warning: DRI3: Screen seems not DRI3 capable
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

[000078670c001f50] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
[000078670c001f50] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
[000078670c001f50] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libEGL warning: DRI3: Screen seems not DRI3 capable
libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information

libEGL warning: failed to get driver name for fd -1

My remaining problem is power sleep mode.
When I put the computer on standby and reawaken it, my Xorg session crashes and all open applications are terminated. This is annoying.
Clearly, there is still something rotten in my system but I am unable to figure out the solution.

Output of journalctl:

Sep 06 14:45:48 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo: fault 01 [WRITE] at 0000000000068000 engine 03 [IFB] client 08 [HUB/HOST_CPU_NB] reason 02 [PTE] on channel 2 [003fc62000 Xorg[960]]
Sep 06 14:45:48 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo:000000:0002:[Xorg[960]] rc scheduled
Sep 06 14:45:48 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo:000000: rc scheduled
Sep 06 14:45:48 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo:000000:0002:0002:[Xorg[960]] errored - disabling channel
Sep 06 14:45:48 central kernel: nouveau 0000:07:00.0: fifo: fault 01 [WRITE] at 0000000000068000 engine 03 [IFB] client 08 [HUB/HOST_CPU_NB] reason 02 [PTE] on channel 2 [003fc62000 Xorg[960]]
Sep 06 14:45:49 central systemd-coredump[60206]: Process 960 (Xorg) of user 0 dumped core.
                                                 Stack trace of thread 960:
                                                 #0  0x00007a0a68a263f4 n/a ( + 0x963f4)
                                                 #1  0x00007a0a689cd120 raise ( + 0x3d120)
                                                 #2  0x00007a0a689b44c3 abort ( + 0x244c3)
                                                 #3  0x00005ad608a0fb00 OsAbort (Xorg + 0x14ab00)
                                                 #4  0x00005ad608a0fe3b FatalError (Xorg + 0x14ae3b)
                                                 #5  0x00005ad608a07d46 n/a (Xorg + 0x142d46)
                                                 #6  0x00007a0a689cd1d0 n/a ( + 0x3d1d0)
                                                 #7  0x00007a0a68a263f4 n/a ( + 0x963f4)
                                                 #8  0x00007a0a689cd120 raise ( + 0x3d120)
                                                 #9  0x00007a0a689b44c3 abort ( + 0x244c3)
                                                 #10 0x00007a0a689b43df n/a ( + 0x243df)
                                                 #11 0x00007a0a689c5177 __assert_fail ( + 0x35177)
                                                 #12 0x00007a0a6823fdd8 nouveau_pushbuf_data ( + 0x4dd8)
                                                 #13 0x00007a0a6823fd30 nouveau_pushbuf_data ( + 0x4d30)
                                                 #14 0x00007a0a6823fe4c n/a ( + 0x4e4c)
                                                 #15 0x00007a0a682400ee n/a ( + 0x50ee)
                                                 #16 0x00007a0a68240f1d n/a ( + 0x5f1d)
                                                 #17 0x00007a0a6826974a n/a ( + 0x2474a)
                                                 #18 0x00007a0a67f16a13 n/a ( + 0x6a13)
                                                 #19 0x00007a0a67f1f61c n/a ( + 0xf61c)
                                                 #20 0x00005ad60898514d n/a (Xorg + 0xc014d)
                                                 #21 0x00005ad60898a995 n/a (Xorg + 0xc5995)
                                                 #22 0x00005ad60898f5c9 miCompositeRects (Xorg + 0xca5c9)
                                                 #23 0x00005ad60898e3d4 n/a (Xorg + 0xc93d4)
                                                 #24 0x00005ad6088f500e n/a (Xorg + 0x3000e)
                                                 #25 0x00007a0a689b5e08 n/a ( + 0x25e08)
                                                 #26 0x00007a0a689b5ecc __libc_start_main ( + 0x25ecc)
                                                 #27 0x00005ad6088f55c5 _start (Xorg + 0x305c5)
                                                 Stack trace of thread 997:
                                                 #0  0x00007a0a68aa98b2 epoll_wait ( + 0x1198b2)
                                                 #1  0x00005ad608a02897 n/a (Xorg + 0x13d897)
                                                 #2  0x00005ad608a066e9 n/a (Xorg + 0x1416e9)
                                                 #3  0x00007a0a68a2439d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                                                 #4  0x00007a0a68aa949c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                                                 ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
Sep 06 14:45:51 central dbus-broker-launch[60289]: Ignoring duplicate name 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1' in service file '/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.xfce.Thunar.FileManager1.service'
Sep 06 14:45:51 central dbus-broker-launch[60289]: Ignoring duplicate name 'org.xfce.orage' in service file '/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.xfce.orage.service'

PS: using the proprietary Nvidia driver is not an option because my card is apparently no longer supported.


#12 2024-09-08 19:51:45

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

You could try to remove xf86-video-nouveau
Your GPU is supported by the 470xx driver series,


#13 2024-09-12 12:38:33

Registered: 2024-08-11
Posts: 7

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

Thanks for your comments.
I will have a look at the Nvidia driver, it's just that this thing seems to be legacy, could become unsupported at some point and I'm wary of messing my system hmm

But for the benefit of other people I will add some more remarks.
In the meanwhile I noticed something potentially interesting: if I boot with this in kernel parameter:


it seems that the resume on standby no longer cause xorg to crash smile (But so far I booted only once with this). Probably, there is nothing wrong in my setup, it's just hardware acceleration that is problematic smile

I found the tip here: … p_randomly
I am going to keep this setting in place for a while and see.


#14 2024-09-12 14:46:08

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,570

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

You're effectively running software emulation this way.
For reference, people are still using the 340xx drivers that have been dropped out of support a decade ago or so. And are technically API incompatible w/ current X11 versions.
I'd be unconcerned about the 470xx drivers in this regard.


#15 2024-09-12 14:54:56

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,088

Re: Applications crashing after adding hardware acceleration for nouveau

That's basically disabling any acceleration... the nvidia 470xx legacy splitoff is somewhat recent, and chances that Xorg ABI breaks or that kernel bugs can't be fixed are technically possible but likely to be a bit off still, while you're currently basically not using the card at all anymore

FFFF5Whoops had the comment lying around for a while

Last edited by V1del (2024-09-12 14:56:08)


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