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Does anyone know of a way to stream a radio station and capture the music to a .mp3 file.
I know I used to be able to do it with some package years ago I think it was called streamripper or something like that.
Streamripper seams to be discontinued. The latest info shows 2008.
Last edited by MAYBL8 (2024-08-15 04:14:06)
What kind of "radio station"? UHF?
You can arecord any audio device and feed that into any encoder - but that's in real time (you record what you hear), there're cetainly faster ways to rip some podcast and more efficient ways to dump an mp3 stream.
How about one from like a service called audacy?
This site isn't currently available in the EU
But … rl-streams and it's not covered by …
If you've general access, you'll have to record eg. the PCM output (but that includes re-encoding and you'll also record the pinnnggg from your mail program)
If you're using pipewire check
wpctl status
then try
pw-record --target Firefox wwkb9.flac # mp3 doesn't seem to get encoded, you can transcode it afterwards
If audacy tells you to gfy, you'll need a VPN.
OK that was interesting.
I use vivaldi as my browser so I substituted that which worked fine.
It seems however that it is recording from my microphone not from the speaker.
Must be some setting I need to figure out. But I did get it to capture the sound.
This worked perfect for what I want to do.
Thanks Seth for helping me
This is the line that worked for me
pw-record -P '{ stream.capture.sink=true }' test.flac